The Whining and Bitching Thread

Shit got hectic saturday night. Went to a party at the wife's family's house by Columbus. Drank a bunch of beers, dropped acid.... smoked like 30 filtered cigars (fuck my life for doing this) there exists pictures on the internet of my brother in law's gf sitting on my lap with her arms wrapped around my neck. At some point through the night I ate some fritos jalapeno cheddar cheese and sour patch kids. I've been awake since 3 pm~ish friday. Finally around 4-6 am I started to come down this morning to a functionable level after some real nightmarish shit.

Got a pretty nasty hangover. Fingertips are numb. Gag reflex feels weird but I havent barfed. Sweat on and off like a crackhead. I'm still foggy as fuck and I cant really eat. Honestly feel like I aged my soul about 10 years last night. I let the darkness creep in purposely and my imagination ran wild with it.

So, did other bad stuff happen that you don't remember?
So, did other bad stuff happen that you don't remember?

Well, not to me. I still feel like hammered ass though.

I don’t think I really want to ever do the lsd thing again. Only the second time I’ve been talked into it though but this was a double dose from the first time. I was up all night long and drank 6-8 beers which isn’t really that bad I think. The acid is what coated everything in a weird fog.

I smoked entirely more than I ever have in a month and ever want to again in one night. I also sat really close to the fire because I couldn’t feel it (or anything really, skin and tongue were numb most of the night) My clothes were so dingy the next morning, I threw them away after a shower.

At one point their pet turtle was a tarantula with a turtle head walking across the tanks bottom. The ceiling was the roof of my mouth and I could see the bumps move as I rubbed my tongue across the roof of my actual mouth. Some annoying teenage girl was drunk and screaming like a retard and it sounded like she was being repeatedly raped and murdered.

I ate a bite of cantaloupe like ten hours earlier and something made me think of it while I was chewing mint gum. The gum changed to cantaloupe in my mouth until I had to spit it out. Toward the end when it started to wear down reality and retard vision flashed back and forth which freaked me out. Everything and everyone was covered with black soot. After a shower all the blackness went away and I started to regain my senses.

Weird night. Not really a fun night. No idea why Shaunda’s ass was on me in front of my wife and her boyfriend but they just laughed about it so whatever I guess. I’m too old to get peer pressured into shit.
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I sat on my ass at work for 8 hours and did absolutely nothing. Would anyone like to trade their job for mine?

I would probably hate that. I feel really guilty when I'm at work and actually doing nothing. I feel like my performance should be measurable.
Why would you go to work ?, you ever thought about it, The Ozzman has 8 hour shifts and sits there, if you don't go to work you sit for 8 hours, but what's the difference, do you know what the difference is ?
That sucks. My employer had a pretty big layoff many years ago, but my position isn't easily filled so it had no impact on me. A lot of my friends had to find new jobs, which was tough because there wasn't much in the way of opportunity here at the time so a lot of them wound up moving.
That sucks. My employer had a pretty big layoff many years ago, but my position isn't easily filled so it had no impact on me. A lot of my friends had to find new jobs, which was tough because there wasn't much in the way of opportunity here at the time so a lot of them wound up moving.

What is shitty is that no one except a small group of people knew this was happening. We had an all hands meeting at 9 AM and it was over at 9:03 and basically it was 'Thanks for your service but get the fuck out'. I don't report to anyone at the moment because my supervisor and her supervisor both got canned. Heavy shit.
Ours was announced in advance and people were allowed to voluntarily take severance packages if they were in the group of people who were vulnerable to being laid off. The decisions made after that were basically drawn out of a hat, with the stipulation that those doing the selection could veto someone being laid off if they got good feedback about them. In that case, it would go to the next potential person until they met the quota.
>order something
>ships via USPS
>arrives at the post office near my house last night
>wake up today and refresh the app
>Package is now at a post office an hour away

USPS is one of the worst organizations on the planet
Ours was announced in advance and people were allowed to voluntarily take severance packages if they were in the group of people who were vulnerable to being laid off. The decisions made after that were basically drawn out of a hat, with the stipulation that those doing the selection could veto someone being laid off if they got good feedback about them. In that case, it would go to the next potential person until they met the quota.
how many people you talking about here??