The Whining and Bitching Thread

You ever examine why you’re the way you are and if it’s actually healthy or truly beneficial?

I was thinking and there is a such thing as being “too nice” depending on why you are that way. I had a situation on the train earlier, and I thought to myself that always taking pity on someone is not a good trait to have. You end up doing things out of guilt and you take on these “save the world” projects that you can’t manage, for what? For your ego? Sometimes people who are too nice are like people who are too disciplined. We all know those types who do exactly what they are “supposed to do” and look down on others for indulging in things “they are not supposed to indulge in.” Those overly disciplined people aren’t happy either because they do what they do to look down on someone else, not because they really enjoy the way they do things or believe in them. Really you need a balance. You can’t be so overly disciplined that you have no room for spontaneity and you can’t be so nice that you pity everyone because that’s also an ego thing too. One needs to be careful about their intentions. If it’s not because you can actually help but because you want to help to feel good about yourself that can become problematic. Shit shouldn’t be lived in extremes.

And no I’m not drunk or high, just thinking.


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Instagram sucks unless you like endless photos with no context, also it's *closed-minded.

I did a poll if I should keep the name and most people voted yes. One person voted no and unfollowed me. I can't believe (actually I can) how closed minded people are. I put 666 in my name and people who seemed perfectly nice suddenly want to shun me.

I think getting spoiled with kindness and ease of living is very bad for people. My views are in the minority, and due to a lack of acceptance, I will be friends with those who do not agree with me...however if you turn the tables, these other people are disturbed by the things I believe and they want to avoid me. Basically because their views have mass acceptance, their connections with others are expendable whereas I have to treasure mine.

Maybe I'm looking to far into it, but it sucks how people think. Its kind of ironic that "bad people" according to the status quo are actually less judgemental.
I did a poll if I should keep the name and most people voted yes. One person voted no and unfollowed me. I can't believe (actually I can) how closed minded people are. I put 666 in my name and people who seemed perfectly nice suddenly want to shun me.

I think getting spoiled with kindness and ease of living is very bad for people. My views are in the minority, and due to a lack of acceptance, I will be friends with those who do not agree with me...however if you turn the tables, these other people are disturbed by the things I believe and they want to avoid me. Basically because their views have mass acceptance, their connections with others are expendable whereas I have to treasure mine.

Maybe I'm looking to far into it, but it sucks how people think. Its kind of ironic that "bad people" according to the status quo are actually less judgemental.

If you give even 1% of a shit about something like this then yes you're looking too far into it.
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You ever examine why you’re the way you are and if it’s actually healthy or truly beneficial?

I was thinking and there is a such thing as being “too nice” depending on why you are that way. I had a situation on the train earlier, and I thought to myself that always taking pity on someone is not a good trait to have. You end up doing things out of guilt and you take on these “save the world” projects that you can’t manage, for what? For your ego? Sometimes people who are too nice are like people who are too disciplined. We all know those types who do exactly what they are “supposed to do” and look down on others for indulging in things “they are not supposed to indulge in.” Those overly disciplined people aren’t happy either because they do what they do to look down on someone else, not because they really enjoy the way they do things or believe in them. Really you need a balance. You can’t be so overly disciplined that you have no room for spontaneity and you can’t be so nice that you pity everyone because that’s also an ego thing too. One needs to be careful about their intentions. If it’s not because you can actually help but because you want to help to feel good about yourself that can become problematic. Shit shouldn’t be lived in extremes.

