The Whining and Bitching Thread

I'll make this clear once and for all, I despise downloaders. Cunts that get on these forums and act like legends, giving their critiques and pretending to be owners of this music. You show absolutely no dedication at all to the music and history you profess to love, anyone can have an internet connection.
I have spent literally thousands of hard earned dollars(not being a college faggot but fucking hard work, do you even know what that is?)on this music and stiff shit if you've wasted yours on Internet downloads, I know this upsets a lot of you but go fuck yourself and I hope your hard drive last the distance.
Bunch of fucking sheep.
I agree. I mean if you download some cool demos or oop shit or something it's fine, I do that and I also listen to stuff on youtube etc and download a album here and there before buying stuff, but it's depressing when people don't buy a singel album, I mean come on make some effort ffs. I find the money even though I also buy lots and lots of comics and other shit too. It's hardly too expensive if you don't live below minimum or something. Saying you spend it on other shit is not a valid excuse, obviously you get something from the music so pay your respects bitches.

That said I think alot if not most people here actually buy most of their music? I always got that impression atleast but maybe that has changed?
I had a similar debate recently where I strongly took the position of adapt or die. Whether it's musicians, directors, or video games.

I collect hard copies of music and vg because I'm into that shit but a good deal of it is streamed, and pretty much all my movies/television shows are streamed. Which I pay for of course because I'm not a turd. People absolutely should purchase albums and dvds and shit of what they really dig but this is how the world is now. We need compact data for more processing power. I am so fucking pro-streaming.

But anti-downloading, for sure. Pussy faggots with ass faces and squid feces for tongues. Sign up for a monthly fee streaming service to check out new shit, at least the artists get the pennies for it instead of nothing.
I fucking love Spotify! I haven't downloaded in years, but fuck the people who say fuck the downloaders. FUCK. YOU. Downloading is a tool and if wielded correctly everybody benefits. You can't buy everything. YOU CAN'T. To sum up, everybody shut the fuck up.
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But you can pay ten bucks for access to shit tons of music for a month. I use rhapsody and have found maybe three or four bands missing from their selection in the many years I've used it.

Fuck adapting. Really the only films at risk for people like me that only buy hard copies are new shitty films anyway. There's not going to be a time in my life that suddenly Charles Bronson films are only available via streaming.

Shove it.
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I fucking love Spotify! I haven't downloaded in years, but fuck the people who say fuck the downloaders. FUCK. YOU. Downloading is a tool and if wielded correctly everybody benefits. You can't buy everything. YOU CAN'T. To sum up, everybody shut the fuck up.
You don't need everything either. "I buy what I feel like so I am entitled to take rest!" Fuck that mentality.
My friend called me (woke me up out of my sleep) because her boyfriend went to Japan with some chick that she hasnt met for two weeks. Now one of my best friends and I have been best friend since 3rd grade, and she's been dating this dude since high school. We actually had a huge falling out in high school because I told her he lies a lot and is untrustworthy. I'm actually pretty preceptive and even my students know not to mess with me with their goddamn stories because I'll make those little motherfuckers tremble. I call them out on it, but in this case I guess it wasn't my place to. But I did and she got all pissy with me and didn't talk to me for like a year (this was like 6 or 7 years ago). Now... she comes to me with this story. There has been others, but this one is just blatant. There comes a time where you have to ask yourself are you being stupid. If my boyfriend ever pulls some stunt like that.... Going to Japan for two weeks, telling me not to get a ticket because "it's for work" then BAM I find out he's not actually there for work, and he went with some other girl without telling me? It's a good thing I'm not wrapped up too tight because it only attracts people who are authentic.

I hate having to watch what I have to say with her and honestly she knows me well enough to know what I'm thinking. But that's just fucked up. Also, it's late and I should get back to sleep.
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