The Whining and Bitching Thread

I have a full size bed, and i sleep comfortably with one other person. Never felt cramped, but I also can literally sleep anywhere at anytime.

Edit: School's out, soo now i'm really bored. I've got to be busy or else I feel really down. I was actually looking for some overtime work. But I think i'm going to try and do some productive stuff like put my collection on RYM.... and i suppose join a gym or something.

Tom G. Warrior was attacked yesterday. His assailant broke his arm, but he ran away because Tom fought back and he got scared. As far as I know, he hasn't been identified yet so he's still on the streets. It's sad to see this happen, but Tom says that his further appearances won't be cancelled although he can't play an instrument right now.

That's shitty. :(
Parents had to have the family dog put down today. He was almost 12 which is about par the course for English Springer Spaniels. Terrible timing as next weekend we're going up to celebrate dad's 60th birthday and would have gotten to see him one last time. What a shitty birthday present for dad...

He was a hell of a dog. Dad picked him out at the breeder back when my brother and I were still in school. The swarm of puppies all ran up to him when he walked in the fence but he noticed one of them stayed back and just watched the others do their thing. After the rest of the litter lost interest Woodrow walked up to him all calm and sat down and just looked up like "what's up, man?" and he knew he was the one immediately. Woody thought he was just another person- always wanted to be with someone and wasn't ever too interested in other dogs. Huge problem solving skills- dad has a ham radio setup in his unfinished basement (concrete floor) and if Woody wanted to lay on his favorite human-sized inflatable mattress but dad was busy he'd maneuver that thing past 2 tool boxes and a boat so he could lay there comfortably below dad and listen to him talk. I've never seen a dog, even for a hunting breed, who would watch people so intently while they were having a conversation and not even talking to him. Picked up on a lot more than you'd think. No tricks other than shaking hands, though. I think he was a little too prideful for that!

Anyway, sorry for ranting, but he was a great dog. I doubt I'll ever have one with so much personality!
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Parents had to have the family dog put down today. He was almost 12 which is about par the course for English Springer Spaniels. Terrible timing as next weekend we're going up to celebrate dad's 60th birthday and would have gotten to see him one last time. What a shitty birthday present for dad...

He was a hell of a dog. Dad picked him out at the breeder back when my brother and I were still in school. The swarm of puppies all ran up to him when he walked in the fence but he noticed one of them stayed back and just watched the others do their thing. After the rest of the litter lost interest Woodrow walked up to him all calm and sat down and just looked up like "what's up, man?" and he knew he was the one immediately. Woody thought he was just another person- always wanted to be with someone and wasn't ever too interested in other dogs. Huge problem solving skills- dad has a ham radio setup in his unfinished basement (concrete floor) and if Woody wanted to lay on his favorite human-sized inflatable mattress but dad was busy he'd maneuver that thing past 2 tool boxes and a boat so he could lay there comfortably below dad and listen to him talk. I've never seen a dog, even for a hunting breed, who would watch people so intently while they were having a conversation and not even talking to him. Picked up on a lot more than you'd think. No tricks other than shaking hands, though. I think he was a little too prideful for that!

Anyway, sorry for ranting, but he was a great dog. I doubt I'll ever have one with so much personality!

Sorry to hear. Remimds me of the dog I lost several years ago; practically a human haha
My phone (basically my only access to the internet is fucked once it runs out of charge. Fucking chinese piece of shit.

