The Whining and Bitching Thread

I really hate men who combine being a kind of knight in shining armour to feminism and the supposed equality of women and having a lot of "game". Just be fucking honest and grow some balls. Tell them what's up. I think a society being sexist shows that it is at a certain level of advancement really, otherwise it would indicate that they hadn't got past the stage where they're competing for who can bring home the most dead bears back to the bitch's lair. Imagine gender neutral, politically correct, classic western philosophy. Ewww.
zabu of nΩd;10458173 said:
I'm like 90% sure i'm going, i just need to talk to a couple people at home first. Is there anything specific we need to coordinate?
Depends on when, how and whether you're going straight to Chicago. Would you be flying or driving?

I know you won't like this because you're used to the idea that women are perfect but some mean nasty republican / taliban men are horrible to women because they're too stupid to know how to seduce them, but can you honestly say you find the average Western woman respectable? Are women who cheat on their military husbands, get divorces, get the house, get the kid and don't care that the husband is living in the street good people? What about all of those shitty whores who have massive egos based on their ability to attract desperate men in clubs?
Depends on when, how and whether you're going straight to Chicago. Would you be flying or driving?

Well i did drive to Maine this summer, but that was with someone else in the car. I'd like to bring it and have the added flexibility, but i doubt i'm gonna find a road trip buddy for this in two weeks, so i'll most likely book a flight. Do you still have your jeep?
Sweet. I just want to take a day to find out of there's anyone i can drive up with, otherwise i'll drive alone. I want to bring my own bedding, booze, food etc. in case i'm there for longer. We're doing this legit.
zabu of nΩd;10458695 said:
Sweet. I just want to take a day to find out of there's anyone i can drive up with, otherwise i'll drive alone. I want to bring my own bedding, booze, food etc. in case i'm there for longer. We're doing this legit.

After that show I think I only have class like 1-2 days before Thanksgiving Break, and obviously I need to be home for that, but I am more than willing to chill Friday night before the Om show in Dekalb, and then all take one car from Dekalb to Chicago to see Om and drive back and hang out most of Sunday, or longer.

Kinda depends on Jeremy's schoolwork load and my own workload. I don't predict anything too bad, but I don't know about Latin tests and stuff, but we'll see.

Sounds fucking exciting though. I'm looking forward to it. We should e-mail a few other people (divine torture, Krig, addo) and make this like an official pre-MDF party.

Meanwhile: me bitchin: So, I'm trying to do some fucking research on my upcoming Milton research paper where I'm drawing comparisons of Satan in Paradise Lost to the great heroes of Homer (Achilles and Odysseus) but all the fucking articles on the "scholarly websites" require me to request the articles, and I have no fucking clue how to do this. Why don't they teach this horseshit in college? I also have no idea how to work the library. It's now the Dewey Decimal System, and this new system is totally FUCKED. This is probably my biggest complaint with my undergrad career.
After that show I think I only have class like 1-2 days before Thanksgiving Break, and obviously I need to be home for that, but I am more than willing to chill Friday night before the Om show in Dekalb, and then all take one car from Dekalb to Chicago to see Om and drive back and hang out most of Sunday, or longer.

Kinda depends on Jeremy's schoolwork load and my own workload. I don't predict anything too bad, but I don't know about Latin tests and stuff, but we'll see.

Sounds fucking exciting though. I'm looking forward to it. We should e-mail a few other people (divine torture, Krig, addo) and make this like an official pre-MDF party.

Meanwhile: me bitchin: So, I'm trying to do some fucking research on my upcoming Milton research paper where I'm drawing comparisons of Satan in Paradise Lost to the great heroes of Homer (Achilles and Odysseus) but all the fucking articles on the "scholarly websites" require me to request the articles, and I have no fucking clue how to do this. Why don't they teach this horseshit in college? I also have no idea how to work the library. It's now the Dewey Decimal System, and this new system is totally FUCKED. This is probably my biggest complaint with my undergrad career.

