I don't like few facts about my current situation.
1) My status as a student depends once again on some random alcoholic bitch that has cycled herself in the boredom of her life. It's a french teacher and she'll give me the results of my last test on tuesday. In the meantime I feel helpless because I've done everything and now it's her fucking turn and she's a dumb bitch. She'll find a shitload of mistakes in my test and then she'll tell me that was my last chance and then I'm going to falcon kick her.
2) I can't focus on anything. If you'd ask me what I did today I wouldn't think of one shitty activity worth mentioning. I was kind of looking forward to my free weekend days but now I feel useless. I can't go out with friends because I don't have money and that's because I don't have any job.
3) I don't have any job for the summer holidays. Or, infact, anything "holiday-like" to do. I will start writing my thesis in July and finish the semester in a fucking glasshouse and then study for more shit that's ahead - it's not like I don't have any work to do. I do. But other people seem to have much more. They go abroad with their partners, they have partners.
4) I don't have a partner and I don't even know what I could offer to my dear half.
5) It's hot in here. I hate being sweaty.