The Whining and Bitching Thread

I threw out my back shoveling. Was almost good to start doing deadlifts again. Guess I'll be sitting on a tennis ball forever.
Of course I fucked up the french test. One more take. Sometime during january. This subject has always been such a pain in the ass for me.
Eh, french...they taught it back at school and I learned absolutely nothing from it. Didn't help either that practically nobody ever took that class seriously and that they changed the teacher like four times every year. The books for it were like the most expensive things ever tho.
My blue-haired chef is having problems with 2 of her EXes, her current boyfriend,and her weed dealers, and none of these people know that she's occasionally doing 3-somes with me and my girl
Re-post from my Facebook rant earlier.

While likely to offend this has been eating at me for a few weeks and must be said...
Why is nearly everyone either a) married/settled down and just boring or b) still in party mode and equally boring? I can see it in my day to day life speaking to people at work, being bored out of my mind at a party, or even just watching the type cast characters in a TV series. I know with 100% certainly I wall myself off from people off due to my eccentric interests, but I would love to be awed by even topics I know nothing about. As long as its some nitty gritty shit about how exactly you build your own bicycles or just why you use what patterns you use to knit your own sweaters. Tell me you absolutely hate my ugly ass haircut or say something politically incorrect/offensive.

Just anything, anything besides how you got shitfaced drunk or a some story about your kids I honestly don't care about despite trying. I remember when people were serious about non-serious shit. Where did that sentiment go? Its either full-on adult mode or drunken child. I like to think I haven't turned into a judgmental, pretentious ass, but that's looking more and more the case.
Interestingly (or "ironically") enough, I scare people by being able to converse on all sorts of shit that does not include my kids or drunk stories.
Re-post from my Facebook rant earlier.

While likely to offend this has been eating at me for a few weeks and must be said...
Why is nearly everyone either a) married/settled down and just boring or b) still in party mode and equally boring? I can see it in my day to day life speaking to people at work, being bored out of my mind at a party, or even just watching the type cast characters in a TV series. I know with 100% certainly I wall myself off from people off due to my eccentric interests, but I would love to be awed by even topics I know nothing about. As long as its some nitty gritty shit about how exactly you build your own bicycles or just why you use what patterns you use to knit your own sweaters. Tell me you absolutely hate my ugly ass haircut or say something politically incorrect/offensive.

Just anything, anything besides how you got shitfaced drunk or a some story about your kids I honestly don't care about despite trying. I remember when people were serious about non-serious shit. Where did that sentiment go? Its either full-on adult mode or drunken child. I like to think I haven't turned into a judgmental, pretentious ass, but that's looking more and more the case.

It's probably your shyness and/or lack of social skills, not "nearly everyone"
Most people I work with talk about almost nothing but their children. It's rather annoying.

a few of my friends have recently married or had kids or become aunts/uncles, and it's all they fucking talk about. I can't wait to get married and have babies and bombard people with pictures of my spawn
My girlfriends sister is so annoying. I get food today for me and my girlfriend, and she comes over from next door expecting that me and the girlfriend feed her and her boyfriend. This girl is 20 and has never had a job for more than two weeks, and has no intention of getting another. She parties every second day, and costs her mother a fortune, and still expects more. Fucking useless cunt. I wanna headbutt this bitch in the ovaries.
My girlfriends sister is so annoying. I get food today for me and my girlfriend, and she comes over from next door expecting that me and the girlfriend feed her and her boyfriend. This girl is 20 and has never had a job for more than two weeks, and has no intention of getting another. She parties every second day, and costs her mother a fortune, and still expects more. Fucking useless cunt. I wanna headbutt this bitch in the ovaries.

I think you mean "My sister's girlfriend" right? I mean you may be a swell chap and all on the inside, but do you actually deny your hideous nature unfit for mammal mating rituals? I am here to help, m8