I could get it fixed but that would be expensive as fuck and I'm worried about my phone being snooped around in.
God damn is finding accommodations in Münster so frustrating. I've heard horror stories, but didn't experience it last year by a stroke of good luck. Knowing I'd have to find a place by September, I started on my search as far back as late April, have sent in total well over 30 messages, gotten around 13 replies, participated in 6 castings (yes, castings, like I'm trying out for a theater show), one of which I'd befriended one of the girls that lived there a month beforehand, two others which went well, laughs and all, and one in which I brought a good bottle of wine with me and had quite a pleasant time with them, and still nothing. It's absurd. This casting thing is nuts. These people are already getting bombarded with dozens of messages from people, from whom the recipients already expect a nicely written self-description that reflects the room advertisement itself, and then they spend hours inviting between six and twelve interviewees in little half-hour casting blocks. I get doing a few interviews. Past three or four, it just doesn't make sense. They'll forget details and impressions about people they interviewed along the way, and waste the time of people looking for a room as well their own. Sometimes you'll show up and they seem out of it, like they're just sick of interviews, and you're number six out of ten, so they don't even have anything to say or ask because they just want to get it over with. And jumping back into German and attempting to be as sociable as possible for a Skype call isn't fun when I'm saturated by English and am in the middle of prepping my French.

Three Skype interviews tomorrow as well as reminders to follow up with people I've already made contacts with about interviews on the weekend, and of course more browsing and messaging over the newly listed. On the bright side, I'm scheduled to have coffee on Friday with a potential adviser at George Washington, Andrew Zimmerman, so that'll be nice.

Oh, and there's a Fulbrighter who is taking my buddy's spot in Münster, and she reached out to me about a month ago to ask for advice about living there. I gave her a nice little message about how nice the little city of Münster is and how much she'll love it, and then told her she needed to start looking for a place to live yesterday. Of course two same-day Skype interviews later she's got a real central place at a killer price. God damn blonde bombshells.
We have got a `hoverer` using the office toilets at work, and I am convinced its a female. There is a single-trap toilet we have near our office that's used by males and females. And someone is hovering over it whilst emptying their backs and is spraying poo all over the back of the toilet and all over the wall and floor at the back. Its a woman because the motive is zero contact with the toilet seat.
I figure that she must be hanging onto the sink and slowly lowering herself into a sort of Kangaroo posture.
No-one can aim properly like that, but any mess can, and will be, blamed on men.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me tell you, let me tell you, the mess and the smell absolutely beggars belief.
We were discussing it in the office to try and `flush out ` ( sorry :p ) the culprit and I was saying that there must be about three hoverers in there now to avoid the rank mess from the other hoverer.
Anyway, I have boycotted trap 1 and will go to the others on the ground floor from now on, or not go at all until I get home.
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Im not being deliberately vulgar at the moment, but, having left the kitchen roll on my desk at the back, my nose did one of those things where as you breathe through it it suddenly has one of those booger itches where its flapping on the inside of your nose and the itch beggars belief. Well the reason I say this, is that, it happened about 15 minutes ago and so I had to get my finger in there and get it out, it was spontaneous reaction, non-conscious. Anyway, when I am using the mouse I keep feeling it on my finger as it drags on the mouse-mat, but I cannot find it on my finger or mouse, but it is there causing this horrible bumpy feeling as I scroll. I am convinced I have been hexed.
You ever examine why you’re the way you are and if it’s actually healthy or truly beneficial?

I was thinking and there is a such thing as being “too nice” depending on why you are that way. I had a situation on the train earlier, and I thought to myself that always taking pity on someone is not a good trait to have. You end up doing things out of guilt and you take on these “save the world” projects that you can’t manage, for what? For your ego? Sometimes people who are too nice are like people who are too disciplined. We all know those types who do exactly what they are “supposed to do” and look down on others for indulging in things “they are not supposed to indulge in.” Those overly disciplined people aren’t happy either because they do what they do to look down on someone else, not because they really enjoy the way they do things or believe in them. Really you need a balance. You can’t be so overly disciplined that you have no room for spontaneity and you can’t be so nice that you pity everyone because that’s also an ego thing too. One needs to be careful about their intentions. If it’s not because you can actually help but because you want to help to feel good about yourself that can become problematic. Shit shouldn’t be lived in extremes.

And no I’m not drunk or high, just thinking.
I changed my instagram to green bastard666 and some girl already blocked me. People really are close minded little fuckheads.

Besides that was a favor because I was tired of seeing 10 posts a day about her personal life. I'm thinking of getting off instagram because its a waste of time...