The Whining and Bitching Thread

He literally said that the other kid didn't get upset enough and start a new fight with him so he must not have loved his dead brother. It's pretty obvious that he's trying to start shit with people.

Dead brother or not that kid can't go around starting fights, you act like iw killed his brother or something. If the original fight was all dead brother kids fault as he said, then that kid needs to learn not to start random fights in the future. Would you just let it go if some jerk threw you on the ground ? We have all lost loved ones and most of us weren't assholes about it. Can't let him ride the dead brother victim hood card the rest of his life
Yeah, it's pretty obvious that he likes to start shit and act out in school and you're over here making him out to be some kind of valedictorian innocent bystander.
I still haven't gotten my last paycheck from my former employer. My pay day was the 15th. Technically in this state I'm supposed to have that check on the 16th, but I'm understanding, so especially with mail time I wasn't concerned. But this is over a week later. Fucking ridiculous. I'm a broke young person who mainly lives paycheck to paycheck, can't help but feel this is some petty revenge on me for quitting.

So I just called the office... he's been out of town since Monday. Unreal. Not worth legal trouble but it's still pissing me off.
Yeah he cuts all the checks personally and they didn't offer direct deposit. Fuck small businesses. Never again.
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He literally said that the other kid didn't get upset enough and start a new fight with him so he must not have loved his dead brother. It's pretty obvious that he's trying to start shit with people.

I don't recall saying that, you probably interpreted what I said incorrectly. If he doesn't like it when people bring up his brother, he should treat them with respect.

He was the one who started the fight. I said what I said as a means to stop him from messing with me, and it worked.
Weird because you definitely said this.

I went to him afterwards and said "Just because you brother died doesn't mean you have to be an asshole". That seemed to upset him. If my brother died and someone told that to me, I would throw a fucking chair at them and kick them in the balls. Clearly, he doesn't care about his brother that much.
Weird because you definitely said this.

You misinterpreted what I said. I was implying that he isn't a very caring person. I upset him sufficiently. You were speculating that I meant that I didn't upset him enough. I upset him plenty, maybe even too much. I was comparing the way he reacted to the way I would have reacted to reinforce the point that I was trying to make with this entire discussion- that this guy is an asshole.
You literally stated in that post that he didn't react with violence the way that you would have so he must not care about his dead brother.

Nothing in my post says anything about you saying that you were trying to upset him and failed to upset him as much as you wanted to. I'm not really sure what you're talking about.

Your posting history reads like a manifesto on how to act out and rebel over meaningless things at school. To me, that indicates that you are far from an innocent bystander considering all of the complaints about getting in trouble and the like that you've posted.
I don't bitch and complain, fuck the world, i'm gonna make you suck my fuckin dick you mother fuckers.
The company i contract off took $565 out of my pay two weeks ago by mistake because the invoicing department are a bunch of incompetent knuckle-dragging buffoons. I've spent the whole fortnight emailing them and management trying to get my money back and was told on Friday by the state manager that it would be in my pay this morning. Lo and behold, it's not in my pay.

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Tough day at work today. I have two classes, one with a bunch of angels and the other with a bunch of dicks. Anyways the one with a bunch of dicks, got a classroom crisis para as per all the teachers. Well this para seemed great at first because first he's a big man (which is like gold in inner city schools) and he seemed with it. However, now he's just been doing things that I've been questioning and have let go to sort of give him break I.e eating while me and other teachers are teaching, doing other work not pertaining to the kids and work at hand, taking long bathroom breaks,etc.

Anyways during homeroom as I'm getting ready to dismiss the kids he gets into a shouting match with one of the kids. It turns ugly because this kid is just whiny and annoying and babyish but tries to act tough. Anyways, the para closes the door and then sorta like gets in the kids face yelling at him. This is America, bro, that shit doesn't fly. He he's so close to the kid that the kid is now saying he pushed him and he ran to me crying and now his mom is coming in.

My coworkers want me to pull a "my name is
Mo, and I don't know." Or a "my name is muffin and I don't know nothin'" but this is the second time the para got in trouble with putting his hands on a kid. You can't do that, and I didn't really think I'd have to tell another adult who went through the training and shit this but... here goes.

Hopefully the world ends tomorrow and I don't have to deal with this shit.
Reading this kind of shit is really tough for me because I both recognize the systemic injustices that occur but also recognize the genetic/behavioral factors. You'll probably do more good speaking up, but you might help one person out of the system per se with the "my name is Mo" approach. It is a shitty place to be stuck in.
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Snitch on him, sounds like a douchebag that should be removed from the system ASAP.

Is it worth getting the reputation of a snitch though? I mean, is it helping her avoid a life-sentence in prison?

EDIT: Kids these days need a bit of a beating anyway IMO. The lack of beating is probably what spawned all these SJW's in the first place!
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