The Whining and Bitching Thread

I would like to live in some really nice huge house in Austria or Switzerland, in some really scenic part, with a beautiful woman, some Slavic brunette I brought there with me, or perhaps some blonde Scandinavian woman, they always seem to be too far left and femifist though and going out with people who are brown (and are against feminism) to be politically correct. Anyway, so I want the perfect wife, the beautiful castle / massively expanded cabin type thing and some cats and then maybe children would be a good idea. Further the chain of excellence. The wife has to good at cooking european food. All of it really, Svíčková, gulas, sunday roast dinner, pizza, pasta, risotto, tartare steak, sausages, roast lamb, everything. She should have feet that are UK size 7 or smaller and be between 5"7 and 5"9 and be slim but curvy with a nice round bum.
Poor Onder. Does it suck so bad to live in a bastard nation of the shithole known as Eastern Europe that you have to hate the little kiddos?
I fucking hate how manipulative my mother can be. I couldn't sleep last night, and I just finished an especially tiring morning shift. She asked me to put some of my dark clothes in a load of laundry, and I said "no, I'm tired." Then she asked again, and I said the same thing. Then she said "then I guess you're too tired to drive later."

I called her out for it. I'm so fucking sick of all that shit she does. When she doesn't get what she wants, she'll just do whatever she can to piss off the person who doesn't let her have it. Even more, she'll try to provoke them until they get really angry, then she'll say some bullshit like "I fear for my life" and then everyone's angry at the person she manipulated.

I can't wait to move out. My stress level will shoot down tremendously.
I hate the whole guilt thing that the women in my family do. They just take it to number 11, jewish style. It does my head in. I have to just leave town for a couple of days and hang out with male friends just to keep my sanity.
I fucking hate how manipulative my mother can be. I couldn't sleep last night, and I just finished an especially tiring morning shift. She asked me to put some of my dark clothes in a load of laundry, and I said "no, I'm tired." Then she asked again, and I said the same thing. Then she said "then I guess you're too tired to drive later."

I called her out for it. I'm so fucking sick of all that shit she does. When she doesn't get what she wants, she'll just do whatever she can to piss off the person who doesn't let her have it. Even more, she'll try to provoke them until they get really angry, then she'll say some bullshit like "I fear for my life" and then everyone's angry at the person she manipulated.

I can't wait to move out. My stress level will shoot down tremendously.

Yep, you definitely need to move out. It's the pitfalls of being an adult and living with parents...they're going to treat you like they did when you weren't an adult. I haven't lived with my parents in 21 years, so when they piss me off I can piss them off back, adult to adult. Last xmas, my dad and stepmom had a huge fit because I am an atheist. I didn't speak to them or let them see their grandchildren for 6 months. Wa-lah, problem solved.
I hate kids too. Rotten little shits.

I fucking hate how manipulative my mother can be. I couldn't sleep last night, and I just finished an especially tiring morning shift. She asked me to put some of my dark clothes in a load of laundry, and I said "no, I'm tired." Then she asked again, and I said the same thing. Then she said "then I guess you're too tired to drive later."

I called her out for it. I'm so fucking sick of all that shit she does. When she doesn't get what she wants, she'll just do whatever she can to piss off the person who doesn't let her have it. Even more, she'll try to provoke them until they get really angry, then she'll say some bullshit like "I fear for my life" and then everyone's angry at the person she manipulated.

I can't wait to move out. My stress level will shoot down tremendously.

So let me get this straight - Your mother asked you for some of your dirty clothes so that SHE could do YOUR washing and you're bitching because you were too 'tired' to pick them up and give them to her and she got snarky because of that? Boo fucking hoo.
I wouldn't dare complain about that, lol. Things that are annoying that my mother has done include throwing away things like my driving license and paperwork I needed for a job interview.
So let me get this straight - Your mother asked you for some of your dirty clothes so that SHE could do YOUR washing and you're bitching because you were too 'tired' to pick them up and give them to her and she got snarky because of that? Boo fucking hoo.

Put it in context. I was tired as fuck, like absolutely zero sleep in two days, and I had just done a really tiring shift. I passed out not long after I typed the post.

Giving her the dark clothes would require me spending about ten minutes going through my dirty laundry separating everything out, not exactly the best thing to do after not sleeping for a long time and doing tiring work.

Also, I didn't get angry at all until she got manipulative. I politely declined before she decided to get manipulative.

And I was more complaining about the pattern of behavior as a whole rather than the specific instance, which was still pretty annoying on its own.
Ten minutes? You must have a shitload of dirty washing, in which case you should probably give some of it to your mother to wash when she asks instead of being an ungrateful little cunt.

And how was she being manipulative? By getting snarky at you because you wouldn't gather some clothes for her to wash?

Ten minutes? You must have a shitload of dirty washing, in which case you should probably give some of it to your mother to wash when she asks instead of being an ungrateful little cunt.

And how was she being manipulative? By getting snarky at you because you wouldn't gather some clothes for her to wash?


I wasn't being ungrateful. I politely declined the favor and didn't get angry until she tried being manipulative to get what she wanted.

I would have if I had the fucking energy. She was being manipulative because I didn't do what she wanted. She tried asking twice, and seeing that my answer stayed the same, tried to manipulate it out of me by making an indirect threat to fuck up my plans. I was planning on doing some driving practice with my father later and she has a tendency to try to fuck up my plans if I don't comply with her because she know it will get a rise out of me. It doesn't matter anyway, because I fell asleep and didn't wake up until it was about 8 PM.

Vimana you need to move out and be financially independent for a while.

I agree. Which is why I've been trying to get a better job for months. If I saved every penny from every one of my paychecks, I'd still be a few hundred short for the cheapest apartments in my area.