Themed Mixtape Game

The first 2 Death albums are their best IMO (I slightly favour Leprosy out of the two), but even those aren't in the upper echelons of death metal for me. A lot of their stuff just doesn't excite me much at all, and Chuck's vocals are generally really grating. Morbid Angel they are not.
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Evergrey - The Shocking Truth 1/10

Bad. That's the shocking truth.

I'm quite sad that I didn't think of this for the Evergrey song. It actually made me laugh more than it probably should. Thanks Omni.

This game is really enjoyable and has exposed me to some new stuff so I hope people don't get disinterested in it anytime soon.

You're welcome.

Yeah, I like this topic. The only hard part is avoiding all of the ratings because I want to be surprised by the outcome.
Seems kinda delusional, I've only seen 1 person laud and love them around here. They're not bad, fun little blues grooves. But not really exceptional in any way. It's repetitive background music.

Yeah so.... when we did the top traditional heavy metal album thread, pretty sure Volume 1 was in the top 5 voted for, myself included. Legendary band. 3 10/10 albums imo.
Blind Guardian - Tommyknockers

A 'fuck yeah metal!' song that made me want to get drunk with ET. Also great subject matter, highly relevant, and nerdy as BG is meant to be. Catchiness is a good fucking thing and I love how the hooks melded together so perfectly. This song belongs in a badass movie of the same namesake, Evil Dead style.

Mortem - Moon of Cannibalism

I guess it fits the subject vaguely. It's alright with some fun riff parts but ultimately I wouldn't be able to distinguish it from anything else in that filth genre oversaturated with clones and communists.

Hypocrisy - Abducted

Aggressive and hyper, but not annoying. I could envision an entire music video in my head to this track of a dude getting fucked by aliens while they scream at him. I'd do coke to this song, and I don't even like coke.

Pagan Altar - The Time Lord

Fucking old school forever. Everyone loves this song and with reason. It's especially a nice change from what I expect most of this playlist to be; that is, he's a GOOD alien. He wants to take you on excellent journeys through time and space, not maul you with probes. Made me think of the movie Contact. Just a feel good, contemplative song with that wonderful cruising riffing.

Megadeth - Hangar 18

I mean... it had to be here. It's a memorable song, with an even more memorable video, and it's another of those 'fuck yeah metal!' things. It's extremely extraterrestrial. I've always had a bit of an issue with their timing but no scoffs from me, no siree.

Scanner - Not Alone

Nice vocals, something that'd be especially awesome live in terms of audience interaction. The breakdown was really interesting and something I did not expect. Did get a little dull for me but it's a good fucking message, man. We have no choice.

Deceased - The Triangle

Holy drums. Shame that's kinda the only cool thing I got out of the first few minutes. The outro was pretty fucking nice. They should have done more of that throughout the song. It also cemented the fact this track might actually be about aliens instead of triangles.

Oxiplegatz - Battle of Species

Like racing through wormholes for victory points. Lots of energy, despite low key drums. Despite low key everything, honestly. This sounds substantially home brewed. I liked the occasional cleans.

Vektor - Outer Isolation

They also had to be present here, this band is fucking aliens. They bang aliens and then find out what kind of music they play at birthday parties when they're eating people, and then they made Vektor. Really excellent fucking band for this subject matter, many songs would have done nicely, and I'm the type of person who usually hates this shit. Engaging throughout with an urgency for a savior, and then the quiet awe of having none.

Evergrey - The Shocking Truth

First time I saw a live clip of this band I thought the drummer was a hot chick. It's a dude, so they're a little effeminate. But I far from hate Evergrey, I actually really enjoy a lot of their music and using sound clips is far too rare in metal. Those vocals are very definitive. But most of their songs sound the same and this is no exception.

Darkspace - Dark 1.1

I shit myself. I got scared. Then I remembered the Time Lord, and I think he'd save us if THOSE aliens came. Honestly though this atmospheric number is a great track best enjoyed alone in darkness, maybe in the bath, maybe with some candles and your five favorite 'strangers' from another 'planet'. It's a song you couldn't enjoy with others because it's pure cosmic solitude, and for that it fits the theme very well.

Ecocide - Alien Intervention

First thought was oh no, those aliens are on drugs again? Next thought was hell fucking yeah they are! Third thought was... wow, beer, how original. This was really boring, and the only thing that made it less boring was my own inner monologue about aliens on drugs.

Voivod - We Are Not Alone

Sweet intro! Another wormhole visual, only this time with friends, trying to find a lost spaceship piece or something and having some 'chaotic neutral' aliens join along for the ride. Maybe they'll help. Maybe they'll explode you. It got really groovy and I fuckin like that shit. I've never enjoyed Voivod but this may have changed my mind slightly.

Slough Feg - Vargr Theme/Confrontation

Oh, hi bass. This is one of those bands I enjoy in a playlist of other dissimilar songs, true again here. It was very Trekkie, just totally throws you into this other world where human beings don't matter. It was a really 'bouncy' song with some soul? Not the word. But it like, had soul. It was almost disney-like, in a good way. Really fun and so fucking bouncy.

