The Whining and Bitching Thread

What did they want you to donate to, and how much? Hard to imagine that it's legal for the school to discipline you for not participating in some charity, unless the real reason you were sent to the principal's was because you kicked your legs onto the table, drew down your Ray-Bans, and said "Stuff it, teach".

They hand out these forms twice a year asking students to pledge to donate at least a dollar. They have donors that give large amounts of money (it's a private school by the way) but only under terms that they get 100 percent student participation in this fundraiser. I don't think that's right, and I feel like the school is taking advantage of the students like that.

It's probably legal as it isn't technically required, but it comes close to being obligatory as I had to argue with a teacher for five minutes to not sign the form.

If I don't hand in a dollar tomorrow, the school will donate a dollar to itself on my behalf so they can get the money. Wtf? Seems all sorts of weird.
I had to take my dog to the vet today because he had bloody diarrhea in the house. He apparently has giardia.

I'm not happy about it because the only place that he could have gotten it is when I had him boarded recently. He wasn't supposed to have contact with other dogs, so either they let him in with them or they don't clean properly at the kennel. :mad:

He'll be fine but the entire thing just makes me mad because it's totally preventable if they do their jobs properly.
Went back to the optometrist yesterday as the glasses I got about a year and a bit ago weren’t helping my vision in my crappy right eye at all anymore. I only wore them a handful of times anyway because they have me a headache and double vision if I looked up. Anyway it turns out that my suspicions were correct the whole time and it’s not my vision going because I’m getting older, it’s a motherfucking cataract! I also went to an ophthalmologist last year to make sure because I was convinced that there was something wrong with my eye and he told me exactly the same thing the optometrist did. Useless bunch of tards. Now I’ve gotta have keyhole surgery and a new lens installed in my eye. THEY’RE GOING TO CUT A FUCKING HOLE IN MY EYE.
I've been struggling to get reimbursed for an out-of-network health insurance claim I submitted almost 3 months ago. Probably put 6-8 hours of work into this shit so far - multiple phone calls to the insurer, and re-printing/mailing the claim. Part of the problem is the insurance co being assholes and coming up with any excuse in the book to deny the claim, part of it is the stupid doctor's office giving me receipts with inconsistent formatting and listing payments for multiple visits on certain receipts because their card reader doesn't work sometimes and they wait until the following visit to charge me.

Fuck health insurance.
@Satanstoenail hey I actually had to have that surgery when I was 12. I was born with cataracts. That shit is awful man. Best the luck to ya. One of your eyes will shine like a jewel in the lights.
Shit that'd hard to deal with as a kid. Is your sight ok now?

My dad had that surgery too. The upside for him was that he somehow came out of it with perfect vision after being horribly nearsighted his whole life, and he no longer needs glasses.
Yeah my old man has had the same thing, probably why it's happening to me, although his happened when he was over 60. I guess I'm just lucky/special
A good friend recently came over and we were playing a space themed board game. I dropped it on a playlist I had made for with spacey stuff from all sorts of genres (mostly stoner/space rock). The 4th album in was Mare Cogntium and maybe 20 minutes in he was all "Are we going to listen to black metal all day?" which would be fair if I was actually inundating him with it, but Jesus, it was one album and the rather accessible Mare Cognitum at that. Meanwhile, I routinely will listen to his post/sludge/metalcore leaning stuff which he knows I'm too fond of, but I play anything even remotely resembling BM or Folk and it's the end of the world. Probably should just agree to play Stoner/Space rock stuff which seems to be the only thing we can agree on.

Anyone else got metal friends you butt heads with on genres?
A good friend recently came over and we were playing a space themed board game. I dropped it on a playlist I had made for with spacey stuff from all sorts of genres (mostly stoner/space rock). The 4th album in was Mare Cogntium and maybe 20 minutes in he was all "Are we going to listen to black metal all day?" which would be fair if I was actually inundating him with it, but Jesus, it was one album and the rather accessible Mare Cognitum at that. Meanwhile, I routinely will listen to his post/sludge/metalcore leaning stuff which he knows I'm too fond of, but I play anything even remotely resembling BM or Folk and it's the end of the world. Probably should just agree to play Stoner/Space rock stuff which seems to be the only thing we can agree on.

Anyone else got metal friends you butt heads with on genres?

If he complains, just offer to play this instead: