The Whining and Bitching Thread

thought my phone was charging this whole last hour
but it wasn't
just now moved it from one outlet to another
it's currently charging now, but the battery is at this moment only 3%
Thats what Im thinking.
The problem that lies here is, I dont have insurance anymore.

I would go, but I dont wanna get fucking billed for seeing a doctor about an ear infection and paying for stronger meds to just help with the pain.

Ear infection cure via script would be an antibiotic and some prednisone. Antibiotic might cost like 20 bucks at most (usually amoxicillin for ears), prednisone is cheap, like $10. Doctor visit under 100 if you play your cards right. If it's that bad, id recommend going.
Interesting discussion about being employed and unemployed.

I'm much against the working class sort of "having a jerb" societal fetish, by which I mean people who look down on someone who's relaxing during working hours and they get all salty with "what are you doing, have nothing to do, you don't have a jerb?", I mean that's stupid as fuck. It's usually shitty people with shitty jobs who don't identify as someone specific but rather just as a "person who actually WORKS in contrary to SOMEONE who was LUCKY". It reminds me of a different thing I spotted in some comment box not long ago, where heavy smokers argued that they're the ones keeping the country running because they pay so much on tobacco tax. I mean, sure.

Oh look, a liberal shitting on the working class. I honestly don't care what job it is, if im an employer and im paying someone to work, I want them to be working when they are on the clock. Employees who get distracted and fuck off for an hour or two each day are bad employees. I guess I can add some leniency to salaried workers, who oftentimes work much more than the standard 40 hour week and only get compensated when the boss is feeling lenient and throws in a bonus. Ive met way too many people who are slackers at their job though, and when you tell them to do something they act like it is a favor rather than it being what they are there for. If you don't want to have good work ethic, fine, but don't act like it is only shitty people who arent fans of that attitude.
Oh look, a liberal shitting on the working class. I honestly don't care what job it is, if im an employer and im paying someone to work, I want them to be working when they are on the clock. Employees who get distracted and fuck off for an hour or two each day are bad employees. I guess I can add some leniency to salaried workers, who oftentimes work much more than the standard 40 hour week and only get compensated when the boss is feeling lenient and throws in a bonus. Ive met way too many people who are slackers at their job though, and when you tell them to do something they act like it is a favor rather than it being what they are there for. If you don't want to have good work ethic, fine, but don't act like it is only shitty people who arent fans of that attitude.

Oh, a misunderstanding.

I was talking about working hours in general. Like it's wrong not being at work operating a machine when it's 10AM. Because you know, it's possible to make a living in different ways.
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I obviously don't defend people who're slacking when they're paid to work.

I also find it stupid when there's a job where there's nothing to do yet people have to be there for 8 hours a day. These are usually government jobs from what I've seen.
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Oh ok.

I also find it stupid when there's a job where there's nothing to do yet people have to be there for 8 hours a day. These are usually government jobs from what I've seen.

Yea, It really is insane how much waste there is with government jobs. And then as a citizen you need their service, they sit back, sigh heavily, and act like you are bothering them on lunch break. Then again, I have to give props to my IRS representative. The guy is always willing to help, and gets back to my calls even if it is something petty. Called me back a few days ago (it's tax season), and you can tell that he probably hasnt slept in days. Not like I particularly admire that (he said hes going away for a couple months soon, so he gets his respite), but at least some people in government jobs arent a waste of space.
that said, what you and i have in common is being extremely hobby-oriented (read: autistic), to the point where we could probably spend 16 hours straight just diving into our hobbies/interests and go to bed satisfied, which i don't think most people are capable of. most 'normies' i know who like to work do so simply because they get bored at home, and to be honest if i lived the lives they do at home i'd probably feel the same way.
This, basically. Doesn't really add much to the conversation, but really I have no issue whatsoever just hanging around the house and being an autist, watching movies, reading, listening to music or derping around online.
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i know so many people who went through some kind of existential crisis and quit the internet and became much happier lol. fair enough i guess, but i don't think it'd do me much good.
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I have playlists saved with hundreds of videos I plan to watch at some point. I guess I understand quitting social media, but the entire Internet? That's mental. That's like boycotting libraries in the pre-Internet era.
Yeah I don't see myself quitting the net anytime soon. The one thing I have scaled back on somewhat is overdosing on news videos and yes, you do feel better getting away from that.

Seriously, I took a major break from that once the Trump election was over. Im still recovering from all that garbage.