New Metal Member
- Jul 30, 2008
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Knifing them would be a waste of time and energy.
Also, why the fuck were they even there?![]()

Knifing them would be a waste of time and energy.
Also, why the fuck were they even there?![]()
That sucks balls. I only know Newark in the "EWR" capacity but I see little reason to hang out there.
31st of the month is only 2 weeks notice - really sucky. I hope you find a better option.
it's not really a cave
it's just that the 6 other people that live there with me call it a "cave" because it's just so freaking dark in there
bought camping lamps for the place btw
it's actually underneath a traffic bridge where the road crosses the dried-up part of the trinity river with traffic going right over us
the spot we're at is walled up with rocks we've got to climb over and it's dry when it rains because the spot is actually designed to stay dry when it floods
i don't have a camera yet had pizza and beer last night.
Surely one of people you "hang out with" does? Either way i'm going to imagine it as a ghetto hobbit hole.
I had pizza and beer last night. Pizza and beer makes me sick and feel awful the next day 100% of the time. bleh -__-
Also made a doctor's appointment for stupid butthamstringbacksciaticpain.
spazzy girl ended up leaving her bags in my cave a couple days ago
this morning i just set her shit under one of the benches in the courtyard of the homeless shelter, a bunch of her friends know it's there, and i'm pretty sure she's going there for lunch (which just started 15 min ago) i'll go check on her bags after lunch is over, (1 pm) but i'm not carrying around her shit all fucking day