The Whining and Bitching Thread

Only reason I haven't wrote him off is because him and I go way back. Tons of good barhopping nights with the lad, years ago. But since his last ex-girlfriend he has devolved to crime and nose candy. Its kind of sad.
Nobody you know has storage space? Those units are a fucking rip.

Yeah they are. I split one with like 3-4 other guys when I deployed so it wound up only being like 10 a month apiece. Military would store stuff for you but they took it a week before deployment and gave it back like a week after you got back, and you had to waiver damages iirc. 10$ a month was a deal to stash and recover on my own timeframe and the storage place was liable for theft.
Pissed off at my roommate.

Me and the girlfriend have been having slow and unresponsive internet lately, because roommate won't stop torrenting movies all day.

When the net was last slow/unresponsive, and I asked him if he was downloading movies, he said "no". He later admitted to my girlfriend that he was, and that he lied to my face because "I shouldn't have to answer to him about whether or not I am downloading."

Actually, since we are splitting fifty-fifty on the internet each month, and since his torrenting literally brings our net to a halt a lot of the time (to the point where the browser says "no connection"), he does. And I told him that.

I also told him that next time I find out he has been lying about downloading, the next time our net is slow, I'm gonna simply reimburse his half for the month, then change the password so he gets NO internet all month. The internet is in my name, so he can get fucked.
I don't know. They seem like decent people at the time.

Would I be justified in reimbursing him and simply changing the password if he doesn't comply?
Can't afford to live alone. My hours at work are erratic and usually I only get two or three shifts a week. For the past two or three weeks it's been much more than that, but I was told I could go back to minimal shifts at no notice. Applied to other jobs with no success.
Like when he streams on Netflix, there is no problem. When he games, there is no problem.

But EVERY TIME he torrents movies, it brings our net to nearly a total halt. To the point where it's a roll of the dice whether or not I can load simple browser pages. It pisses me off.

He hasn't even paid me for this past month either; he asked me if he could pay me on the first instead, because he wanted to use his last fifty bucks for booze for his birthday.