Themed Mixtape Game

inb4 Victim of Changes

You tried to submit "The Call of Ktulu" in the Lovecraft theme, which is the most obvious and lazy pick anyone has made in any theme yet. The only reason that you didn't get it is because someone else messaged me first. 8 people tried submitting in within minutes of me posting the theme.

You've most likely never heard my original pick. You might have heard my backup.
Lovecraft is inherently a lazy and obvious theme though; either something is based on it or isn't. There's not really any room for creative interpretation.

If I've never heard it, then it means it's probably black metal and it will probably not win because of my and aug's predilection towards shit.
Lovecraft is inherently a lazy and obvious theme though; either something is based on it or isn't. There's not really any room for creative interpretation.

I actually think these types of themes have worked out the best in terms of creating a musically cohesive playlist. The extraterrestrials, ancient history, nature and Lovecraft themes have done this better than any others if I remember.

Speaking of black metal - did you listen to the rest of Nastrond's Toteslaut after you gave a song from it a 10 in one of these games?
I don't really care about cohesion in a playlist; if anything it makes things boring by picking themes that inherently favor specific genres.

I did and I enjoyed it. I don't think there was quite the variety that the whole album will become a 9-10 album for me, but on first impression I liked most of it and it was more riffy and old-school than I'd expect from that location and time period.
I don't think it has to stick with the same genre to be musically cohesive, but maybe I'm not explaining what I mean very well.

The nature and Lovecraft themes did lean very heavily towards extreme metal. But there was plenty of genre diversity in the extraterrestrials and ancient history themes, while still maintaining a similar atmosphere throughout. In comparison, something like the eponymous songs playlist produced a great set of songs but that's just how it felt to me, a list of great but random songs with nothing really holding them together.
I don't really care about cohesion in a playlist; if anything it makes things boring by picking themes that inherently favor specific genres.

Those themes largely did not favour specific genres. Especially not my Extraterrestrials theme.

because of my and aug's predilection towards shit.

That's just fucking sad.
I thought the extraterrestrials theme was good not because it created a coherent playlist but because it was a difficult theme that forced players to dig a little deeper which resulted in some oddball picks. Cinema was a good theme for similar reasons.
given that arg is never going to win due to his abominable taste in music, yoda's latest theme may well be the closest we ever get to a Licking Whore Buttholes playlist.
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Lovecraft is inherently a lazy and obvious theme though; either something is based on it or isn't. There's not really any room for creative interpretation.

If I've never heard it, then it means it's probably black metal and it will probably not win because of my and aug's predilection towards shit.

That's a terrible justification for obviously hypocritical behavior. If you have a better theme idea, why didn't you pick it when you won? Oh, wait... :rolleyes:

You tried to pick "A Sorcerers Pledge" too. No room for talking just because I beat you to the punch. I suppose that "Gates of Babylon" was also an obvious choice even though it definitely wasn't and that's the highest scoring song ever in the game apparently.

Also, you allied yourself with arg in music taste. That's a new low point, even for you. I'm done talking about this because you have no real argument.
How is it a terrible justification? "Love" is a broad theme that could encompass a shit ton of things, so I'm calling out a Victim of Changes pick although I was wrong in assuming that you picked it. Love is subjective and open to interpretation. "Lovecraft" is a "Hey let's search M-A for bands with 'Lovecraft' as a lyrical theme" kind of theme. As long as the pick is about Lovecraft, there is no such thing as a more or less inspired choice. It is an objective subject matter. It would be like if there was a film equivalent to these threads, one made a theme about "loss", the other theme is "Schwarzenegger", and you complained because someone picked Terminator.

I never tried to pick A Sorcerers Pledge btw, I just called it out because I knew it would be picked. Holy Terror was my first and only pick.

This is the first time I've ever seen you so buttflustered, you must have taken that personally, lol. Music taste is serious business. Yeah, arg is my ally, we signed a treaty back in 2011 agreeing to mutually lower our musical taste tariffs and defend each other should one of us have our tastes attacked by a foreign black metal listener, lol.
Nah, I just like pointing out the near constant hypocrisy in your posts. You can't complain about other people picking obvious songs when you do it too. You're crying because I picked H.P. Lovecraft for Slayed Necros because he wanted to listen to that mixtape. That's why it looks nothing like my other theme choices.

You always try to start shit in this topic and create bias against specific songs before the round even starts (which should honestly disqualify you from even playing that round) and yet you still haven't won even one round despite your attempts to sabotage other people.
Alright cunts, here are the songs. I am going to be away in Chicago for 2-3 days because of Ragnarokkr Metal Fest (look that shit up if you don't know what it is faggot). Therefore, I don't give a shit about the outcomes of this round. I received 14 submissions and then threw my own favorite in because it's too damn good not to be included. If someone like @no country for old wainds would mind keeping tally of the scores while I am gone that would be great. Otherwise, good luck folks. Oh, and to those who submitted a Type O song for the 5th time, well I'm sorry but you guys are fucked this round. Fuck that band and fuck Carnivore. I'm sorry if you didn't pick a backup, but tough shit as well.

Type O Negatives - Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity
Titan Force - Lord of Desire
Ava Inferi - The Living End
Savatage - Out On The Streets
Slauter Xstroyes - No Idea
Slayer - Necrophiliac
Gehennah - We Love Alcohol
Secrecy - A New Beginning
Converge - Heaven in her Arms
Amon Goeth - In Love With Satan
Motorhead - Love Me Like a Reptile
Danzig - Girl
Miasma - Love Song (To a Lost Girl)
Night Conquers Day - Banished from My Eyes
Thin Lizzy - Wild One

This order is based on how I received them, except for a few songs, so there should be no argument made here about the order of the songs.
No Warning? What the fuck?

Also, lol @ Slayer - Necrophiliac. I was anticipating someone might pick that. It's not a good fit, though.
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I wanted to submit both Converge and Motorhead songs. Fuck you. And Lost Woman Blues is a much better choice when it comes to Motorhead than Love Me Like a Reptile. I praise whoever chose Heaven in Her Arms tho.

I was also thinking about Type O Negative but I find that song a more betrayal than love song.
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just like metal is a minority in the music world, we are a minority within the minority and therefore the best