Inquisition - Infinite Interstellar Genocide

Oh god they wanna kill me. Boring killing. Boring killing. Oh, nice breakdown I guess. I suppose you could use the nuclear scimitar to spice things up. I honestly would have greatly enjoyed this much more if the last few minutes engulfed the first half.
Blind Guardian – Tommyknockers (Rating = 8.0)

I’m assuming the song title is derived from the Stephen King novel -- which I haven’t read -- but I don’t know what a ‘Tommyknocker’ is. Solid track that fits the theme nicely.

Mortem – Moon of Cannibalism (Rating = 1.0)

A decent track that doesn’t fit the theme which accounts for the low rating.

Hypocrisy – Abducted (Rating = 7.0)

Solid track, but the drumming irks me at times.

Pagan Altar – The Time Lord (Rating = 6.0)

This song reminds me a little of early Blue Oyster Cult -- praise be – but the track doesn’t remind me of extra-terrestrials…more of a sci-fi vibe. The rating takes a hit for this.

Megadeth – Hangar 18 (Rating = 7.0)

Someone had to pick it, right? I haven’t listened to this track in a long ass time.

Scanner – Not Alone (Rating = 5.0)

To be honest, I thought we would get more songs of this nature. I thought someone would have picked Gamma Ray, Edguy, or some shit.

Deceased – The Triangle (Rating = 9.0)

I really dig this track. It has an old-school punk/thrash sound.

Oxiplegatz – Battle of Species (Rating = 4.0)

Not my cup of tea but fits the theme well.

Vektor – Outer Isolation (Rating = 5.0)

This song is unnecessarily long. The bass and drum work stands out on this track but vocals are obnoxious at times. Once again, the song complies with the theme.

Evergrey – The Shocking Truth (Rating = 1.0)

This song leaves me with the feeling of being rickrolled.

Darkspace – Dark 1.1 (Rating = 6.0)

…anything sounds better than that last track. I feel like this track was strategically placed to get the rating boosted. Once again, not my cup of tea, but some of the riffs are pretty memorable, like the one at like 2:50…even if it is simple.

Ecocide – Alien Intervention (Rating = 5.0)

Pretty basic.

Voivod – We Are Not Alone (Rating = 9.0)

Groovy song and a nice selection.

Slough Feg – Vargr Theme/Confrontation (Rating = 5.0)

My first Slough Feb listen…quite lengthy. This song seemed to be all over the place.

Inquisition – Infinite Interstellar Genocide (Rating = 3.0)

Froggy from ‘The Little Rascals’ on vocals…nice outro.
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I agree (even though this was pages back at this point) that this topic is fun. It's a little different than the rate this or that topic because it's more collective so it holds you more responsible for coming back and checking in. I think I've figured out who picked what for the most part, but my lips er (fingertips?) are sealed for now :zipit:.

Also, I feel like my eyes impatiently goes straight to the ratings.
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Ill participate in the next one, but I like this theme so im going to rate it.

1. Blind Guardian - 4/10 - Not really a BG fan, so im not sure if I want this on my playlist. The vibe to me sounded more like an enemy invasion in fantasy land than a true foreign invasion.

2. Mortem - 7/10 - Demonic, but still fitting of the extraterrestrial theme.

3. Hypocrisy - 8/10 - Captures the type of frenetic horror that would go along with being overwhelmed by an abduction.

4. Pagan Altar - 5/10 - There is just something about trad doom and not sounding very foreign or extraterrestrial. Its a good song, but I just dont feel it for the theme.

5. Megadeth - 4/10 - Political song, it's more about the evils of technological advancement in wartime than it is about something out of this world.

6. Scanner - 7/10 - I like the theme of going out into the universe in order to find sentient life.

7. Deceased - 6/10 - Fits the theme and all, but those vocals are obnoxious.

8. Oxiplegatz - 8/10 - Defintitely sounds like a clash between alien species in space. Never heard this before, and im liking it quite a bit.

9. Vektor - 7/10 - Ive always felt like there songs were sort of too long, but this one definitely drags on a bit. Definitely the type of stuff im looking for with this theme though.

10. Evergrey - 2/10 - I dont really like this, so no.

11. Darkspace - 7/10 - They take the space theme and make it evil, definitely extraterrestrial.

12. Ecocide - 6/10 - I like it, but it's kind of repetitive.

13. Voivod - 9/10 - Classic alien abduction in music form, always loved this song. As far as im concerned, more Voivod should be on here.

14. Slough Feg - 8/10 - Taking over the world as an alien mutated lifeform, definitely a cool theme. Good song as well.

15. Inquisition - 8/10 - Epic takeover of the universe by evil, nice fitting end.
The first 2 Death albums are their best IMO (I slightly favour Leprosy out of the two), but even those aren't in the upper echelons of death metal for me. A lot of their stuff just doesn't excite me much at all, and Chuck's vocals are generally really grating. Morbid Angel they are not.

