The Whining and Bitching Thread

payday coming soon, which is a thing to whine and bitch about because My Roommate and Kallazar are fighting with each other over my money
each of them is thinks the other is ripping me off

i solved the problem by just wrapping up my shit and leaving the hotel, i slept outside last night

i'm gonna be sleeping outside till November 1st, and as hard as it may be for some of you to understand, i'm totally okay with that, i'm in a camp next to 5 people that were already friends of mine
I dislike dogs for the most part. We have a chubby jack Russel and she just sits around and begs food all day. She's a sweetheart. Other than that, I'll take a cat any day.
Second half of my new blog post is about little dogs. Sorry for a little buttplug here.

This reminds me how much I hate when people justify having dogs as a preparation to have a baby (yeah some girls say that). Dogs are not like babies and if you say so you don’t understand the idea of having a baby and you shouldn’t reproduce and you should die too when we’re at it. Dogs are awful. They are not even real animals, they are bred for centuries to suit teenager whores. They are like the worst parts of genetic fond of wolves bred to absurdity so you have some furry little sick retard. They are all fucking ill because people make them more and more idiotic. Small dogs? They can’t even fucking walk, they snooze all the time and they cough whenever they have to go for a stick or something. They are like inbred living dolls incapable of any defense. It has to be really sad to have one and look at its suffering all the time. How would you feel if you were bred for wrinkles?

How would you feel if you were twelve and after years of wondering why you’re the ugliest kid in class by miles you finally asked your mother. Mom, why are we so effin ugly? And your mother would answer: “You see, we have this tradition in our family. Every woman has ten babies and only keeps the ugliest one, the one with the most deformed face. We’ve been doing this for thousands years and that’s why you’re so fucking ugly. We’re the best at it. It’s a miracle that you’ve survived first weeks because you’re like the ugliest person who has ever lived. But we made it through and look at yourself.”

Please, female humans, use your brain before using your womb. I don’t need to see this fucking sensation.
I just received revisions of my english paper from an online tutor that my college pays for, and this tutor was not very good. Her revision for my thesis statement was to combine the two sentences into one, but it was already one sentence. She also said that it was unnecessary for me to explain what a third person omniscient point of view was in my thesis statement, which I did not do. Annoyingly, she said that my sentences were too long, which I'll concede is true from time to time, but when I'm trying to explain how a stream of consciousness narrative that jumps through time reflects on the theme of a story, I can't exactly chop the sentence apart without losing some conciseness as to what my ideas are.
I hate stupid, ignorant, fucking brainless suburban middle class parents. I don't know what happened to that generation but seriously, I can barely stand going over my mother's house to visit anymore. I have a younger brother, age 13, and she's considering "hypnosis therapy" as well as a number of other "holistic treatments" because he's "anxious, depressed, and having trouble in school". This is in lew of putting him on fucking neurotoxic amphetamines like most parents. She might be choosing the lesser of two evils, but how about you try fucking paying attention to the kid? perhaps helping him with school? maybe sitting in front of the TV with a controller in his hand 12 hours a day doesnt help? discipline? hard work? oh, he's depressed? anxious? how about you show the kid a little love and affection, if you can find time to stop arguing about petty first-world problems that only matter to you.

fuck man. but of course, nobody is going to hear what they don't want to hear. idiots.
^Seriously, man. A lot of stupid fucktards like that are parents these days. I'm only 17 and I'd still be a better fucking parent than most of these douchefucks.
i fell over on train tracks at about midnight last night and then i fell over on train tracks again at about 11 am this morning

so my knees & shins are in pain
it's not too bad, i'm not bleeding and i won't have to go to the ER
i'm really just pissed that i got black greese all over my brand-new black hoodie and a tiny rip in my brand-new black church-pants and my crappy made-exclusively-for-wall-mart shoes are shredded at the toes now
^How'd you fall over on train tracks?

trying to walk across them while carrying stuff
the first time i was just not paying attention because i was as-tired-ass-hell and pissed off and i couldn't see clearly cuz it was dark cuz it was about 11 PM, i think

the second time i fell, i was having trouble walking because my shins were in pain from falling the first time
trying to walk across them while carrying stuff
the first time i was just not paying attention because i was as-tired-ass-hell and pissed off and i couldn't see clearly cuz it was dark cuz it was about 11 PM, i think

the second time i fell, i was having trouble walking because my shins were in pain from falling the first time

That sucks, man. Be careful next time :loco:
It's never "kid acting up because he needs something he's not getting that we could help him get." It's always "kid is a medical anomaly with a DISORDER."

I think parents like that have kids for the same reason that someone gets a pet.
That sucks, man. Be careful next time :loco:

my legs seem to be healed up
so, unless i get really distracted, really pissed off, and as-tired-as-hell, all at the same time, i think i can walk across the tracks in the dark just fine now

i've successfully walked across the tracks, in the dark, without falling, several times since i fell over the second time

i think i'm good now
my ex-roomate hunted me down today to bitch at me for leaving the hotel

he was so fucking annoying that i chose to fucking sleep outside instead of continuing to live with him,

he can't even aknowledge how annoying he is

he can't appologize for pissing me off to the extent that i left
this morning he hunted me down to bitch at me for leaving him living in a place where he can't afford the rent by himself

and i felt that him deciding to live in a place he can't afford by himself was a dick move to begin with, because when we were splitting rent, "my half of the rent" was as much money as what i was paying for rent when i was living by myself

i felt like i was being robbed in the living situation, and he didn't want to live in a place he could afford by himself
and even though we spent the last few days together in a place he really could afford by himself
he ended up paying for new clothes instead of paying for rent
which he claimed was my fault because i changed the lock on the storage unit that i paid for with my money (the day before he got paid) and i had every right to change the lock myself because i had to use my fucking State ID to buy the damn storage unit