Themed Mixtape Game

Type O Negative - Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity 9/10
Arguably their best album. Arguably their best song. Conveys the mixed emotions of love pretty well.

Titan Force - Lord of Desire 6.5/10
Musically not half bad. Kinky love is awesome.

Ava Inferi - The Living End 6/10
Cool song, has a sort of goth vibe. Questionable as to whether this particular song is metal, but it had some nice melodic leads I guess.

Savatage - Out On The Streets 6.5/10
Super cheesy metal ballad.

Slauter Xstroyes - No Idea 7.5/10
This is pretty amazing, I need this album.

Slayer - Necrophiliac 7.5/10
I feel sorry for the significant other of whoever submitted this. But if Sami Hynninen can write a song about love via getting pissed on, Kerry King can write this.

Gehennah - We Love Alcohol 8/10
The only love that counts.

Secrecy - A New Beginning 6.5/10
Couldn't quite work out what the lyrics were about, but it's a cool song.

Converge - Heaven in her Arms 4/10
Questionable whether this is even metal. Points for theme and for not being terrible.

Amon Goeth - In Love With Satan 6.5/10
No lyrics are available, so I am going off the trust of the song title. I was hoping someone posted something to do with Satanic love, never heard of this band before. Pretty cool.

Motorhead - Love Me Like a Reptile 10/10
Meant to be live? Either way, fucking classic song. Brings back great bedroom memories.

Danzig - Girl 7.5/10
Always was unsure about the drum sound on this album, but it still rules.

Miasma - Love Song (To a Lost Girl) 6.5/10
Never heard of this band before, but this is pretty cool, the lyrics were hilarious to read along with.

Love song to a lost little arg.

Night Conquers Day - Banished from My Eyes 9/10
This is quite epic. This kind of black metal usually isn't to my taste, but I found myself not wanting this to end so soon.

Thin Lizzy - Wild One 9/10
Fucking amazing song. Such a magical album too. Points for dancing in that blurred area between hard rock and heavy metal though.


I'm actually surprised nobody submitted Darkthrone's "Natassja In Eternal Sleep" to be honest. It was my first thought when I saw the theme.
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I'm giving this playlist a preliminary run, and I've noticed that the Ava Inferi song is not available. That must be rectified forthwith.

By the way, I'll definitely be downrating any attempts to shoehorn in an extreme metal choice that doesn't even fit. If it's genuinely apropos, more power to you.

I'm actually surprised nobody submitted Darkthrone's "Natassja In Eternal Sleep" to be honest. It was my first thought when I saw the theme.

