The Whining and Bitching Thread

Brutal. The laptop I'm on right now is pretty garbage. Slower than a fucker, but it's not mine so I can't/won't really do much about it.
Brutal. The laptop I'm on right now is pretty garbage. Slower than a fucker, but it's not mine so I can't/won't really do much about it.

Sometimes it's pretty fast, and sometimes is just slow as shit. And then the other day, all the music on my computer just disappeared, so now I have to re-download all my cd's. :bah:
I don't like few facts about my current situation.

1) My status as a student depends once again on some random alcoholic bitch that has cycled herself in the boredom of her life. It's a french teacher and she'll give me the results of my last test on tuesday. In the meantime I feel helpless because I've done everything and now it's her fucking turn and she's a dumb bitch. She'll find a shitload of mistakes in my test and then she'll tell me that was my last chance and then I'm going to falcon kick her.
2) I can't focus on anything. If you'd ask me what I did today I wouldn't think of one shitty activity worth mentioning. I was kind of looking forward to my free weekend days but now I feel useless. I can't go out with friends because I don't have money and that's because I don't have any job.
3) I don't have any job for the summer holidays. Or, infact, anything "holiday-like" to do. I will start writing my thesis in July and finish the semester in a fucking glasshouse and then study for more shit that's ahead - it's not like I don't have any work to do. I do. But other people seem to have much more. They go abroad with their partners, they have partners.
4) I don't have a partner and I don't even know what I could offer to my dear half.
5) It's hot in here. I hate being sweaty.
When I was in my cocoon, I was working the night shift, living by myself, in the shadow of a mountain, so my apartment was always cool and easy to sleep in. I learned a whole lot about music theory during that time and read a number of books, started going to school again, worked out the concept for the album I just released. I loved those days :)
I guess I'm in cocooned Schmidt life as well. I start "grown-up" Schmidt here in the Fall when I actually start teaching and being a grad student and all that jazz. Until then, I'm going to drink constantly, read Fantasy literature, and listen to tunes.