Themed Mixtape Game

Phylactery just got here and I doubt anyone has even mentioned Amon Goeth since he joined. Believe it or not, some people just like certain music. I don't think it's about following a crowd, especially since Testament is clearly more liked (including on this website) than Amon Goeth, so they would be the in-crowd band.

Being popular =/= being in-crowd. It has to be popular WITH the in-crowd to be in-crowd. Testament is like the anti-in-crowd thrash metal band. In-crowd people consider Heathen albums to be the very best thrash metal ever made, all the while claiming to have never heard a single Testament album.
Actually, the "in-crowd" thinks that early Slayer is the best thrash metal ever made. This is based off of my own opinion and the opinions of other purported members of this club, including Phylactery.

If you want to claim that there is a special club with predictable opinions, you should be able to get their opinions right at the very least.

Oh, and I have never heard a Testament album. That's actually true. You'll notice that I didn't claim to know what their music sounds like and stated that I actually don't.
You put Breaking the Silence in your top 3, didn't you? Heathen also has a much higher M-A average than Testament, and all the complaints of generic music applied to the latter (thanks to UltraBoris worshipers) are avoided for the former (again, thanks to UltraBoris worshipers).
There's no reason why I can't put a Heathen album in my top 3 favorite thrash albums. That has nothing to do with Testament and isn't a common opinion among people on this site that you claim are "in-crowd" members.

I don't know who UltraBoris is. Is that someone who used to post here?

I've never expressed an unwillingness to listen to Testament. You could easily recommend an album by them like a normal person, but it's clear that you'd rather try to argue about irrelevant bullshit and invent conspiracies against Testament.
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UltraBoris is a reviewer on Metal-Archives. I'm actually surprised Hamburgerboy isn't a big fan of him since all he does is give shit ratings to everything he doesn't consider to have "riffs".

This is his title for his review of Time Does Not Heal by Dark Angel:
9 songs, 67 minutes, TWOHUNDREDANDFORTYSIX riffs!! - 90%

Who gives a shit how many riffs it has?
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What made you decide to listen to Heathen in the first place, and what has caused you to never hear a single Testament album?

I think UltraBoris is an alright and funny guy, and I appreciate his love of riffs, but he also strongly influenced many to copy his taste and foster a kind of in-crowd, tr00 metalhead way of thinking.
Thanks. I'm wondering why I'm the only "in-crowder" on this site who put Breaking the Silence in their top thrash albums if it's an opinion that all of them share.

The real reason is because Slayer is too canon for him to criticize people for listing them, even though all "in-crowd" members put them at the top in that thread.
The best thing UltraBoris did was write the 0% review of Master of Puppets to let everyone know how overrated it is.

I don't get what's so exceptional about Amon Goeth, they seem relatively middle of the road to me.

Well what are some of your favourite black metal albums? I've only really seen you mention Gorgoroth so I'd be interested to know what else you like from the genre.
What made you decide to listen to Heathen in the first place, and what has caused you to never hear a single Testament album?

I think UltraBoris is an alright and funny guy, and I appreciate his love of riffs, but he also strongly influenced many to copy his taste and foster a kind of in-crowd, tr00 metalhead way of thinking.

I was introduced to Heathen through this site in a topic where people traded .zip files with music in them. That's where I first listened to them. The fact that they've also covered "Kill the King" and "Death on Two Legs" increased my curiosity.

I've never been recommended an album by Testament from anyone on this site. I see some people talk about them but not enough to make me seek them out without a specific recommendation.
Well he was accusing me of being "in-crowd", but now he's saying UltraBoris influenced followers that are also "in-crowd", yet I disagree with many of his reviews and opinions, so I'm just confused now. There must be different sets/subsets of "in-crowders" that features different bands or something. Or maybe, it's all just bullshit and a way for him to justify not liking specific bands.
You figured it out. It's the same reason why he hasn't even acknowledged that Slayer is the real in-crowd favorite thrash band despite me asking him to do so.
You guys should. I made an unpublished RYM list of in-crowd metal, and it would be funny to see how closely I got to reality.
Loving the first three Slayer albums is required to be in-crowd, but that doesn't mean everyone that loves Slayer is in-crowd.
Okay, so why am I the only "in-crowd" member to put a Heathen album in my list if what you said earlier was true? I asked you this already.
The fact that you listened to them because people on the forum earlier were pimping them tells it all.

Those lists were limited to a top 3; regardless, if you asked people their opinions on Heathen vs Testament, I have a feeling the in-crowd would come to favor the former much more strongly (assuming there are even enough thrash-listening in-crowd people left on this board).