The Whining and Bitching Thread

My roommate just broke the news that he's being relocated for work before year end. He gave 60 days notice to the complex today. Guess I'm moving back with my parents for a minute :(

Hope this doesn't seem rude to jump into your conversation, but I was reading and I am eternally interested in roommate discussions as I've had/known some interesting ones. Personality/money are usually the two most obvious conflicts.

Sorry to hear about your deal. How much was your split of the rent? Would it be impossible to get out of the lease and get something like a studio? If you go to a new place and tell them you're going to break your current lease, the new place might (maybe) let you sign a new one. You might have to come up with three months ahead instead of two but it might be worth it.
True, but there are ways around the scum of the lot, I played the boarding game for years, from both sides and honestly I met way more legit nice people than I did scamming fuckstains.

Dunno about you but for me the risk is worth not moving back in with parents.

Not everyone's parents are like the Costanzas.

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True, but there are ways around the scum of the lot, I played the boarding game for years, from both sides and honestly I met way more legit nice people than I did scamming fuckstains.

Dunno about you but for me the risk is worth not moving back in with parents.

My parents are pretty cool. Yeah, I lose a bit of my freedom but I'll save a fuckton in rent and can save up to buy a condo or house at the end of the stay. I only plan on staying for about 6 months or so until I find someplace else to live. I won't be out until November and fuck moving in the winter so there's that.

Hope this doesn't seem rude to jump into your conversation, but I was reading and I am eternally interested in roommate discussions as I've had/known some interesting ones. Personality/money are usually the two most obvious conflicts.

Sorry to hear about your deal. How much was your split of the rent? Would it be impossible to get out of the lease and get something like a studio? If you go to a new place and tell them you're going to break your current lease, the new place might (maybe) let you sign a new one. You might have to come up with three months ahead instead of two but it might be worth it.

Total rent was $1,110 a month for a 1200 sq ft apartment. My share was $555 before other expenses. I'm not on the lease at all. I'm listed as an 'occupant' so breaking the lease is my roommate's responsibility. I can't afford a one bedroom in this complex. I either need to get a better paying job or just not spend any money to do that.

I would need to look in a 'not as nice' part of town for something I could afford. If I buy a house, though, the mortgage would probably be less money than an apartment and I build equity at the same time. That and I could have a room just for my music shit and I could display all my CDs on racks instead of storing them in boxes etc.

Personality wasn't an issue and he was traveling a lot so I had this place to myself about 70-80% of the time.
I'm the sublessor now haha. I could take over the lease and then find a roommate but I doubt I'll have any luck. As I stated above, I don't want to deal with a complete stranger. It takes someone with a personality similar to mine to put up with me which is why my current arrangement worked for over a year.

This really will give me an opportunity to get my spending under control and start saving to get a house or condo of my own because I'm tired of renting and essentially wasting money.
My parents are pretty cool. Yeah, I lose a bit of my freedom but I'll save a fuckton in rent and can save up to buy a condo or house at the end of the stay. I only plan on staying for about 6 months or so until I find someplace else to live. I won't be out until November and fuck moving in the winter so there's that.

Total rent was $1,110 a month for a 1200 sq ft apartment. My share was $555 before other expenses. I'm not on the lease at all. I'm listed as an 'occupant' so breaking the lease is my roommate's responsibility. I can't afford a one bedroom in this complex. I either need to get a better paying job or just not spend any money to do that.

I would need to look in a 'not as nice' part of town for something I could afford. If I buy a house, though, the mortgage would probably be less money than an apartment and I build equity at the same time. That and I could have a room just for my music shit and I could display all my CDs on racks instead of storing them in boxes etc.

Personality wasn't an issue and he was traveling a lot so I had this place to myself about 70-80% of the time.

I don't blame you for not wanting to go to an area with Hood-like qualities:Spin: because when you usually go below a certain $ amount, you usually end up getting what you pay for. Sadly, this comes from personal experience.:err:

Also, I strongly recommend this to anyone who reads NOT rent from a privately-owned building. That means that the unit that you are renting out is part of a building that has been purchased by one person. He/she bought it outright from an association, they own it even though it may be a 'section' of apartments together, they are all individually owned.

So that building might very well be the only source of income for the owner. They might even live in their own unit in the building. That definitely means they will be deep in your shit if they choose to be. Mine happened to be an European hag in her early 60's (looked like she was pushing 80). She was constantly hanging around and pestering me about noise and cleaning. The place had many issues with the drains. I literally was watching a DVD one day when I heard a dripping noise, over the tv sound mind you...when I paused the movie and heard a lot of water spilling. I got up and turned the light to see that the kitchen sink was filling up with sewage water without me even using the sink for hours. :puke: I had to get a bucket and transfer the water to the bathtub to dump out. Sadly, that wasn't the only time that happened.