Yeah, same here.
It's just that, when it comes to that subject matter, you'll have slimmer pickings going with extreme metal than more traditional styles, although legit examples certainly exist from the former, like the aforementioned "Natassja In Eternal Sleep." Let me just put it this way: if you're gonna post a song about fucking a corpse, it had better be clear that it's the corpse of a loved one.
Type O Negative, Unsuccessfully Coping With The Natural Beauty of Infidelity - 7/10, The whistle thing makes a good intro, jumps into some really thrashy stuff with Steele shooting for the upper reaches of his range with what appears to be some intense fourth octave belting. Then it goes sort of doomy, which is nice, then goes thrashy again. It's a kickass little interchange, made all the more fascinating by the acoustic passage. Gets stupid sounding for a bit around the halfway mark. Steele goes back to doing what he sounds best doing around 7 something minutes with the bassy crooning. Good song, plays around with the theme ever so slightly.
Titan Force, Lord of Desire - 6.5/10, Slinky and chugging, all in one, with the guitar and song in general. Vocals are well-executed, lyrics make a slick Nietzschean allusion with the "Till your cup runneth over..." line. Does itself a disservice by being so generally static. Thematically apt.
Ava Inferi, The Living End - 5/10, Wasn't accessible via the playlist (video is blocked in the US I guess), so I checked it out using another video. Guitar is meh, vocals are mildly tonally interesting, but overall meh. Whole thing leaves my Arg senses tingling like a shower of thumb tacks in an earthquake. Thematically congruous.
Savatage, Out On The Streets - 6.5/10, Sleek, poppy balladry from the 80's power and trad metal legends themselves. Somewhat dull and anemic compared to their normal output, still cool though, especially the guitar solo. Excessively protracted for what it is. Fits the theme.
Slauter Xstroyes, No Idea - 7/10, The opening notes aren't what I'd predicted at all. The vocals are clean, controlled, and croon-ish. Good intermingling of electric and acoustic instrumentation, turning what would've been another ultra-derivative metal ballad structure into something much more. The guitar's vibrato flourishes are reminiscent of Black Sabbath. Highly melodic, excellently phrased solo. Thematically proper.
Slayer, Necrophiliac - 8.5/10, I am categorically convinced that this is precisely what the fuck Anthrax means when they say metal thrashing mad. Curiously humorous twist on the theme, good thinking. Jeff and Kerry's guitar dueling is angry, buzzing, and violent enough to graphically and homicidally disembowel every scene kid in a 400 mile radius, Tom proves himself as one thrash's finest singers, and Dave Lombardo rips his drums a new hide covering.
Gehennah, We Love Alcohol - 7/10, Overkill inspiration is blatant as hell, but properly executed in the band's own unique black thrash stylings, so I won't bitch. I adore the combination of thrash's lyrical worship of boozing and black metal's vocals. Thematically apt. Also, a Gehennah song, gee, I haven't the faintest clue who chose this one, it's such a brain teaser...
Secrecy, A New Beginning - 6.5/10, Cool riffage, fiery, yet somehow laidback sounding tenor vocals, blistering solo. Fits the theme.
Converge, Heaven In Her Arms - 6/10, Furious, hectic guitar and bass, vocals are meh. Thematically congruent.
Amon Goeth, In Love With Satan - 5/10, Middle of the road acoustic part at the start. Launches into some head-crunching black metal for the rest of its duration which isn't half-bad. A little overdone lengthwise. Thematically apt.
Motörhead, Love Me Like A Reptile - 7.5/10, So many better Motörhead songs could've been chosen instead of this one, i.e. Dirty Love, Bad Woman, Poison, Lost Woman Blues, heck, I'd even take The Chase Is Better Than The Catch over this in spite of the weaker thematic connection. That having been said, this kicks seven different kinds of ass, from the raw chord-heavy guitar, to the rattlesnake-like trickle in the rhythm and the fact that it's got a harder groove to it than the world's largest, most overpressed vinyl record, this is dangerously badass.
Danzig, Girl - 7/10, Opening chord progression could easily be for an AC/DC song. Then Glenn jumps in and by the end of the song he's in full primal Jim Morrison bluesy rage mode. Could use some instrumental variance, but beyond that? This is great. Thematically in-check.
Miasma, Love Song (To A Lost Little Girl) - 6/10, Low-fi doom intro with thumpy chords and all. Becomes death metal at a little over two minutes, which is an undeniably cool change of pace, although the vocalist needs to work on his technique in order to cure himself of his minor case of the disease known as Cookie Monster Syndrome, see also, life-threatening terminal illnesses. Beyond that inkling of bitching, I enjoy the song, in particular the drumming. Unwarranted length, but thematic.
Night Conquers Day, Banished From My - 6/10, Classic black metal style tremolo riff and drums, a tinge of symphonic leaves my Arg senses tingling (though not as acutely as the Ava Inferi track). Vocalist knows what he's doing and provides an admirable performance. Vocals do some cool King Diamond falsetto in the background right before some acoustic stuff comes in. Background vocals go full KD at 4:08 or so.
Thin Lizzy, Wild One - 7/10, Melodious guitar leads soar, Phil's vocals are somber yet hopefully expectant, with his bass doing a soft groove. My one complaint, this is more hard rock than metal, so I've got to dock points. Fits the theme.
I'm mildly drunk and dont feel like writing reviews so deal.

Type O Negatives - Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity
. Cant listen to this without singing along. That being said I bumped a point off for this song being more about betrayal than love.

Titan Force - Lord of Desire
. Okay but forgettable.

Ava Inferi - The Living End

Savatage - Out On The Streets

Slauter Xstroyes - No Idea

Slayer - Necrophiliac
. Hurr durr this stretches the topic.

Gehennah - We Love Alcohol
I like these guys but the more I hear them, they're just second rate Motorhead.

Secrecy - A New Beginning
. What the fuck ever

Converge - Heaven in her Arms
. non metul

Amon Goeth - In Love With Satan
In love with your mom. fcuk this.

