The Whining and Bitching Thread

I download music because I simply don't care. I have literally no moral qualms. I don't do it often, but I do.

I still buy a ton and stream often too.

But anti-downloaders can be some of the most pretentious, self-righteous buggers on the planet and really I don't take them seriously.
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I used to be an annoying anti-downloader, now I'm just an anti-downloading person in my private life and don't care what other people choose to do.

People that want to control the actions of others in general are trash if you ask me. Don't force your moral values on others, live by example but leave people alone.
I mean, I know it's technically stealing but meh. I like listening to music too much and sometimes I just want to do things even if it's "technically stealing".
I do about half the time lmao.

The other half of my money goes towards food, booze, and the occasional bit of pot.
Yeah most people can never support all the artists they'd like to, but I'm an "anti-downloader" to the extent that I think people that literally haven't paid a cent towards their favorite bands and then complain about "Oh it's so hard to find good music" are shit. These days I mostly listen to OOP stuff anyways so it doesn't really make a difference I guess.
See my ideal band would be the opposite. Creatively controlled entirely by me, but managed by someone else.

Kind of an egomaniac when it comes to my writing (I have four albums of unrecorded black metal material, but I haven't moved forward because I can't find anyone who wants to play without fucking around with the material). Either play what I write or gtfo.
I have a small problem. My band teacher let us out early, so I went to hang out with some kids. We were posing with our middle fingers up for a picture, and my English teacher walked out of her room, and my middle finger was up at her. Class tomorrow will definitely be strange.
I have a small problem. My band teacher let us out early, so I went to hang out with some kids. We were posing with our middle fingers up for a picture, and my English teacher walked out of her room, and my middle finger was up at her. Class tomorrow will definitely be strange.

Stop doing easily preventable stupid things and then complaining about them.
Something where I have full control except for the creative side (ie: Everyone contributes their parts and we all come to agreement, but marketing, finances etc are completely controlled by me)

I would be very wary about entering into an agreement like this. You are probably a good dude but I've been fucked over when giving other people that much power multiple times.

I do want to form some kind of project though. Maybe multiple projects. My dream is a progressive metal mix between Opeth, DT, Arcturus, Symphony X etc. Virtuosic playing, death growls, and amazing writing. Some kind of symphonic black/death metal band would be fun too.The talent needed for these things is extremely high so I haven't even tried to find capable musicians though.
I would be very wary about entering into an agreement like this. You are probably a good dude but I've been fucked over when giving other people that much power multiple times.

I can see your point. Maybe it could be something where you all agree upon the finances, etc and then one person controls them? I don't know. I like to know what is going on with anything I undertake so if I'm out of the loop I get pissed about shit.
Stop doing easily preventable stupid things and then complaining about them.

I mean, this is the Whining and Bitching Thread. Nonetheless, that is good advice. It's just really hard advice to follow. I have trouble following advice, it gets me in a lot of trouble.
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