Even though that was beyond shit, I stayed there because it was close to my job and cheaper. When I say cheaper, really was all the shit I went through worth it for saving a stinking $50 a month? In retrospect, not really. If you put your mind to it, there really are a lot of ways to both blow and save money. It all depends on the mental energy you're willing to put into it.

It's also great that you have cool parents. Not everyone is so lucky. I've been on my own & paying my own way since 18. I don't want to think about all the shit jobs I've worked and rent I've paid in my life (easily six figures I'll never see again.) If your P's let you stay with them & not charge you much/at all then my experienced advice would be to live like a motherfucking shut-in for as long as you can and don't spend an unnecessary dime if you have to. Obviously I don't know you or your expenses but if you can make it a year and bank JUST the rent you were paying, then that'll be $6660 (praise Satan:Spin:) you can save, let alone anything else you can throw in. Trust me when I tell you that $10,000 goes a LONG WAY on a mortgage down payment.

Well, thanks for reading and good luck! Keep us informed!
Do the house route if you can. Nothing more irritating than being at a friend's apartment and having to turn the music down at 10:00 because of whiny neighbors. I'd be just as whiny if I had to work the next day too, but the point being a little distance does everyone good =D
Do the house route if you can. Nothing more irritating than being at a friend's apartment and having to turn the music down at 10:00 because of whiny neighbors. I'd be just as whiny if I had to work the next day too, but the point being a little distance does everyone good =D

Two probs on the house route. To live in a house he'd need:

1. Roomate/roomates. He already said he will have a hard time finding trustworthy ones.

2. That silly little thing called money. Renting a house solo=fuckton of $. Unless he lives in a total bumblefuck country-ass area, any decent house is going to be a lot. If he was splitting the rent on a two-bedroom (assumedly not a house) for $1110, what exactly do you think a house will be to rent? Not to mention that all that $ will be gone forever once it is paid. You never get rent back.

Living solo the best routes are a studio rental for cheap for a year to save $...or the already discussed option of loeading of the P's and saving some bank.

My two bits.
Yeah, stay with the parents a bit, save up and then get a house. See maybe if the parents want to go in for partial equity with you. That would help with the monthly overhead while still allowing you to pay towards equity rather than the money pit that is renting. Once it's paid off (or you sell) they would have a percentage ownership of the home but at least you didn't piss the money away on rent. Maybe even offer them more equity for less $ to make it worth their while- IE they pay 30% to help you get over the hump, but get 40% equity or such once it's time to sell.

Positive: You get equity back at the end, get to live in a house, loud music.

Negative: Doing business with family can be a bad idea depending on the family. Your mileage may vary.
Two probs on the house route. To live in a house he'd need:

1. Roomate/roomates. He already said he will have a hard time finding trustworthy ones.

2. That silly little thing called money. Renting a house solo=fuckton of $. Unless he lives in a total bumblefuck country-ass area, any decent house is going to be a lot. If he was splitting the rent on a two-bedroom (assumedly not a house) for $1110, what exactly do you think a house will be to rent? Not to mention that all that $ will be gone forever once it is paid. You never get rent back.

Living solo the best routes are a studio rental for cheap for a year to save $...or the already discussed option of loeading of the P's and saving some bank.

My two bits.

I wouldn't rent. I would buy and the payment would depend on size + down payment. I lived solo for 5 year previously before this current year.
There is one guy on my facebook who always asks me to lend him money; and just did so again today. I've literally told this guy "no" numerous times, and that being on a part-time salary, I have trouble supporting myself, much less shooting him 20 bucks for gas to drive around. Dude doesn't have a job, just drives everywhere to see his friends. Must be nice.

I told the guy numerous times I literally cannot lend money; I have to pay rent and buy fucking groceries, and he actually had the nerve to say "but come on man, I'll pay you back Thursday". No dude, fuck off.

^ This fucking guy... had the nerve to ask me again. After not speaking to me since this incident, he messages me today asking me how I am, what I'm up to. One message later, he asks "I actually have a favor to ask." Surprise surprise. "Can I borrow 40 man and I'll pay you back 60 on Thursday?"

Then he asks after I tell him no, "Can I fraud your bank account? Just say your bank card is lost or stolen; no one has ever gotten in trouble for this, I'm what you call a professional."

What the fucking fuck doesn't this guy get?
Contemplating it. I told him to fuck off with the asking for money.

If he seriously asks for money again he's gone.