The Whining and Bitching Thread

The goddamn thing has all of my music I wrote and everything. Should've backed it up, but it's too late now.
I have to fucking pay someone to fix it now.

I am truly irate right now
Sad :(

Most of my friends around here are obsessed with jam bands and bluegrass and local shows. It's nice that they're so passionate about music - just wish it was music I liked

Ha I thought I was the only one who had friends into this! It's cool at first but gets old quickly.

I actually completely avoid conversations about music. Recently became friends with people who listened to what I do, but for a long time this wasn't the case. My friends who are not into metal would listen to me babble and then just eventually tell me stfu, which I didn't blame them for then just made it a habit to not really talk about music.
So I bought a used car 3 months ago that seemed fine upon inspection. A couple of days ago my alternator belt and power streering pump belt fell off while driving. Turns out my crankshaft pulley had come loose and was wobbling like crazy. I figured it needed the bolt tightened, but I hadn't done a timing belt job (which is usually the cause of this, due to sloppy mechanics) so I was a little confused. Anyway took it to the shop this morning and got a call later in the day that my engine block is completely fucked. It's beyond repair so now I'm stuck without a car in LA, with a $2,000 debt, a shitty fucking job, and the most stressful and timeconsuming college semester ever...AND this shit happens as I was planning to take a long break from alcohol. Fuck this shit.
Sucks. Cars can pretty much fuck off. I took my wagon out bush last weekend and on the way there the rear right shock absorber bolt came out leaving the thing dangling dangerously close to the road. Then while we were there the front passenger window got stuck halfway up and when we left the place, my wife gave it one last go at winding it up and it exploded. So we drover home for 2.5 hours with window glass everywhere and no right rear shocker.
So my cousin (who I live with) went to India for two months to get her yoga license. She subletted her room to this artist from New Zealand. Really cool lady. My cousin ends up missing her flight home because her legs swell up super bad father her final exam and can't travel. She ends up having to stay for another month. The lady from New Zealand wants to stay for another month, so it all works out...

...except she just doesn't deposit the rent and waits until the middle of March to talk to me about it.

"Oh, I was wondering how should I put the rent in."

I'm fucking blow away. It's the middle of the month and you're just bringing this up to me now!? I give her my cousin's bank account number and it turns out she didn't even deposit the rent until March 24th!

So, naturally the rent check bounced and there was no way for me to get the landlords the rent since the 3rd roommate and I had already deposited the rent and I don't have access to my cousin's account. At the same time, she had her bank account locked when she was traveling (I guess she forgot to inform her bank that she was going abroad or something) so she can't do anything.

Now she gets home on the 1st and we get an eviction notice. She's lived in this apartment for almost 7 years and never been late on rent before. Considering the extreme circumstances I really hope they change their mind. I'm really not prepped to move at the moment. I'm in the last quarter of my credential program and have a ton of obligations. Furthermore, I really don't want to sign a new lease before I find out where I'll be working for 2014/15 school year. It would fucking suck to sign a lease on the Eastside of LA and then find out I'm working on the Westside or something.

For my cousin it's a disaster. Her car broke down right before she went on vacation and her lost her iPhone before she left (left it on top of my car before we went on the highway)... so yeah, life's a bit of a mess right now.
So I bought a used car 3 months ago that seemed fine upon inspection. A couple of days ago my alternator belt and power streering pump belt fell off while driving. Turns out my crankshaft pulley had come loose and was wobbling like crazy. I figured it needed the bolt tightened, but I hadn't done a timing belt job (which is usually the cause of this, due to sloppy mechanics) so I was a little confused. Anyway took it to the shop this morning and got a call later in the day that my engine block is completely fucked. It's beyond repair so now I'm stuck without a car in LA, with a $2,000 debt, a shitty fucking job, and the most stressful and timeconsuming college semester ever...AND this shit happens as I was planning to take a long break from alcohol. Fuck this shit.

Well at least you won't have to worry about drinking and driving :kickass:

No but seriously car problems are the worst, especially in LA.

Getting evicted after only missing one months rent? The fuck is that bullshit?

Right? And we're paid up to date now and it was really exceptional circumstances.
Your landlords are serious douchebags.

Yeah and they fucking suck at fixing shit too. He always sends in some random friend or family member to do a half-assed job on it. He probably just wants to raise the rent. Fucker.

I really wouldn't mind moving if it wasn't for the terrible timing and my work situation being up in the air. And I really don't want to move a second time during my first year of full time teaching.
my friend's landlord is the biggest homosex of them all. he even has a massive gay portrait of himself on the wall.
I've had very good luck with the two cars I have owned. As long as you're on the ball with regular oil changes and maintenance, generally calamities can be avoided.
My social life is crap, and I know I'll be able to solve this problem when I go back to school, but it still sucks for now. The only people I can talk to in person on a regular basis are my parents, but talking to them every single day for months has made me jaded. I could always text other friends, but I really don't like texting. It just seems so artificial. The friends I can go and see also have busy schedules. I'm still hanging out with people, but pretty sporadically. I miss being in community college when I had a group of people to hang out with before and after class. I'll be getting that back, but until then, I have this.

On the other hand, it's nice to have so much alone time to focus on all kinds of things. It's just that neglecting my desire to socialize kind of makes everything else lose its flavor for a while. It comes back, but only after phases of mild, lonely frustration like this one.
My social life is crap, and I know I'll be able to solve this problem when I go back to school, but it still sucks for now. The only people I can talk to in person on a regular basis are my parents, but talking to them every single day for months has made me jaded. I could always text other friends, but I really don't like texting. It just seems so artificial. The friends I can go and see also have busy schedules. I'm still hanging out with people, but pretty sporadically. I miss being in community college when I had a group of people to hang out with before and after class. I'll be getting that back, but until then, I have this.

On the other hand, it's nice to have so much alone time to focus on all kinds of things. It's just that neglecting my desire to socialize kind of makes everything else lose its flavor for a while. It comes back, but only after phases of mild, lonely frustration like this one.

Social lives are overrated.

I'll be going to school in Baltimore next semester, btw.
It depends on who's rating them. I doubt it'll ever be the forefront of my life, but having none gets me a bit scrambled. I'm pretty extroverted, so if I don't talk to people for a while, my thought patterns eventually get clogged with a narrative of my experiences to tell various people.It eventually hits a tipping point where I just spew out what's in my head (like I'm doing on the forum now) and talk really fast and get verbose.

Also, my ability to use and comprehend language eventually goes out the window. On a day I haven't had engaging social interaction, it can take me like five minutes to read a page I'd normally read in thirty seconds.

Anyways, we should chill. I'll definitely cut down on the verbosity.