The Whining and Bitching Thread

Wait, were they like counterfeit?

No just old probably. Somehow those Urquells exported to Germany and then bought back often suck. Probably gotten bad on the way there and back. Vietnamese resellers buy them, get them back and they are just not as good. Some batches are brewed in Poland too, those are said to be worse than those from Pilsen.
I have this horrible pain in my side/lower stomach. It's spasming in and out and the vicodin I took isn't helping. I'm worried its appendicitis but I don't wanna go to the doctor. It's either that or a pretty bad muscle pull, but I can remember the time when it started hurting and it was during a long period of inactivity
An ex of mine messaged me saying she never wanted to speak to me again, that my constant niceness towards her was "annoying" and that I should "go away". Bit of a blow to the pride, considering Ive been nothing but nice to the girl. I knew we werent really "friends" anymore, but I tried, so hearing that was sorta distressing.

In your expert opinion GMD why is she being such a bitch to me :V
1. She has some personal beef with you that she doesn't want to bring up for some reason.
2. You were annoying her.

Fuck. I've barely slept in days since I haven't smoked weed. Luckily, tonight that'll change.
She pulled the same thing 6 months ago (right after I got with my current girlfriend), stating she wished I would leave her alone, but at that point was because she "thought she might still love me". Now, this can't be the case currently; if it is, she is a basket case. I wish I knew the reason though.
She may just be testing to see if she has any emotional influence over you by saying something that would trigger a strong emotional reaction that could tell how you feel about her. In my experience, it's not uncommon for exes to test if they still have power over their exes by small pokes and prods even when they're over them. However, that shit usually lasts maybe a week after the relationship tops.
I firmly believe shes just a user tbh. She got tons of emotional support from me over the past year since our breakup, whenever she needed it, now that she has gotten a lot out of me, she is peacing out. I'm not terribly upset abut this, just confused as to why someone could be so cold towards someone who's been (or tried to be) a decent friend. Maybe she has erroneously construed my niceness as trying to get a second chance? I dunno.
I firmly believe shes just a user tbh. She got tons of emotional support from me over the past year since our breakup, whenever she needed it, now that she has gotten a lot out of me, she is peacing out. I'm not terribly upset abut this, just confused as to why someone could be so cold towards someone who's been (or tried to be) a decent friend. Maybe she has erroneously construed my niceness as trying to get a second chance? I dunno.

You worry way too much about the most meaningless of things. Fuck that bitch, don't give her a second's thought.
Yeah dude, why does it matter what she thinks of you? She's not fucking you and she wouldn't be pleasant company if you were to hang out with her at this point, so unless she knows a whole hell of a lot about car repair or cooks five star cuisine, there's no point in trying to keep anything alive between you.

Is she your Doctor Who buddy or something? That might be a third reason to keep her around.

Also, if she's the only person who will still play Halo with you online.
Depends on how you broke up. Obviously not if you guys hated each other by the time you stopped dating, but if you find you just didn't click enough to date, being friends is more possible.
It was what Vimana said really. I tried to keep a friendship going cause we dated for like a month, and it just didn't work. I really liked her at the time but it just wasn't working.
Don't get me wrong, the Swedes are superior to 99.99% of the world, just the Finns seem more badass, and they have better Metal. For every good Swedish band, there are 20 god awful ones.

The bad thing about Finland is that if something is backwards about Sweden, you can bet that the same thing exists in Finland too, and to a much larger extent. Finland is basically Sweden 10-15 years ago, all the time.