Surprise, surprise, those details are incorrect and you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
I get the impression that Dodens is a pretentious douchebag who only comes to UM to mock people or whore his magazine. I can make crazy conjectures about people based on their posts on an internet forum, too.
Without hearing the tone, I don't think you can appropriately gauge the level of politeness.
Also, she was offering for me to add some of my clothes to a load she was doing. How is that not a favor?
monoxide child. post a picture of your face.
Someone stole JUST the memory card? Not the phone or camera it was in? Only the card. Right. And someone stole my $10 Wal-Mart gift card from my wallet, but not the credit card or $300 cash
Someone stole JUST the memory card? Not the phone or camera it was in? Only the card. Right. And someone stole my $10 Wal-Mart gift card from my wallet, but not the credit card or $300 cash
the memory card was mostly porn
someone stole my porn collection
They'll be disappointed when all they find is naked fat chicks.
Like porn of you dildoing yourself?
lost all the pics of me that don't have my face in them