The Whining and Bitching Thread

I'm in non cocoon form now. The semester is over, and all of my grading is done. I'm seeing friends and drinking beers. It's nice.

I'm getting closer and closer to finish this semester aswell. Not leaving my cocoon though, fuck society.
I'm finding reading philosophy and psychology to be rather infuriating lately. People come up with these models of human perspective and behavior (using no neurological basis whatsoever, I may add) and act as if they are fundamental principles.

I was thinking of majoring in neuropsychology and psychology, but I may just drop psychology for biology or something. Of course, science always moves forward, but the authority and praise given to people who examine little more than patterns in behavior, which are treated as fundamental principles of the mind makes me uneasy.

I don't think they should be looked at as foundations for understanding the human mind (or brains in general), but as mere inklings of truth that only touch the deeper fundamentals behind the phenomena. Praising them as currently-relevant authorities would be like treating Gregor Mendel as an authority on biology when had no awareness of DNA.

I haven't read a whole lot of Freud, but he gets a lot of crap for someone who seems to realize something that a lot of people involved in psychology don't seem to realize: that the mechanics of the brain are the actual basis for understanding the mind.

Here's an excerpt from The Interpretation of Dreams:

"Even when investigation shows that the primary exciting cause of a phenomenon is psychical, deeper research will one day trace the path further and discover an organic basis for the mental event."

I try to take a lot of psychology and philosophy as possibly plausible ideas that I can later examine when I develop knowledge of the brain, but when their speculations are portrayed almost like the psychological equivalent of the laws of motion, it annoys me.

Not to say it's all useless. That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm just annoyed at the portrayal of it as anything other than merely a nudge in the right direction of understanding the mind.
Well one of my close friends from grade school died a couple days ago, and I just found out today. I haven't seen the guy since high school ended, admittedly, but the lad still pretty much defined my grade school experience, he was one of my "go-to friends" from grades 1-8. He'd been fighting cancer for the last few years and ultimately lost.

I'm still rattled. I wish I'd just taken the bus to see him before it happened.
Well one of my close friends from grade school died a couple days ago, and I just found out today. I haven't seen the guy since high school ended, admittedly, but the lad still pretty much defined my grade school experience, he was one of my "go-to friends" from grades 1-8. He'd been fighting cancer for the last few years and ultimately lost.

I'm still rattled. I wish I'd just taken the bus to see him before it happened.

I'm kind of surprised this hasn't happened to you yet. I've had like 4-5 pseudo-friends/acquaintances die since graduation.
I think RJ (right?) is only like 19, so he has time to catch up. I haven't had anybody close die since a close friend of mine had his brains scrambled (Literally, there was no exit wound) with a .22 pistol in the seventh grade. Well, I've known and been acquaintances with people who have died since, but the rattle I got when I was younger knocked some of the surprise out of me. It sucks, but The Circle of Life, amirite.
Mathiäs;10649259 said:
I'm kind of surprised this hasn't happened to you yet. I've had like 4-5 pseudo-friends/acquaintances die since graduation.

Shit, that's rough. But yeah, this is the first time this has happened. I feel more... a sense of regret than anything. I was hoping to hop on the bus and see him in the hospital a couple months ago, but I didn't know which hospital, or even which town, as he pretty much dropped off the face of the earth during the last couple months.

I think RJ (right?) is only like 19, so he has time to catch up. I haven't had anybody close die since a close friend of mine had his brains scrambled (Literally, there was no exit wound) with a .22 pistol in the seventh grade. Well, I've known and been acquaintances with people who have died since, but the rattle I got when I was younger knocked some of the surprise out of me. It sucks, but The Circle of Life, amirite.

Holy shit. ._. That's fucked man, sorry to hear that.

23 actually... haha. But yeah. As I said, this is the first time it's happened. I used to be really close to the lad, now he's gone. It only really just sunk in a couple hours ago.
here are my moans:

my body and mind are telling me it is mating season, I believe they are somewhat off, but whatever, maybe they're right, I'll be fucked if i know. Anyway, I'm single as fuck and really lonely and horny. This is worse than it ever has been right now. I just want to fucking jump up on a girl and lick her pussy.

My fucking trimmer broke, that was all I had for shaving except disposables and I hate using actual shavers. Anyway, so now I have a shitty ginger beard. Yuck. It's not even a stubble, it's actually beardy.

I am broke, totally broke. I can't even claim state welfare. I have tried getting shifts at the old pie factory but I suspect I have been outfoxed by slavs. If only I could find another one as a mate.

one of the computers here makes some evil sounding electronic noises when plugged in. maybe the PSU is fucked. thankfully it's the oldest and least powerful computer, the one I never use.

my sleep cycles are FUCKED. I have a gym membership which I bought in more monied times and I am wasting it due to being in fucking owl mode. The pretty, tight bottomed, blonde girl there saw me checking out her butt when I was on the machines and she did not look happy.

two hot girls on a dating site stopped replying this past couple of days.
my friends are all getting more and more antisocial too. I've successfully given up alcohol, as of maybe 2 weeks. I feel better for it in some ways. I think it was the best decision I've made all year actually.

i want another beautiful girlfriend and I don't know how the fuck that's going to happen right now. I don't know how I'm going to keep shit turning over if I have to be a hermit much longer. English women are fucking annoying.
My crazy friend I've been "meh" about for years visited, it's been 7 months since her "I hate you and you suck" meltdown and I thought it'd be fine but as always she was just a crazy mess and got entangled with my roommate's ex (which is crazy enough already) and was rude/embarrassing to some other people. Not much has changed since we were 17 but you get what you get when you keep doing the same shit expecting or hoping for different results.
Tire irons are cheap, good truck size jacks are not. I use a relative's jack, but it's pretty wore out. Gonna need to cough up for one eventually.
I took my car into the shop last week because the exhaust system was being too noisy for comfort. That repair was relatively cheap, but they spotted a bunch of other problems with the suspension, control rods and holes in the frame (so It couldn't pass inspection) and the whole job totalled over 2K.


At least it won't break down when I drive it back to Iowa in a couple months. The engine's in great shape so the thing should last me another two or three years. Cheaper to maintain than buying a new car. It's a 2004 Ford Escape, which they say are well-known for longevity.
Maintenance is cheaper in the long run if the engine is solid, especially given that a newer car has so many more things that can break on it; things that will be even more expensive to fix. Given the nature of the problems spotted, I take it you spend a lot of time driving on salted roads/in salty air.
having a camping stove that runs on propane

kinda upset that i ran out of propane and can no longer cook stuff at the moment
Maintenance is cheaper in the long run if the engine is solid, especially given that a newer car has so many more things that can break on it; things that will be even more expensive to fix. Given the nature of the problems spotted, I take it you spend a lot of time driving on salted roads/in salty air.

Maine coast in the summer, so salty air. Upper Midwest the rest of the year, so salty roads. Yeah I'm fucked.
I'm so fucking fat that it almost hurts to sit down these days. Like, my boobs and belly fat push too hard together. I guess I succeed in my goal in becoming Randy for Halloween.
