The Whining and Bitching Thread

I'm rather introverted so social interactions really take it out of me, which sucks. I'm basically the complete opposite of someone like @Master_Yoda77.

Also I have resting Ice Cube face so right off the bat I'm probably perceived to be a douche.

Me af too. Introverts expend all their energy interacting with people which is why they need time alone to recharge. Extroverts increase their energy levels by talking and interacting with people.

I feel so exhausted if I don't have sufficient time by myself to recharge on any given day.
Yeah exactly. Extroverts are exhausted by isolation, I have very extroverted friends who would work 3 weeks on 1 week off in the mining industry and by the end of the year would be suffering from insane bouts of depression.

Serious stuff!
for me, whether or not social interaction is exhausting is completely dependent on who i'm interacting with, i wouldn't say i get exhausted or anxious or whatever hanging out with like-minded people. i'm definitely introverted in the sense of loving being alone and being difficult to persuade to do anything social though. then again, in the internet age you're rarely alone in the way people used to be, you can kind of have your cake and eat it. suits me.
I love women and all, but finding it more and more difficult to sustain relationships with them because they require a lot of me. Today, one of the teachers that share the same kids had me walking all over the goddamn building because a kid told her to piss off. I don’t drag other people into my problems like that. She was upset, I get it, but she went and spoke to every assistant principal, our union rep, school counselor AND the principal, crying every time. Took up 80 minutes, and she wanted me to come with her. I feel like an asshole bitching about it here, but kids have called me shit and i handled it myself. Like I’m not always serious or always up to have some deep ass philosophical conversation. Sometimes just wanna talk about unimportant shit like movies music etc. Down time is recharge time. Freaking brain needs a rest.
Wanting to be alone isn't really being introverted if any of the psychology materials I've read are true. It's typically about whether social interactions drain you or energize you. You can be introverted and enjoy the idea of going out, you want to go out, but after said outing you need time alone to recharge mentally.
Sounds like old wainds is just a crotchety old redcoat that doesn't want to hang out with the wrong kind of douches.

My good friend irl is someone you would just assume is an introvert. Lives alone, has cats, has depression, but actually the more he's alone the worse his mental health seems to become and anytime he seems better when I see him I know he's just gone out bowling with work friends or visited his family or something.
Wanting to be alone isn't really being introverted if any of the psychology materials I've read are true. It's typically about whether social interactions drain you or energize you. You can be introverted and enjoy the idea of going out, you want to go out, but after said outing you need time alone to recharge mentally.
Sounds like old wainds is just a crotchety old redcoat that doesn't want to hang out with the wrong kind of douches.

makes sense. it's mostly that a) i love my alone time more than nearly everyone i know and b) i'm compatible with a pretty small range of people. i wouldn't say i have any inherent problem socialising or need recovery time generally speaking, although i do have my limits and i find if i'm on vacation for more than a few days i do start itching to get away no matter who i'm with.
I just don't like being around more than a few people at a time, anxiety gets the better of me. And I'm VERY EASILY bored without something to occupy me besides talking, generally because I don't know enough people I'm actually compatible with. So they're droning on with whatever's new in that social group or some other shit I don't care about while I dick around with my phone or make origami out of all the napkins.

I have a few friends who are always great company though, thank god for them. Last time I saw my d&d people was at a bonfire, we spoke in mafia character all night, accusing everyone else of lying about how much beer actually existed and naming random people our consigliere. Them's are my kind of company. Childish and laughing forever.
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IDK, my friends kids have done and said way funnier shit than they ever do. Like asking people, very sternly, if they'd ever live in a house made of ghost farts. Wtf kid? Shut up you're adorable.

Kids are actually awesome conversationalists, I love fucking with them. Whenever they do the GUESS WHAT thing I accuse them of lying.
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Well work isn't terrible in my case since my "coworkers" and I are all on different projects and can help each other as we run into novel issues. Outside of that, my issues is that my interests are rarely shared, and in the handful of people I have access to spend RL time with that do share interests, either we have difficulty syncing schedules and/or their depth is paltry. Makes things difficult.
I love women and all, but finding it more and more difficult to sustain relationships with them because they require a lot of me. Today, one of the teachers that share the same kids had me walking all over the goddamn building because a kid told her to piss off. I don’t drag other people into my problems like that. She was upset, I get it, but she went and spoke to every assistant principal, our union rep, school counselor AND the principal, crying every time. Took up 80 minutes, and she wanted me to come with her. I feel like an asshole bitching about it here, but kids have called me shit and i handled it myself. Like I’m not always serious or always up to have some deep ass philosophical conversation. Sometimes just wanna talk about unimportant shit like movies music etc. Down time is recharge time. Freaking brain needs a rest.

Schools out forever, you should move on with your life.