Themed Mixtape Game

Most of the bands that I awarded a 7.5 to have other songs that I would rate higher if they had been in the playlist, although only some of them fit the theme.

"Time Lord" is an exception because it's the only Pagan Altar song about extraterrestrials but I think that it isn't their best track.
Blind Guardian - Tommyknockers
this is more or less why i've avoided early blind guardian for the most part, as it's exactly what i expected it to be; clusterfuck of half-baked euro speed/power ideas that shifts clumsily between aggression and cheese with meh vocals, overbearing drums and a lame chorus. pompey made me aware they have songs that are way better than this though. 4/10

Mortem - Moon of Cannibalism
demons descending from the moon is eligible for the theme i suppose, and mortem channel the spirit of '80s DM very well in general, but i echo the consensus that the drums are both shitty sounding and badly played. it's distracting, otherwise it'd be a 7 i think. 6/10

Hypocrisy - Abducted

i like that it's understated and to the point, ends exactly how it should too. main riff in the verses and the one in the middle are both good, but the guitars are a bit scandi-fied for my tastes and there's a riff toward the end that's too groove-oriented for the atmosphere. overall i'm dubious about the production but not outright rejecting it. vocals are the worst thing about it though, and he is TOTALLY saying 'i masturbated' wtf 6/10

Pagan Altar - The Time Lord

yeaaaahhhhhh, this one's nice. probably the most feel-good pagan altar ever got but still so wizened and earthy, with that lazy, soulful musicianship that barely any band in metal history can match. gives me a liberating feeling, can totally imagine i'm gliding casually across the astral plane listening to this. it's actually super accessible; you can imagine fans of hawkwind and UFO and, hell, even hendrix might love this shit just as much as metalheads. 7/10

Megadeth - Hangar 18

probably is a bit of an obvious choice (though it fits fine imo), and the last two minutes are worthless, otherwise i'd be rating it higher. 6/10

Scanner - Not Alone

totally glorious. big fucking grin on my face every time i hear it. 9/10

Deceased - The Triangle

a haunted sci-fi epic, almost lovecraftian in how palpably it conveys a sense of being dwarfed/threatened by unknowable, inhuman forces. great lyrics. 9/10

Oxiplegatz - Battle of Species

obviously this alf fanboy is gonna love the shit out of this. he's a fucking visionary, we'll catch up to this in 2040. such singular, vivid drama here. 9/10

Vektor - Outer Isolation

vektor fans are usually super annoying but i'm somewhere in between the crazy hype and crazy backlash. they don't really hang together for me or justify their length, but there are lots of cool ideas in there. i rather like this song, shame i gotta downrate it 'cause i already stated i was gonna punish songs that are merely space-themed. 6/10

Evergrey - The Shocking Truth

hi arg. i generally don't *hate* this aside from the vocals, the keyboard melody on the chorus is actually good. still the worst song on the list though. 3/10

Darkspace - Dark 1.1

i gave this album quite a few spins back when it was flavour of the month and i liked it, but it got old real fast. the problem may be that they do exactly what they say on the tin with no extra dimension, no surprises. i think they're pretty successful (though this isn't one of their better songs) and i always tend to like chug+synth combinations, but their overall purpose isn't very interesting to me which gives them a low ceiling. it's also a pretty uninventive pick that could fit into any space-related topic and isn't really specific to this one. 5/10

Ecocide - Alien Intervention

i can't imagine why this would be among the first to come to anyone's mind for this topic, there's nothing memorable about it. it's fine though, just totally generic. 5/10

Voivod - We Are Not Alone

well huh. i haven't even heard NOTHINGFACE (i know, i know), let alone post-NOTHINGFACE voivod, and i can confidently say i've never heard anything quite like this. it's pretty silly but in a good way. 7/10

Slough Feg - Vargr Theme/Confrontation

nearly all slough feg is around 7-8 territory for me, and this is one of their better songs. 8/10

Inquisition - Infinite Interstellar Genocide

one of the most reliably good active bands, though they rarely blow me away. anything that so blatantly worships early immortal is both cool and kinda limited in my book, especially given i rarely find their less immortaly parts too interesting. 6/10
Blind Guardian - Tommyknockers - 7
fun song though a bit childish. not sure if they're aliens

Mortem - Moon of Cannibalism - 5
has some boring parts but the later riffs make up for it. -1 for no aliens

Hypocrisy - Abducted - 9
needs cleaner production but manages variation while blowing your face off

