My social life is crap, and I know I'll be able to solve this problem when I go back to school, but it still sucks for now. The only people I can talk to in person on a regular basis are my parents, but talking to them every single day for months has made me jaded. I could always text other friends, but I really don't like texting. It just seems so artificial. The friends I can go and see also have busy schedules. I'm still hanging out with people, but pretty sporadically. I miss being in community college when I had a group of people to hang out with before and after class. I'll be getting that back, but until then, I have this.
On the other hand, it's nice to have so much alone time to focus on all kinds of things. It's just that neglecting my desire to socialize kind of makes everything else lose its flavor for a while. It comes back, but only after phases of mild, lonely frustration like this one.