Scream Bloody Gore to me, is better than the entire Morbid Angel discography.
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Blind Guardian - Tommyknockers 8/10
This is a solid BG track, exemplifying the thrashier side of their earlier output, as opposed to The chorus is catchy in its own way, despite being more aggressive than anthemic as epitomizes the signature BG sound which was starting to develop in this song's respective album. And, there are some solid leads woven throughout.

Mortem - Moon of Cannibalism 7/10
It starts promising with discordant lead guitar, but it is fairly bog standard death metal, with some nice riffing here and there and decent atmosphere. However, I think whoever submitted it shoehorned the demonic theme into the topic of extraterrestrials, which might work if it was a depiction of demons with sci-fi underpinnings, akin to the Doom games, but the lyrics appear to indicate more standard demons.

Hypocrisy - Abducted 6/10
I've never gotten heavily into Hypocrisy, although a few of their songs here and there . Although I've listened to this album a few times before, this track is fairly forgettable, unfortunately.

Pagan Altar - Time Lord 7.5/10
While part of me would prefer if it were more doomy than bluesy, I think it excels at what it does. The soloing does meander a bit, though.

Megadeth - Hangar 18 8.5/10
I must admit that I've never listened to any Megadeth albums in their entirety, for whatever reason. It opens of the James Bond-esque riffing, which is alright, as I'm partial to that sort of thing. Also, there's good soloing that doesn't wear out its welcome, despite being pretty much the entire second half of the song, after it picks up the pace a bit.

Scanner - Not Alone 8/10
This is very reminiscent of Helloween, and I can get down with it to a degree. I think the solo is where it shines, but it has decent enough chorus.

Deceased - The Triangle 8/10
I like the punkish riffing interspersed throughout, yet it remains varied enough to justify its nearly six minute length. I appreciate the outro riff as well.

Oxigeplatz - Battle of Species 8.5/10
Maintains a malevolent atmosphere throughout, and I found the riffing pretty memorable. It feels a bit short, but I can live with that.

Vektor - Outer Isolation 8.5/10
This made a good impression, with some quasi-black metal dissonances, and the subdued section a little after halfway adds variety
It exhibits technicality done well; that is, not at the expense of memorable songcraft.

Evergrey - The Shocking Truth 5/10
I can enjoy even the most flowery sort of Euro power metal if its infused with a high level of classical bombast, but this is nothing special, being more reminiscent of an 80's power ballad.

Darkspace - Dark 1.1 8/10
Darkspace is a fairly solid band, although the structure of this song is a bit haphazard to me. Still, it invokes the cold void of space to a considerable degree, even if it doesn't specifically bring extraterrestrial life to mind.

Ecocide - Alien Intervention 7/10
It's better than I thought it would be, albeit nothing special. Perhaps it's because the midpaced triplet rhythm that predominates the majority of the song stands out since none of the other songs I have heard have that feature.

Voivod - We Are Not Alone 7.5/10
I've never realy checked out Voivod. I think the opening riff starts off strong, but I'm not fully taken in with it.

Slough Feg - Vargr Theme/Confrontation 9/10
I'm not as familiar with this band as I'd like to be, having only heard Down with the Deadmen. However, this is a well-executed track, with interesting melodies woven throughout. Also, I like Mike Scalzi's voice.

Inquisition - Infinite Interstellar Genocide 8.5/10
I think the riffs are fairly catchy in their own way, and the interplay between pounding blastbeats and mid-fast paced sections is utilized well.
This thread reminds me of the people that I need to ignore more often.

I can't believe you all dig that Ogliplextasx or whatever its called. I mean, for two seconds I dug it then I found it just retarded. Are you all so desperate to hear styles that haven't been done before regardless if they are good or not? You like djent too?
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I didn't make it into the list in time but I meant to post this song, that's why I asked about the androids from gamma sector. I'm linking it just as a bonus to the playlist you don't need to rate it or anything. I was surprised it's not on the list. I don't listen to Nocturnus a lot but I mean COMMAND. MISSION. DESTROY. PLANET. THREE. FROM THEIR SUN.

EDIT: Oh and I will rate the playlist anyway tbh, hopefully today.

Also, no Ziltoid?? I know people here don't like Townsend too much but I think the Ziltoid ATTAKKKK song is fucking kickass anyway and would do good in the competition if people listened to it. I just remembered it because I finished a shitty coffee at school tbh.

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This thread reminds me of the people that I need to ignore more often.

I can't believe you all dig that Ogliplextasx or whatever its called. I mean, for two seconds I dug it then I found it just retarded. Are you all so desperate to hear styles that haven't been done before regardless if they are good or not? You like djent too?

Are you a fan of Alf Svensson's other work, like Gardens of Grief, The Red in the Sky is Ours and With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness?
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This thread reminds me of the people that I need to ignore more often.

I can't believe you all dig that Ogliplextasx or whatever its called. I mean, for two seconds I dug it then I found it just retarded. Are you all so desperate to hear styles that haven't been done before regardless if they are good or not? You like djent too?

Djent is djunk.