The Whining and Bitching Thread

This dude (I hesitate to call him a "friend", he's really fucking annoying) rolled over to my place uninvited while I had company today, and did not leave until 4 in the fucking morning. Not only that but he turned the entire party into a fucking sob-fest about how he's not gotten any action in 4 years. Not only that but with all the gossip about how one of my close buds is a "fucking asshole", I'd say this kid needs to join the fucking Gossip Girls.

Kid needs to take the nearest ferry to Pissoffityville. Before I fuckin' drive him. I don't normally get angry with people (at least, I really try not to) but I'm steaming right now; totally ruined my night.

Why do I associate with such neanderthals? I think I need to seriously re-examine why I hang out with some people.
I did. He pulled the ever-so-classic line on me, "dude you don't understand, I haven't gotten anything in 4 years".
I should seriously drop out of college. I have yet to receive an A on a paper in any of my upper level English classes and my most recent paper is clearly the best thing I've ever written.

I guess I'm destined to be an average student living an average life at a job that I don't really like.
Pfft. I've received F's and C's on papers and managed to finish undergrad with a 3.8 and grad with a 3.9. Sometimes you get those professors who hand out nothing but B's
I should seriously drop out of college. I have yet to receive an A on a paper in any of my upper level English classes and my most recent paper is clearly the best thing I've ever written.

I guess I'm destined to be an average student living an average life at a job that I don't really like.

Do you ever meet with your professor(s)? Getting their feedback can be instrumental in ensuring you earn a higher grade. First off, it shows that you're taking an initiative to do better; and second, they usually offer constructive criticism that will help you compose a better paper later on. And most professors take improvement into account.
I get seriously irritated if I don't get an A on anything except math. With math I'm just happy to pass.

Post Jump Edit: Pat is right. I've never done poorly in a class where I made a point to interact with the teacher.
That seems to be every one of my professors. I'll still finish with a 3.6 (hopefully) but it's just depressing knowing that none of my papers seem good enough for that A. I'm also worried that if I can't get an A on a paper in these classes how am I expected to make it through grad school.

Edit-->Yes, all the time actually. I plan on taking this paper to my professor during her office hours and asking her about her comments and such.

I've always been told that revisions make a good paper, and the first draft is never good. I wish more professors would require a first draft before the final draft. Like average the two grades together for the final paper grade.
Well, I think most professors assume you'll go through multiple drafts. I usually save at least three separate files when I compose a paper, the last one of which is the one I actually turn in.

It also helps to meet with professors before you turn in a paper; share your ideas, ask for some advice on method and direction, etc.
Most decent universities have Writing Centers that you can drop in any time to get feedback on papers at any stage. I'd take advantage of that. Also, you can send me stuff whenever.
I heartily endorse Zeph's suggestion. If your campus has a writing center, USE IT. I used to work for my campus writing center, and I saw a huge difference with the students I used to tutor regularly.