The Whining and Bitching Thread

On another note
Depression fucking sucks. Im ready to turn it into some Terasophe music but I need to find the time.
Sleep paralysis is becoming more and more common with me here lately and I wish it would either go or kill me already.
On another note
Depression fucking sucks. Im ready to turn it into some Terasophe music but I need to find the time.
Sleep paralysis is becoming more and more common with me here lately and I wish it would either go or kill me already.

You on meds? My wife is forever entangled with depression but meds are cheap enough. A month supply of pills is like $9 here.

I’m curious with sleep paralysis, if you sleep on your stomach, can it even happen?
How the fuck did you guys survive being unemployed for so long?

1) Split mortgage w/ my brother/roommate.

2) Lived cheap before I was unemployed =solid savings. I still drive my 16 year old Ford Ranger, don't go out to movies, etc. It's easy enough as a homebody who doesn't piss money away trying to impress people on Facebook :p
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I’m a bit nervous after talking to my doctor yesterday. I’ve been having a lot of sleep issues and I’m having horrific problems staying awake working/driving. Basically, if I’m still, I’m falling asleep. Arms and legs feel numb. I finally decided to talk to him because I’ve had three accidents in the last two years. I’ve been lucky so far only hurting my car and insurance premium.

I’m abusing the fuck out of energy drinks and cigars to stay awake driving at work. I drive a truck that weighs 19,500 pounds. I’m not sure I could live with myself if I fall asleep driving one on the highway and annihilate someone’s family or something.

He gave me a test to see if I qualified for a sleep study, I scored a fucking 23 out of 30 when all I needed to qualify was a 10. Test date is TBA.

I dread the thought of needed a CPAP machine (suspects apnea or narcolepsy and I’ve had people tell me my whole life I have apnea) every night for the rest of my life and I almost think I’m willing to live with the chance of dying in my bed instead of that.

To keep me in the world of the conscious he gave me a prescription of Provigil and I have to admit while I was skeptical of it, so far it really works. I had never heard of it before he gave it to me but I made it clear I couldn’t legally work on Adderall this was his suggestion. Colors appear very bright and images very sharp. You feel very awake, a little dry. Extremely alert and I feel myself talking way more than normal but when I’m around people I CANT SHUT THE FUCK UP, makes me wonder if this is what consciousness is instead of what I was experiencing before. Lol. The pill lasts 12 hours in my experience. If someone had told me this exists I would have told them they were a fucking liar.
1) Split mortgage w/ my brother/roommate.

2) Lived cheap before I was unemployed =solid savings. I still drive my 16 year old FordFRanger, don't go out to movies, etc. It's easy enough as a homebody who doesn't piss money away trying to impress people on Facebook :p

Sounds great, I totally respect it.
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Junk food/junk tv/ junk gaming is a burden, I'd say. I had a short stretch where I only worked part time and my free time was spent really not feeling accomplished at all. I think being busy more often molds you into cherishing that little bit of free time, and you're more likely to spend it on something you can really be proud of or satisfied with, rather than immediate fleeting gratification. Otherwise it just ends up day in day out routine.
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Im not gonna disagree with that. It was kinda drilled into my brain growing up. But I sorta like the idea of keeping myself busy with work. It forces me to socialize (which is a good thing I think) and learn new tools and ideas.

Truthfully, if I didnt work, I honestly would have killed myself at some point.
I'm not joking. I find work sort of therapeutic, even though I get annoyed with my work. Sort of a double edged sword at times, but its worth it.
If I never had to work again I'd happily stop. I'd fill up a car with books and fuck off around the country for a year, just to get that shit out of my system.
I had a period of not working much for a year after university as I had no idea what I wanted to do. And it sucked tbh. All your friends are generally at work so it’s not like you can spend more time with them. And honestly, I was exhausted all the time. Which sounds ridiculous, but I lost a lot of motivation. The less you do, the less you want to do. Probably didn’t help that I fell into an awful sleeping pattern of being up until 6-7am and sleeping until 2-3pm.

Sometimes I feel like work is consuming my entire life, but I still prefer it to not working. Kinda agree with Carpe here; I have more drive to do things in my free time now. I kinda revert back to a similar lifestyle in the 6 week summer holidays, but I’m tired of it by the end and ready to be back at work.
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Slaves in the clothing of free people. :D
There's enough "woke" people in the world already tbh. We could use more who look forward to a life of contributing to society rather than one of freeloading on taxpayers.

And just to qualify what I said about free time: obv you need a certain minimum to be able to fully enjoy a lot of things in life, and I think the standard 40 hour/week schedule falls far short of providing that minimum. I'd love to be able to spend 2-3 months a year traveling, but I'm not allowed to take that much time off.

I was talking about more than pleasure though. I like doing productive stuff in my free time, like software projects and reading books, and I do way more of that now than I did while unemployed. I was also a terrible procrastinator, which kept me weighed down with emotional baggage all the time and prevented me from doing a lot of fun activities because they felt tme.

The good habits that come with having a job are what improve the quality of free time in a way that you can't get while unemployed. My ideal situation would be to have the financial freedom to work part-time (which I'm saving towards), because I want the best of both worlds.