The Whining and Bitching Thread

Why does Vimana always sound like a 10 year old when he talks about his mother? I especially like the "wah my mother won't give me my money so I can go buy drugs" routine. I get the impression that Vimana's mother is a fairly normal, average mother and he's just an ungrateful whiner.
Surprise, surprise, those details are incorrect and you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

I get the impression that Dodens is a pretentious douchebag who only comes to UM to mock people or whore his magazine. I can make crazy conjectures about people based on their posts on an internet forum, too.
I wasn't being ungrateful. I politely declined the favor and didn't get angry until she tried being manipulative to get what she wanted.

Oh please. How is repeatedly saying "No, I'm tired" politely declining the "favor" as you now put it? Maybe you should get a job as a spin doctor. Actually, don't.

I would have if I had the fucking energy. She was being manipulative because I didn't do what she wanted. She tried asking twice, and seeing that my answer stayed the same, tried to manipulate it out of me by making an indirect threat to fuck up my plans. I was planning on doing some driving practice with my father later and she has a tendency to try to fuck up my plans if I don't comply with her because she know it will get a rise out of me. It doesn't matter anyway, because I fell asleep and didn't wake up until it was about 8 PM.

Sounds like mothering 101. I like how your "plans" involve your parents (oh hang on, not your parents, it's just your father; as if that lousy manipulative bitch would do anything to help you) teaching you how to drive.
went to a few nights ago, flirting with this girl, the girl was as-horny-as-hell, and wanting to go home with me, but then her friends came up and did the whole "we came here as a group, we're leaving as a group" thing, and the girl flirting with me was just as pissed about it as i was, even going as far as blurting out "fucking bitch" to me in exasperation, and then "why can't i get laid?" to her friends, i have to deal with this exact same thing every single time i go to a nightclub
it's been so long since i've had sex that i'm seriously considering having sex with the girl whose boyfriend just went to re-hab

because of this shit, i've decided to completely stop going to night clubs
also the guy just recently walked out of the re-hab and got back together with the girl
Oh please. How is repeatedly saying "No, I'm tired" politely declining the "favor" as you now put it? Maybe you should get a job as a spin doctor. Actually, don't.

Without hearing the tone, I don't think you can appropriately gauge the level of politeness. Also, she was offering for me to add some of my clothes to a load she was doing. How is that not a favor?

Sounds like mothering 101. I like how your "plans" involve your parents (oh hang on, not your parents, it's just your father; as if that lousy manipulative bitch would do anything to help you) teaching you how to drive.

Yes, my plans are just that one I mentioned. Always. My mother is not a bad person. She's just manipulative in irritating ways. She's not Fidel Castro or anything.
i understand exactly what Vimana is going through with his mom
she's got that whole "i'm older than you" mentality thing going on
she gave birth to him, (or adopted him, IDK) and so to her, she's never really going to see him as an "adult", it's somewhat similar to the way the WWII vets look down their noses at the Vietnam vets when you go down to the VFW hospitals
to his mom, Vimana is always gonna be a little toddler and she wants to do his laundry because she's got a backwards co-dependent thing going on
she psychologically needs to have her kid be dependent on her, just simply because he's her kid
she's prolly offering to do lots of other things that he should be doing himself, and she's getting pissed off when he says "i can do it myself" this is prolly what Vimana was meaning when he said "the pattern in general"
she's attached to him in a very un-healthy way
i wouldn't dare to assume what her job-title is, but i know that this specific kind of mother-offspring interaction happens with mothers who are firefighters, registered nurses/med doctors/guidance councilors and highschool teachers/college professors
these employed women chose their job titles because they "want to help people" and this desire to "help" is exponentially more obviously visible when they are interaction with their offspring
alternatively she might be a "stay-at-home mom" because she wants to spend all day every day "helping" her offspring
either way, this woman clearly has attachment issues, and if she's getting upset when her offspring decides to do things for himself, she's going to be horrendously devastated when he actually leaves the home to live somewhere else,
which i would recommend
this is clearly the mother's problem, not the offspring's problem, he said something about "waiting to be being financially independent" but i wouldn't wait that long, i would tell Vimana to move into what my friends would call a "spiderweb house" and completely totally cut off all communication with his mom for an entire 9 months, it might take that long without communication for it to really fully sink in that it was her fault that the relationship with her kid had deteriorated
if you've got some sort of income it should be pretty easy to find a place where you split rent with a few other people that are under 30, the spiderweb houses aren't always so bad, i stopped living with my mom when i was 19 and i've never lived by myself
Sigh I'm still upset about a terrible fail dinner Friday night.

It was so bad I left a 52 cent tip for a $60 check, and that's only because I didn't have exact change. Everything went wrong, the service was nonexistent for the most part and awkwardly clingy when it wasn't, my food was inedibly bad and the chef was very patronizing after I sent it back (asked me if I read the description - I did you fucking idiot, "mustard cognac Alfredo sauce" should not be "gross oversalted stroganoffish noodle water"). A real shame because as far as breakfast and lunch go, that restaurant is excellent.
In my experience, it's too easy to slack off as a server. The most pressing things that must be done right away are getting drinks, bringing food over, and taking orders. Those things usually don't take more than a few minutes to do, so it's easy to go somewhere else for a while and neglect checking on a table or two.

Where I work, at any given time when the dining room's full, at least a quarter to half of the servers are standing around in the back chatting. After a few minutes or so, they'll make rounds of the dining room, and then go back.
Ya know sometimes bad service isn't always the servers fault. I mean the server would have to be a total douche for me to leave a tip that insulting.

i personally know waitstaff at a lot of places
when i eat at a place that has waitstaff, i always give huge-as-hell tips because i know that the waitstaff never gets a decent paycheck, they're actually living off your tips

the bad service is really almost never the server's fault because they're trying to get you to tip them huge because they're living off of your tips

i wouldn't have merely "sent it back" i would have gotten up and actually walked through the restaurant getting as close as i could to the kitchen to bitch about the food being cooked badly
If someone offered to do my laundry as long as I collected it, I wouldn't give a fuck how tired I am, I'd be on that shit ASAP. Save that post, read it in 5 years, and be ashamed of yourself.
You've given me an idea I want to try. I'll make a digital time capsule of the things I say that stir up the most argument, and look at them later.
Ya know sometimes bad service isn't always the servers fault. I mean the server would have to be a total douche for me to leave a tip that insulting.

He wasn't a total douche, but he didn't bring the food/drinks or take down our orders or any other "common sense"/"bare minimum" things. Tipping is optional when basic table service is optional.
He wasn't a total douche, but he didn't bring the food/drinks or take down our orders or any other "common sense"/"bare minimum" things. Tipping is optional when basic table service is optional.

Wow. I have a very simple test for tip worthiness: How long do I sit with an empty drink?
Tipping isn't mandatory. If you want to make it mandatory, add a 15% gratuity to everyone's bill.

This is coming from someone who has only not left a tip, like, a handful of times in his life.
I always leave good tips, but I do resent the fact that where I work, the servers make more than me doing a lot less work. I give them blank stares when they complain about low tips. What am I supposed to say, "I'm sorry that you didn't make 1/3 my biweekly paycheck in one shift this time"?

I say don't give them that low base pay that gets bumped up to minimum wage if they don't make enough tips bullshit. Too much financial instability, I think.