Pagan Altar - The Time Lord - 4
long and simplistic. barely metal. sounds like karaoke night at an old folks home

Megadeth - Hangar 18 - 9
great guitar melodies. definitely a head banger. minor detriment is donald duck singing

Scanner - Not Alone - 5
not bad but i'm not really a fan of old school stuff like this

Deceased - The Triangle - 7
good aggressive start, almost 8 but shouldve ended on a high note around 3:40 instead of winding down

Oxiplegatz - Battle of Species - 6
pretty interesting atmosphere but needs better production

Vektor - Outer Isolation - 7
kickass instrumentation, wouldve been 8 but i dont like the vocals and too long

Evergrey - The Shocking Truth - 4
if they had done away with the dumb samples and developed the fucking song it couldve been good

Darkspace - Dark 1.1 - 9
i guess the length is necessary to portray an epic space journey. less screechy vocals, some tightening and smoother transitions wouldve made it 10

Ecocide - Alien Intervention - 8
groovy shit. glad it sped up at 3 mins

Voivod - We Are Not Alone - 6
quite enjoyable but nothing to rave about

Slough Feg - Vargr Theme/Confrontation - 6
decent but couldve been condensed into 4 mins

Inquisition - Infinite Interstellar Genocide - 9
badass song, if the vocals were more otherworldly and cavernous instead of croaky id have given it 10
"Tommyknockers" is based on an alien-themed Stephen King novel so it is undeniably an alien-themed song.
you'll notice i complain about vocals a lot and fwiw my fave singers are Nergal, Akerfeldt, Dolan and Mullen, and Barlow for cleans

and lol at everyone thinking i was Evergrey xP
Blind Guardian - Tommyknockers - 7/10
- Usual BG, enjoyable PM.

Mortem - Moon of Cannibalism - 7.5/10
- First time listening to ths band. This is some pretty solid OSDM

Hypocrisy - Abducted - 7/10
- Not a really a fan of Hypocrisy or this album. But this is one of the better tracks form Abducted.

Pagan Altar - The Time Lord - 6/10

- Too long and repetitive for its own good. Yawn. HBB nailed it, their lead guitar work is what saves this track.

Megadeth - Hangar 18 - 10/10
-Classic Megadeth. I love everything about this song.

Scanner - Not Alone - 5/10
- How do you guys complain about BG being cheesy with this track being in the same list? Complete cheesfest. I felt like punching their annoying ass vocalist while listening to this shit.

Deceased - The Triangle - 7/10

-One of my favorite songs from one of my least favorite Deceased albums.

Oxiplegatz - Battle of Species - 7.5/10
- Another band that i had never heard before. Will definitely be checking more of this band out.

Evergrey -The Shocking Truth - 3/10

- :(

Vektor - Outer Isolation 8.5/10
- My least favorite track from the album. Not a knock on it at all, especially when considering how godly Outer Isolation is.

Darkspace - Dark 1.1 - 7.5/10

-Solid bm that is just dripping with atmosphere. Need to listen to this band more.

Ecocide - Alien Intervention - 6/10
- Generic as fuck by the books DM. The thrashy last minute or so was the best part of the track.

Voivod - We Are Not Alone - 8.5/10
- One of the best tracks from The Outer Limits. <3

Slough Feg - Vargr Theme/Confrontation - 7/10
- Good ole' galloping Slough Feg riffs.

Inquisition - Infinite Interstellar Genocide - 6.5/10
- An "okay" Inquisition track. There's this one annoying ass riff in there though
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tbf mortem would be at least a 7 if the drums didn't actively annoy me, maybe even higher, and i was on the fence about 5 or 6 for hypocrisy. it'd certainly be rated higher if i'd used decimals.
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Evergrey - The Shocking Truth 1/10

Bad. That's the shocking truth.

I'm quite sad that I didn't think of this for the Evergrey song. It actually made me laugh more than it probably should. Thanks Omni.

This game is really enjoyable and has exposed me to some new stuff so I hope people don't get disinterested in it anytime soon.
Yeah it's pretty cool, a forum game that encourages actual conversation. I was genuinely excited to see people's reviews of this playlist.

Way better than those stupid song survivor threads that were going around here a few months ago j/k they were cool and I still think you should do Piece of Mind
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haha i stopped with those because i started getting barely any responses and was under the impression nobody cared anymore. you're the first person to even bring them up since then i think, which kind of proves my point.