Problem Yet to be Solved
Yeah man, I became a workaholic after my last long term relationship left me with far more debt than a 19-year-old should have. The last 3 years have just whizzed by.
the public libraryWhere is his internets coming from?
It's not unreasonable to think that the military turns away people who are diagnosed with any form of autism for combat training.
M_C is autistic?
So wait, you're spending hours a day looking up pictures of whooties, probably reading Spider Man fan fiction, and incessantly posting here at the public library? You have to write an autobiography.
i laready have a disability checkplease get a job
lmao whooty at the liberry
Hey m_c,
When someone offers to buy you food, don't be picky about what they get you. I was floored by the gall of this vagrant who I bought lunch for this last weekend, you'd have thought he was born under a rock. I guess some folks weren't raised with the platitude, "Beggars can't be choosers," drilled into their heads.
M_C, a disability check is not a job![]()
i laready have a disability check
i've been getting a disability check since i was 16
So there's this kind of weird older guy at my job who thinks it's cool to touch the girl workers every time he passes by them. He doesn't touch anywhere that's really ridiculous it's usually just the waist or something, but either way it's annoying because he's old, creepy, says weird things, and it's just annoying coming from him to be honest. Usually I dismiss it because I really feel he has some type of down syndrome or just isn't as smart as normal people tend to be (and he moves painfully slow at work too so I think he has some kind of mental disorder because he really can't focus...) I thought I was imagining this guy being a little too touchy when I overheard another coworker say out loud after he passed her, "Ugh! Why does he have to touch me every time he passes?" So we told him about it and of course he didn't think he was doing anything wrong. Lo' and behold he does it again today to a girl who's big and has a spicy attitude, so she told him off. Moral of the story? Being polite doesn't always work sometimes people need to get yelled at by a big scary chick once in awhile.