The Xena Style Survey!

1. If you could be any super hereo who would you be?
Erection Man, I would forever be on an erection and my cock would be like Big W huge, the chicks would love it.
2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?
I dunno
3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?
I would masturbate until i went as dry as a desert.
4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!
Dog, Kangaroo, Tassie Devil.
5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?
I Dunno
6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.
Koichi to beat him up, I bet I could in real life.
Southy, we'd get drunk all the time.
Trent, he would look fuckable after about 1 month.

I would take a Samba cd and a Latin Jazz cd.

5 bricks of Steyr ammo
7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.
Woggy Wog Ggy
8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?
Best root in town. (although those necrophiliacs like Draven would probably fuck my remains :mad: {just kidding bro, love ya dude})
9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?
I dunno i hate that show, can I be Bender from Futurama instead?
10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?
Pizza, Samba, the sick metal chick in my tafe class who I'm going to ask out tomorrow.[/QUOTE]
JonBonJovi said:
2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?
Trent's so I could try and understand this glamster and to laugh as he struts and poses in the mirror.
You've already been watching me haven't you? How do you know what I do when I'm at home! (I'm serious too... I do practice my rock star poses, hey I'm gonna need to be good at them!)

I wanna know where I can take Swing Your Guitar Around Your Body Like Cinderella lessons. I know ceydn's been working hard at his "Really passionate open mouth turn head to the left backing vocalist keyboard player" moves, I'm proud of him! He said he's even developed his own touch to make his style different from the generic open mouth left head turning keyboard player backing vocalists!
Some people can't read obviously....the island question you have to take 3 people from here,only 2 cd's!
The Fly on the wall-pick one person from don't pass on the question with a lame no thanks etc answer!

A guitar is not the size of a milk crate.
DravenMist said:
I thought this was funny


That would make Parus maximus a Big Tit, wouldn't it?
Blitzkrieg said:
6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.

Hmm...Gore would probably be the first member, because he could probably talk for hours about interesting shit. LT would be the second, as he could probably make music out of anything. Not sure about a third....maybe Shannow, he could hunt and cook for us.
Yep, I'll hunt nd cook, for sure.

But no dishes, and no I won't be giving head.

(Is there beer on the island ?)
JonBonJovi said:
If you bring it,or one of your 3 people do or you think hard of an easier way to get it!
Guess that I better take some hoppes and barley then !!

fortunately you can make the wort using hot rocks (that's where Pilsener came from), so we can make immitation Retches for a bit.