The Whining and Bitching Thread

Not sure how much help Legal Aid will be, I've never used them. They might well have someone with generic copyright knowledge that is enough or they should be able to recommend someone specific. Otherwise a do a search for melbourne music industry lawyers, they may even help you out enough on the phone without charging by giving you your options or the path to follow.
Yeah, I see what you mean. They're not exactly specialists or anything. I'm on hold with them at the moment actually, so might just suss out what they have to say & then google search some specialist copyright lawyers. Best to gather as much info as possible.
Pretty tricky situation if the album is already released. Is it fully hard copy released or just Bandcamp? Have you spoken to the band and told them you’re not happy? What Slammed said, consult a lawyer.
Pretty sure it's just bandcamp right now, but from what I understand they plan to release physical copies. I have spoken to the band but our talks haven't really made any progress on the matter.
Currently have a situation where a band I used to play in has released an album recently featuring music that I composed. I seem to have been credited for it, however, I was never consulted about having my material used for their music & had I been consulted I would have refused. Essentially I'm having my music bundled into this commercial release without my consent, anyone happen to know if I can do anything about this situation? From a legal standpoint or otherwise?

Consult a lawyer with everything you have, don't rely on internet help. There is only a few Aussie's on this forum as it is you don't need someone from another country telling you what's legal somewhere else and making a dick of yourself by throwing around the wrong info from the outset. Find a lawyer that works in copyright and ask them, the worst it will cost you is a consultation fee. It's not worth fucking around with internet help.

Currently have a situation where a band I used to play in has released an album recently featuring music that I composed. I seem to have been credited for it, however, I was never consulted about having my material used for their music & had I been consulted I would have refused. Essentially I'm having my music bundled into this commercial release without my consent, anyone happen to know if I can do anything about this situation? From a legal standpoint or otherwise?
If the music you composed has been released before, they could obtain a compulsory licence to 'cover' it which applies to US websites like Bandcamp, but they would have to have gotten that in advance anyway. Put together evidence that you composed it along with your messages to them. Maybe make sure the Bandcamp page is in the Wayback Machine and then save that link. You could then contact Bandcamp directly to get it removed from there. For physical copies in Australia they'd arguably need something from APRA AMCOS, so you could ask them for advice.
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Thanks Bloopy, that's really great advice mate. Do you have to be registered with the site to properly capture the site using the Wayback Machine? Or is it as simple as putting in the link into the "save page" field & then just copying the web address as it appears at the top of the screen. I'm not very computer savvy haha.
Put the link in and press the button, and if it's not already archived then use the "Save this url..." link and wait until it's finished and redirects you before you copy. I figure it's a useful thing to have proof that they did release it there.

Also worth clarifying that the type of US licence I mentioned doesn't apply to the major streaming services like Spotify or Apple Music etc. because they already have blanket licensing deals with copyright societies behind the scenes. If they released it to those I guess you might be shit out of luck, except that pointing out the Bandcamp transgression to the relevant distributor could work in your favour.
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Thanks mate, I think I captured it properly. The machine seems to have logged my capture also.

Thankfully I believe it's just a band camp release at the moment, and I also have proof from them acknowledging that I wrote the music in question.

Fuck this is stressful :yell:
haven't seen @ArtixMcMahon since about 3 pm on Monday
his last check should have arrived at Lanette's house on Tuesday at the latest
could have arrived way the fuck earlier
but he wouldn't have known because he wasn't coming into Our Calling to use the free phone on the wall
so, i don't know if he picked up his check yet or if he's just been fucking around in Deep Ellum
he says he's going to spend the check on a phone to make more YouTube videos
but it's Thursday now his check would have been at Lanette's house Tuesday at the latest
i haven't seen him
also this is his last check because he somehow got himself fired from muther-fucking day-labor

the elf-girl that was going to buy me a phone and a tent on her payday never showed up

so i have no money
A work colleague sent me a text yesterday asking for 300 dollars to help him pay back taxes for.....unpaid gambling winnings. Keep in mind, he owed 3,300 dollars total and had 3,000 in cash at the time he messaged me. Something didn't seem right..

I declined and inquired if maybe his mom or siblings could help him instead. I have the money to help him but I'm not going to enable his irresponsibility with legal obligations. While taxation may be theft, we are still required to file a return and pay what is owed to us. It really irritated me that he didn't report these winnings for 7 years and then he has to scramble for the money when the piper comes calling. I find it more disconcerting that he didn't ask his family first. His situation with his family is not strained so I'm not sure why he came to me first. I initially thought his phone was stolen and this was some kind of scam to get me to come somewhere and give him the money and then I get robbed or something.

I did learn though that the IRS can suspend your license if you don't pay back taxes.
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April and I planned to visit her family in Illinois, but my vehicle is unreliable for that atm and we were gonna use Enterprise, but we were short a utility bill in my name, and now we have an entire week off without purpose.
April and I planned to visit her family in Illinois, but my vehicle is unreliable for that atm and we were gonna use Enterprise, but we were short a utility bill in my name, and now we have an entire week off without purpose.

Unless you intend to make plans or just really need a week off I would have just tried to work things out with my employer and went to work then vacationed later.
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April and I planned to visit her family in Illinois, but my vehicle is unreliable for that atm and we were gonna use Enterprise, but we were short a utility bill in my name, and now we have an entire week off without purpose.

Just walk, it's not like America is a very big place and you have a full week.
Job is going quite well- this is my 5th week on. It's nice to finally have a role that is a set of responsibilities I can focus on doing well rather than constantly being under a measured productivity goal where you're never caught up.

That said I still rather hate commuting to the city though.I feel like I'm in a sardine can the whole time I'm inside the perimeter. It's too bad more companies don't locate in the suburbs- yes it's less accessible to a broader group of potential employees, but the employees you have can easily relocate due to lower real estate costs and an office park is surely a fuckton cheaper than renting out two floors of a downtown corporate office building. Hell, you can probably pay your employees a little less too since they are in a lower stress environment, more will live in houses instead of shitty apartments, etc.
I'm right at home living in a central city apartment but I commuted out to the suburbs for nearly 9 years. Would've been a 15 minute drive with little traffic, but it just got worse and worse over the years. Eventually the traffic in said suburb/industrial area itself was completely jammed every evening as most of the desk slaves tried to leave during the same half hour window. Hell on earth, hard to believe people still put up with it.
Job is going quite well- this is my 5th week on. It's nice to finally have a role that is a set of responsibilities I can focus on doing well rather than constantly being under a measured productivity goal where you're never caught up.

What are you doing now? Beats taking trades over the phone, eh? Did you get to keep your licenses?
That said I still rather hate commuting to the city though.I feel like I'm in a sardine can the whole time I'm inside the perimeter. It's too bad more companies don't locate in the suburbs- yes it's less accessible to a broader group of potential employees, but the employees you have can easily relocate due to lower real estate costs and an office park is surely a fuckton cheaper than renting out two floors of a downtown corporate office building.

I live 10 minutes from work and don't have to take the highway. I'm about 15 miles north of the city. It's great. Cincy doesn't really have a good public transportation system so most everything is based in the suburbs.
What are you doing now? Beats taking trades over the phone, eh? Did you get to keep your licenses?

I live 10 minutes from work and don't have to take the highway. I'm about 15 miles north of the city. It's great. Cincy doesn't really have a good public transportation system so most everything is based in the suburbs.

Nice on the short commute!

Kept the licenses. Working on the wealth management side of a big bank now. I support two financial advisors with all their paperwork, trades, money movement, etc. Even with the learning curve it's still easier than the prior gig...