The Whining and Bitching Thread

At my work, we flexibly deploy paid interns to handle different assignments that can change on a daily basis or at a moment's notice. I had one refuse to do her assignment because it was changed, so I terminated her because she caused a scene in front of all of her peers and said she refused to do it when I took her aside. I offered her the chance to either do it or leave and she still tried to demand that I make someone else do it. She has done this before when I wasn't working but it needed to stop. She always acted like she was better than everyone and I don't want people like that on my team.

All of the assignments are roughly the same type of work and similarly demanding. I'm so tired of drama.
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That's shitty. When you're at work you are paid to do your job, not complain like a child or cause a scene.

My whine/bitch of the day: My girlfriend signed up to work Boxing Day this year. As soon as one of the more ditzy, cunty girls who have been there longer saw this, she signed up for that very same shift, knowing it goes by seniority.

We needed that money for Christmas. She knew that.

Worst part is, this girl had actually BOOKED Boxing Day off months ago, and by signing up, pretty much wants to "unbook it". So you can tell she only did it in a conscious effort to be a cunt.
Pretty sure the place I'm working isn't going to survive the winter. I survived lay off number 5 for whatever reason. Down from 200 people to maybe 35-40...

I drove 350 miles today. I feel like ass.
I don't really like my job. It's ok money wise but I'm not using any of my knowledge or skills at all, if anything, they probably make me worse at it because how simple the work is makes it harder to keep concentrating.
When you're at work you are paid to do your job, not complain like a child or cause a scene.

Well....yes but there are always two sides to every story. There could be a legitimate reason she was complaining. It's also possible Omni is telling 100% of the truth but I don't trust anyone to do that these days
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We have a no tolerance policy for insubordination that is explained to interns during their training and is also listed in the employee policy guidelines that they all have access to at work or through the company network. Refusing to work an assignment because you think that other people should have to do it instead of you is not a valid reason to not perform your job.

In the past, she has always gotten her way by forcing another intern to switch places with her. None of them wanted to do so, so she tried to tell me that I should force one of them to switch with her. She wouldn't offer any explanation as to why she was unwilling to do the assignment and told me that she would leave if I didn't give her the assignment that she wanted. I informed her of the consequences of refusing to do her job and she was unwilling to comply, so I separated her from the workplace after giving her a chance to do her job.

We've had various other issues with her in the past, including leaving work without authorization. She was also currently being investigated because of suspicions that she was having other people clock her in and out of our system.

She's the only person that I've separated in my 11 years of employment, other than for poor work attendance.
The system here prohibits me from discouraging future employers from hiring her unless she uses me as a reference voluntarily, which I am also not allowed to do according to this company's policies on such things. We only confirm whether they worked here and for how long.
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That's how it should be. I've had several assholes from my past try to fuck me over long after I left. Fuck that shit.
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The system here prohibits me from discouraging future employers from hiring her unless she uses me as a reference voluntarily, which I am also not allowed to do according to this company's policies on such things. We only confirm whether they worked here and for how long.
Yeah but if she uses you as a reference and you tell the truth about her behavioral issues... how likely is it your company will find out?

Don't ask don't tell?