Yes, use JSTOR. You're Uni probably allows you to log in via their network. Go to, and click log in, and login via your institution. That will give you unlimited access.

And I like your plan for that weekend. I'm out of class on Fridays at 1:30 and it takes 3 hours or so to get to Dekalb from Iowa City. I can plan to get all my weekend schoolwork done ahead of time.
I know you won't like this because you're used to the idea that women are perfect but some mean nasty republican / taliban men are horrible to women because they're too stupid to know how to seduce them, but can you honestly say you find the average Western woman respectable? Are women who cheat on their military husbands, get divorces, get the house, get the kid and don't care that the husband is living in the street good people? What about all of those shitty whores who have massive egos based on their ability to attract desperate men in clubs?

this post made much more sense than Sentinel Slain's previous post

and, to be honest, i gotta say that i actually agree with this one
Been having a terrible last couple days. It's like the past three months have been a waste of time and my mind has ground to a halt.

I highly recommend bacon. If fucking bacon can't help you, than I don't know what will.

No, but seriously, how old are you? You're right around my age right (I'm 24)? I wonder if it's just something to do with this particular section of your life. I've been dealing with many of the same issues in my head as you have, but coming from totally different backgrounds. I've even been considering meds, as well. I wonder if maybe we just happen to hit that wall before being all growed up starts or something.
I highly recommend bacon. If fucking bacon can't help you, than I don't know what will.

No, but seriously, how old are you? You're right around my age right (I'm 24)? I wonder if it's just something to do with this particular section of your life. I've been dealing with many of the same issues in my head as you have, but coming from totally different backgrounds. I've even been considering meds, as well. I wonder if maybe we just happen to hit that wall before being all growed up starts or something.

23. Yes, major depression around this age is not uncommon at all. But it's an especially sucky experience for me in that I'm in a highly-intellectually-demanding environment every day and I'm supposed to be learning and manipulating a wealth of information every day. But my mind is so compromised that my thinking has become very superficial, shallow and slow, and it's preventing me not only from retaining most of what I'm studying, but making me not enjoy it anymore. And that frustration is causing a vicious cycle and fueling my depression further.

And what's especially bad is that every important thought I have, or anything I write down, I tend to forget very quickly, which makes research almost impossible because my working/short-term memory is completely trashed.

Hell, it's getting to the point where I'm at a loss for words most of the time and can't even engage in conversation. I can't even write properly.
I can tell you right now I have moments where I have my future limitations brought to mind and it's not always necessarily a "pleasant" experience. I have a melancholy disposition internally anyway, and a cognizance of my mortality and the ticking of the clock is something I cannot allow myself to dwell on. Part of that is realizing that the "the future is whatever you want it to be" truthi-ism of the teens has now been replaced with a path set in the last decade of actions that limits future outcomes much like the progression of moves in a chess game. This is merely a fact of life we must accept as we grow older, and not remain in the naive open optimism of youth.
@Zeph: While I'm not in the intellectually demanding situation you are in, I can relate heavily to the feeling. The only real term I can describe it with is 'zombie-like'. Each day just kinda goes by, with only an occasional highlight that might stick out the next day. I've found conversation in general to be of high difficulty, and often awkward. I'm usually a well spoken 'smooth' kinda guy in person, and lately I can't finish a sentence.

Are you feeling more depressed or more semi-apathetic?

@Overwatch: The fuck is naive optimism? I want that. Can I have some plz?
I swear this is the last year of my life that I live in a city that doesn't have a solid 70% minimum white majority. There's a reason all of the really philosophical, liberal thinking apologists for Western civilization live in white neighbourhoods.
I got some dental work done today and while repairing my top front right tooth the dentist fucking ended up making it SLIGHTLY longer than my top front left tooth so whenever I bite into something I hit my lower teeth with it and that feels weird...

also I can't chew my nails anymore because of that which is driving me insane. It has always been my 'do this to keep your nerves in check' thing so I've been kinda twitchy all day...

Picking at my nails has been a somewhat effective replacement behavior though, but I'll probably have this fixed come next Monday when I go back in.