The Whining and Bitching Thread

Yeah I don't see myself quitting the net anytime soon. The one thing I have scaled back on somewhat is overdosing on news videos and yes, you do feel better getting away from that.

Yeah I can see how that would help.

I avoid news videos personally, I don't own a TV and I wouldn't play a video like that on the internet. However, I do read news stories and the problem I have is opening the comment boxes and seeing the opinions of the public. Sometimes I play a little game and try to guess what the stupidest reaction to the article could be, but I always lose to the first or second comment on top. I just hope that this is not a representative sample of our population, and I should probably stop clicking on those. But sometimes the first two comments are just openly visible straight away on social media, so the stupidest possible opinion is somehow already a part of the news story.

Crazy times.
I will have to buy some new clothes, I really walk around like a homeless. I haven't bought anything in such a long time that I would have to buy everything at once to feel mildly well dressed fml. Do we still use fml or is it too 2000's.
American politics has become a South Park season TBH, the insanity is catching up with South Park at a rapid fucking rate.
since about a year before the 2016 election
american politics wasn't really quite that crazy before that

i'll admit it's been entertaining-as-hell though
Elizabeth Warren getting called Pocahontas so much that she takes a heritage test to prove she's part Native American only for it to backfire and have Native Americans shit on her for it is pure comedy gold. Couldn't make that kinda shit up.
first time i heard Trump call a living person "Pocahontas" i laughed so hard that i couldn't breathe for several seconds
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i only just now noticed
youtube has my "why i film in portrait" video flagged as "this video may be inappropriate"
what the effing hell??
that's prolly my least-offensive video
Currently have a situation where a band I used to play in has released an album recently featuring music that I composed. I seem to have been credited for it, however, I was never consulted about having my material used for their music & had I been consulted I would have refused. Essentially I'm having my music bundled into this commercial release without my consent, anyone happen to know if I can do anything about this situation? From a legal standpoint or otherwise?
Consult a lawyer with everything you have, don't rely on internet help. There is only a few Aussie's on this forum as it is you don't need someone from another country telling you what's legal somewhere else and making a dick of yourself by throwing around the wrong info from the outset. Find a lawyer that works in copyright and ask them, the worst it will cost you is a consultation fee. It's not worth fucking around with internet help.
Pretty tricky situation if the album is already released. Is it fully hard copy released or just Bandcamp? Have you spoken to the band and told them you’re not happy? What Slammed said, consult a lawyer.
Not sure how much help Legal Aid will be, I've never used them. They might well have someone with generic copyright knowledge that is enough or they should be able to recommend someone specific. Otherwise a do a search for melbourne music industry lawyers, they may even help you out enough on the phone without charging by giving you your options or the path to follow.
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