Motorhead - Love Me Like a Reptile

Danzig - Girl
. Lame Danzig.

Miasma - Love Song (To a Lost Girl)
Massively overrated obscure in crowd death metal.

Night Conquers Day - Banished from My Eyes

Thin Lizzy - Wild One
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Operating word being "maybe", circumstantial qualifier being sobriety, and subject being Krow. Next you'll be telling me you can turn HBB into a Gorgoroth fanboy.
Type O Negative - Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity – 7/10

Never listened to anything off of this Type O album iirc, sounds a lot more like Carnivore than I expected. The extra cash to get an actual female to make sex noises clearly paid off. The “I know you’re fucking someone eeeeh-helse” part with the backing keyboards and more upbeat riffing made me laugh, in a good way. Still a bit too long but whatevs, this was fun.

Titan Force - Lord of Desire – 8/10

This song might epitomize the Titan Force sound to me more than any other. Hyper-melodic harmonized riffing everywhere, but still playful. I never really paid attention to the lyrics on this album (the ones on the second album are slightly more comprehensible but also generally crappy), but I’m actually surprised at how well they work here, like how he does that kind of pretentious rolled-R “With r-r-ravenous fur-r-rry”, I always thought it was kind of neat, but I didn’t think it was possible to do a kind of S&M theme in metal with class and a medieval atmosphere. Giving this an extra point for newfound appreciation of a song I’ve always enjoyed.

Ava Inferi - The Living End – 5/10

Eh, it sounds neat sonically but this barely registers as metal, and the lyrics mean nothing to me.

Savatage - Out On The Streets – 7/10

Eh, aside from Twisted Little Sister, the weakest song on a mostly amazing album. Has its moments and better than many other ballads from the early 80s, but still.

Slauter Xstroyes - No Idea – 8/10

Still a great song, but I think their ballads are among their weakest.

Slayer – Necrophiliac – 10/10

On a given day could be my favorite Slayer song. The bridge section particularly is amazing.

Gehennah - We Love Alcohol – 4/10

Yeah we know.

Secrecy - A New Beginning – 10/10

Secrecy is the most moe metal band in existence. Forget women, forget all that other shit, just give me cute German prog metal about platonic love and nostalgia for early childhood.

Converge - Heaven in her Arms – 5/10

There was a time where I thought Converge would be one of my branches outside of usual metal realms but I got sick of them pretty quickly and hearing this again now hasn’t changed anything. It’s not bad at all, but I dunno, somehow for all the intensity it still comes off as boring. Lyrics are pretty gay too.

Amon Goeth - In Love With Satan – 1/10

Really long and pointless intro. The main riff is generic as fuck, reject Motorhead stuffs. How is this even considered black metal? It’s basically slightly slow punky speed metal. Eight more minutes? Ugh. And of course the lyrics aren’t available, obviously this is high art and reading the lyrics rather than naturally taking in this minimalist, atmospheric performance would be a waste.

Motorhead - Love Me Like a Reptile – 7/10

Classic Motorhead, not my favorite thing but this is still a strong song, nothing more to say.

Danzig – Girl – 4/10

Kinda boring and sounds like hard rock to me anyways.

Miasma - Love Song (To a Lost Girl) – 7/10

This shit is weird. Really murky production but a number of the riffs resemble swinging bluesy trad doom, and those lyrics holy shit. I won’t say that this song was amazing, but it was interesting enough that I’m going to listen to their album once I’m finished with the playlist.

Night Conquers Day - Banished from My Eyes – 5/10

Totally tuned out on this one. Not bad, sort of pleasant sound-wise, but not slightly interesting.

Thin Lizzy - Wild One – 6/10

I’ve never listened to Fighting. This was pleasant, but a bit below later Thin Lizzy at least on first impression. Pretty harmonies though.
"How is this even considered black metal?", how often do you say this?

Anyway, that Amon Goeth song is awesome and indeed better than anything by Testament ;)
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Spoken like a tr00 in-crowd tard. Aside from "The Ballad" I'm not sure they have anything as terrible as that song.
Phylactery just got here and I doubt anyone has even mentioned Amon Goeth since he joined. Believe it or not, some people just like certain music. I don't think it's about following a crowd, especially since Testament is clearly more liked (including on this website) than Amon Goeth, so they would be the in-crowd band.
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