And no I’m not drunk or high, just thinking.
i actually am the "too nice" person
i always try to live by "do what you will when your will harms none"
but then it turns into trying to help everyone,
because "you're not merely responsible for what you do, you're also responsible for what you fail to do"
so when i fail to help people, it feels like i'm harming them
then i turn into Spock at the end of Wrath of Khan, killing my self to save everyone else
it's like how Peter Parker's life sucks because he's got to put on the mask and be Spiderman
i do that, everyday without really thinking about it
We have got a `hoverer` using the office toilets at work, and I am convinced its a female. There is a single-trap toilet we have near our office that's used by males and females. And someone is hovering over it whilst emptying their backs and is spraying poo all over the back of the toilet and all over the wall and floor at the back. Its a woman because the motive is zero contact with the toilet seat.
I figure that she must be hanging onto the sink and slowly lowering herself into a sort of Kangaroo posture.
No-one can aim properly like that, but any mess can, and will be, blamed on men.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me tell you, let me tell you, the mess and the smell absolutely beggars belief.
We were discussing it in the office to try and `flush out ` ( sorry :p ) the culprit and I was saying that there must be about three hoverers in there now to avoid the rank mess from the other hoverer.
Anyway, I have boycotted trap 1 and will go to the others on the ground floor from now on, or not go at all until I get home.
Im not being deliberately vulgar at the moment, but, having left the kitchen roll on my desk at the back, my nose did one of those things where as you breathe through it it suddenly has one of those booger itches where its flapping on the inside of your nose and the itch beggars belief. Well the reason I say this, is that, it happened about 15 minutes ago and so I had to get my finger in there and get it out, it was spontaneous reaction, non-conscious. Anyway, when I am using the mouse I keep feeling it on my finger as it drags on the mouse-mat, but I cannot find it on my finger or mouse, but it is there causing this horrible bumpy feeling as I scroll. I am convinced I have been hexed.
these 2 posts sound like separate scenes out of the same comedy movie
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The first post is at work in the near past, however, the nose incident one occurred whilst I was posting the first post. There is a Woman I sort of am keeping at bay (twice) who is keen on me and she is a Wiccan. I was half-joking about being Hexed. I am sensing a disgruntlement and an umbrage from her.
You can go the private route too, but that's expensive as all fuck. You're trapped between two choices, a shitty socialized healthcare system with year-long waiting lists or immediate attention in the private sector but potentially bankrupting costs.
You can go the private route too, but that's expensive as all fuck. You're trapped between two choices, a shitty socialized healthcare system with year-long waiting lists or immediate attention in the private sector but potentially bankrupting costs.

There has to be a middle ground somewhere. It's weird that I literally had this exact thought in my mind before I came back to the thread.
You know a major factor driving up the cost of healthcare? Tons of unhealthy people who can't pay for the expensive care required to keep them alive. But we "need to do something for them".
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I'm not a suicidal depressed person, but I don't want to live in this society, and have the money not to, and don't like people and have the money to live in bum fuck egypt, but no one will move me there even though can pay my rent i did not have a gun and tried to kill myself by slitting my own throat, i took a pocket knife and slit my throat and stabbed my neck with a kitchen knife, it might seem stupid, but i thought at the time would kill me,just because people and society is shitty does not mean I want to expierience it,i don't want to deal with people because they're shit,i dont care if they are, i don't really want to get into it, the shit i've dealt with would not normally have to deal with it, and i'm fuckin sick of it for along time, if I had a gun would shoot myself in the head, i asked someone to drop a gun off and the person would not even do it, even though no one would know how i got it, i don't think sometimes can hang myself from a belt.
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I'm not a suicidal depressed person, but I don't want to live in this society, and have the money not to, and don't like people and have the money to live in bum fuck egypt, but no one will move me there even though can pay my rent i did not have a gun and tried to kill myself by slitting my own throat, i took a pocket knife and slit my throat and stabbed my neck with a kitchen knife, it might seem stupid, but i thought at the time would kill me,just because people and society is shitty does not mean I want to expierience it,i don't want to deal with people because they're shit,i dont care if they are, i don't really want to get into it, the shit i've dealt with would not normally have to deal with it, and i'm fuckin sick of it for along time, if I had a gun would shoot myself in the head, i asked someone to drop a gun off and the person would not even do it, even though no one would know how i got it, i don't think sometimes can hang myself from a belt.

i fixed the healthcare system

imagine a guy named Bill gets his arm broken and gets an X-ray
now imagine a different guy also named Bill also gets his arm broken and also gets an X-ray
now imagine the 2 X-rays look indistinguishable

the only real answer to healthcare is to have identical injuries get identical treatment
even if one guy named Bill is Bill Gates and the other guy named Bill is broke
identical injuries get identical medical treatment, period, the end
that's really the only fucking way to fix "the healthcare crisis"
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Got throat, stomach, body ulcers from drinking and smoking, hopefully i pass out and don't wake up, after these beers.
Two weeks until school starts. My dumb ass had to get held back so I'm am 18 year old junior and not a senior like I could be. Fuck my life. I'm thinking about just dropping out getting a menial job, then worrying about my GED later. Fuck it. Fuck having a future, fuck running a business, fuck living past 30, fuck feeling happy. I'm done.