The Whining and Bitching Thread

I'm not surprised. I've heard the midwest has the highest rates of drug abuse. Based on what people have said about the hallucinations, I've wanted to try them, but I don't want to jump in front of a moving car because a t rex is chasing me.

a few days late, I'll add my 2 since I've lived in the Midwest now for 5 years (Michigan), but I grew up on the East Coast (New England- Rhode Island to be exact). I left Rhode Island since it lived up to its nickname of the "Ocean State". I would unaffectionately say it was "full of fish" who liked to drink themselves into oblivion.

But, now that I live in Michigan, it's the same everywhere- people want to abuse themselves with something to forget their lives, so I can't say the Midwest is any better or worse than anywhere. People I know in the South also will tell you drug and alcohol abuse is rampant as well as on the West coast.

The USA is full of escapists. I wish there were more chilled out hippie types who could handle their drugs if they so choose to engage. Oh well. *shrugs* LOL
The world is full of escapists. The majority of cultures have had their various ways to achieve altered state of mind, be it with substances, meditation, passionate prayer, yoga, etc.

There's basically a part of the brain that separates what one is from what one isn't. It basically is what helps people realize that their body belongs to them and is not the table, the wall, or the computer on which they are typing. Meditation, deep prayer, yoga, and drugs have all been able to lower its activity, and in turn it creates this effect in people in which they feel they have understood more or all, and feel connected with everything and enlightened.

Pretty much every religion has a ritual meant to achieve this. Christians, Muslims, and Jews have prayer. Buddhists have meditation, various tribes in South America have psychoactive drugs, and the Sadhus in India have weed.
I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm in a catch-22 with respect to my anxiety. It seems to coincide with uncertain situations about women, as it did during the beginning of the semester when my relationship with religious girl began to unravel. It wasn't long after that that I started smoking pot a couple times a week, which calmed me down immensely, but at the cost of my intellectual sharpness and academic focus.

I haven't smoked in about two weeks, and I'm sharp as a knife right now, and want to remain that way, but my anxiety has come back with a vengeance. I guess after this "date" on Friday I shouldn't have anything to worry about. If she likes me, great. If she doesn't, then there's nothing more to worry about. Out of my control.
How often did you smoke and how much? The loss of intellectual acuity could be from overdoing it.
I always get pretty dumb the day after smoking, sometimes followed by a mild to severe depressive fog. Wouldn't know about anxiety though - is there a medical term for a "disorder" characterized by the opposite of anxiety, or is that just "fucking lazy?"

Whine: No bowel movement in a fucking week
Safe toilet syndrome?

Anyways, such a frustrating car ride with my uncle. I don't attack his beliefs or anything, but it's kind of annoying when he preaches historically inaccurate things and acts like other religions are just fake, and then tries to tell me evolution isn't true when he knows nothing about it.
Safe toilet syndrome?

Anyways, such a frustrating car ride with my uncle. I don't attack his beliefs or anything, but it's kind of annoying when he preaches historically inaccurate things and acts like other religions are just fake, and then tries to tell me evolution isn't true when he knows nothing about it.

People like that aren't worth talking to. I had a very long discussion with my boss about faith and all sorts of other stuff. I made him look stupid, in a nice way mind you. In the end, however, his conclusion is that I have too much of an open mind. Yes he seriously said that. Winning?
People like that aren't worth talking to. I had a very long discussion with my boss about faith and all sorts of other stuff. I made him look stupid, in a nice way mind you. In the end, however, his conclusion is that I have too much of an open mind. Yes he seriously said that. Winning?

The only problem is that guy's my uncle. He's a really nice guy, it's just like nails on a chalkboard hearing all of the conclusions based on glaring (and intentional) gaps in knowledge on science and history.

I think it's good to have an open mind about theology. I think the best atheists are the ones that believe any god conceivable could exist and for that reason do not invest any faith in one or one pantheon and exclude all others.
Those people aren't atheists if they believe a god of any type is conceivable. In my opinion, atheists are just as crazy and misguided as those who believe in a religion. People who assume they know something that is unknowable are silly people who I can't take seriously so I just prefer not to talk to them. Or in your case, just don't talk to people like that about those particular subjects.



I know I should seek medical help but my priorities are screwed up, money > sleep > fun > health

ya! make that money honey! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$