The Whining and Bitching Thread

We're on the last leg of the broker dealer transfer I keep bitching about. Normal funds were sent to temp accounts and all housed by the new brokerage, so transfers should go more smoothly.

However.... One particular holding cannot be held by the new place and basically is in limbo right now for 13 clients since the old account is closed and the new place keeps rejecting. And the new home we did set up hadn't processed that ACAT in time. Oy fucking vey.
We're on the last leg of the broker dealer transfer I keep bitching about. Normal funds were sent to temp accounts and all housed by the new brokerage, so transfers should go more smoothly.

However.... One particular holding cannot be held by the new place and basically is in limbo right now for 13 clients since the old account is closed and the new place keeps rejecting. And the new home we did set up hadn't processed that ACAT in time. Oy fucking vey.

Haha. My job is calling clients to resolve their rejected ACATs, DTCs, and paper transfers. My life is registration mismatches, non-transferable positions, unsigned forms, etc...
Haha. My job is calling clients to resolve their rejected ACATs, DTCs, and paper transfers. My life is registration mismatches, non-transferable positions, unsigned forms, etc...

Amen buddy. Thank fuck for metal. So who do you work for exactly? An advisor, a broker dealer, or the clearing firm?
Amen buddy. Thank fuck for metal. So who do you work for exactly? An advisor, a broker dealer, or the clearing firm?

A broker dealer that does Electronic TRADEing. We're not supposed to say which in social media :P

I pretty much play go between for our dumbshit salesmen/customers and our operations people up in Jersey City.

You have a securities license, right @Draehl ?

Yeah. 7 & 63. I'd prefer to get a job without them though. I'm trying to get a business analyst or operations type job. I'm over customer interaction.
00:00 *** Iron_Wizard was kicked by ortab (Please go to bed.)
00:00 !!! You have been kicked from #metal

Copy and pasted from the Metal Archives chat.
+++ Iron_Wizard set to mode +i
00:03 *** Iron_Wizard joined #metal
Official chat of | RIP LEMMY & Jim Sadist & Philthy Animal Taylor
Topic set by HellBlazer!~hb@ on Tue Jan 19 2016 01:09:36 GMT-0500 (EST)
00:03 Emanon well that's what it is really
00:03 Iron_Wizard Not tired
00:03 ortab sighs
00:03 ortab Maybe YOU aren't, but I am.
00:03 *** Oblarg joined #metal
00:04 --- ChanServ has banned *!*@
00:04 *** Iron_Wizard was kicked by ChanServ (User is banned from this channel)
00:04 !!! You have been kicked from #metal

Are they 15 too?
It depends on the members. If you have a bunch of morons on a forum than it won't work but I've seen it do okay in other circumstances
A broker dealer that does Electronic TRADEing. We're not supposed to say which in social media :p

I pretty much play go between for our dumbshit salesmen/customers and our operations people up in Jersey City.

Yeah. 7 & 63. I'd prefer to get a job without them though. I'm trying to get a business analyst or operations type job. I'm over customer interaction.

Hmm... Do you possibly work with something mountain-related?!? Because so do I. Also amen to your goals, I'm aiming for the same thing myself. I do all our operations work and a lot of hypotheticals.
Turns out that I have to go to work this evening which I didn't expect and I'm pretty fucking tired. Just until the midnight though.