The Whining and Bitching Thread

So, I had a conditional offer to study at The University of Edinburgh. All I needed to do was get one A at Higher level (the Scottish equivalent of A Levels). I received my exam results on Tuesday and I got three Cs. I'm pretty sure this is going to hang over me for the rest of my life. I know this isn't the end of the world and I'm already looking at other options but this was a huge opportunity and I went and fucked it up.

You've lost an opportunity to create some proof of your intelligence. So long as you actually have the intelligence and apply it at some stage in life then you needn't worry THAT much.
Personally i've grown weary of discussing UM's death. It gets to a point where it's clear that its inevitable but people don't want to acknowledge it.

Doesn't even matter one way or the other. It's not the only interesting social website in existence.
Just now I heard one of the staff in this coffee shop I'm in say:
- Did you get yourself checked for salmonella?
Answer from another in the staff:
- No.
I'm leaving this place right now.

I hardly talk about anything here anymore. I mainly browse M&F thread and now the Trek thread, but that's about it.

Same really. I occasionally dip into the odd thread in the on-topic parts of GMD, but for the most part, it's a handful of threads in GMD Social I'll visit, really.
The only GMD thread I frequent is the Controversial Opinions thread, because I never grow tired of butthurt internet debates. I was checking the slam thread everyday a few months ago, but I think I've already outgrew that phase in my musical life.