Themed Mixtape Game

Yes, yes it is. I therefore am the best human the cosmos have ever come up with.

And will attempt to not be full of shit and start rating/ playing again. Fresh blood will be a nice change.
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Warning - Footprints
Easiest 10/10 of the entire game.

Fueled By Fire - Forsaken Deity

Rigor Mortis - Speed Whore
I immediately love the sound of this so much more than that of the previous song. Surprised at the lukewarm ratings this is getting, this is great stuff. +5 points for the solid minute of silence at the end.

Dark Angel - Pain's Invention, Madness
A bit meandering but they brought it home in style with a great ending.

Cannibal Corpse - Addicted to Vaginal Skin

Dødheimsgard - The Snuff Dreams Are Made Of
Great fucked up song from a great fucked up album.

Impaled Nazarene - The Horny and the Horned
Ugly fucking finnish BM. Love this sound, love how that snare puncutates the verses so clear sounding against the wall of noise like a bell, love that melancholic 'breakdown' or what you'd call it, and the scream that follows. Love the whole song.

Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Probably says a lot about my BM preferences that I far prefer the above song to this.

Johnny Touch - Black Company
This is really excellent throwback stuff that borrows from all the right sources. Disappointed this wasn't about Glen Cook's Black Company, but if it was it probably wouldn't have been thematic.

Grave - Obsessed

This is just not my kind of death metal. Too chuggy, guttural, unmelodic, etc. I'm probably not being fair to this song but this just ain't my thing. Marginally more interesting than the Cannibal Corpse.

Loudness - Clockwork Toy

Kreator - Mental Slavery


Acid Bath - Tranquilized
Too grungey and stonery for me.

Saint Vitus - Dependence
Well, you're not getting any points for creativity. Warning brought their a-game for this theme, where's yours at Vitus? (Hint: White Stallions)

Warning - Footprints - 2
exactly what i dont like

Fueled by Fire - Forsaken Deity - 6
shouty vocals a bit lame

Rigor Mortis - Speedwhore - 7

Dark Angel - Pain's Invention, Madness - 8
defo a headbanger

Cannibal Corpse - Addicted to Vaginal Skin - 10
groovy brutality. dat bass.

Dødheimsgard - The Snuff Dreams Are Made Of - 7
the fucks going on here. i like it

Impaled Nazarene - The Horny and the Horned - 8
wow. need more bm like this

Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger - 7
gr1m and frostbitten alright

Johnny Touch - Black Company - 4

Grave - Obsessed - 9
wish the guitar tone was less fuzzy. still good

Loudness - Clockwork Toy - 6
asian hair metal lol

Kreator - Mental Slavery - 7
needs more speed

Acid Bath - Tranquilized - 7
this is ok

Saint Vitus - Dependence - 2
ho hum
Warning - Footprints 10/10
This song is seriously one of my favorites. Beautiful. His voice reminds me of Ozzy. I've never read through the lyrics until now. At least I won't be mumbling through this track anymore.

Fueled by Fire - Forsaken Deity 5/10
I don't like these vocals much and the music is a bit generic.

Rigor Mortis - Speed Whore 7/10

Ahh, I like that beginning riff a lot. A nice change from the song before. Fun track. Speed whore, you make me sick.

Dark Angel - Pain's Invention, Madness 5/10

I feel like my non-metal friends would like this. The vocals reminds me of Metallica a bit. It's meh so far. I'll continue listening though. I kinda wish they didn't rely so much on the vocals. His voice isn't terrible but there's so funny parts especially when he says "set me free." Eh, this is just not really my sort of thing.

Cannibal Corpse - Addicted to Vaginal Skin 5/10
Lol. Cannibal Corpse had to make it onto this playlist. Admittedly i dont listen to cannibal corpse much anymore unless at a party or something. Right now, i'm in my bed and not partying, however.

Dodheimsgard - The Snuff Dreams Are Made Of 9/10
Ahh, I get it... it's like a computer virus that can't live without a computer? This is awesome!

Impaled Nazarene - The Horny and the Horned 8/10
I love this band. Shit, I need to play them more. Awesome song. I'm not sure if this is on theme, but whatever.

Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger 7/10
I feel weird listening to this while eating a mango. :lol: I love this band and album, though. I really love the drums and that lead riff.

Johnny Touch - Black Company - 8/10

I love the possessed growls throughout while "they are making their sacrifice." I really love the songwriting and storytelling throughout this entire track. Awesome buildup. I also like that last riff towards the end (6:50). I could listen to that on repeat for hours.

Grave - Obsessed 5/10
I'm surprised actually not many people went the "obsessed" route with interpreting dependence. I didn't think of it either. This is alright. I don't have much to say about it.

Loudness - Clockwork Toy 5/10
:lol: This isn't bad. I have no idea what this is about though.

Kreator - Mental Slavery 6/10

I liked this. My weakness in metal is typically "classics" like these guys. I should pick up a Kreator cd one day.

Acid Bath - Tranquilized 8/10
Shit. This band has tons of nostalgia for me. Actually, one of my first introductions to this sorta sound was in high school with bands like Kyuss. This came soon after and yeah I'll just have to throw this on sometime soon again. When southern dudes could carry a note, they have a nice color/sound to their voice.

Saint Vitus - Dependence 8/10

Of course. I love this. Vitus always hits me right in the feels.

Warning - Footprints
there are times when i consider this my favourite album - the most intense, earnest, intimate, enveloping expression of romantic and existential anguish possible. this might be its best tune, a song about the romantic compulsion to lower your elaborate defences and let someone in despite the accompanying vulnerability, fear and pain. i think of this album as a litmus test for whether someone's tastes are compatible with mine, it's concentrated ncfow-core. i could live inside this song's textures and emotions always. 10/10

Fueled by Fire - Forsaken Deity

seriously warning is so great 5/10

Rigor Mortis - Speedwhore

i thought this album was supposed to be meh but this is rather excellent. absolutely lovely discord in the opening leads, a badass destruction riff and then propulsive speed metal through to the concluding flurry. 8/10

Dark Angel - Pain's Invention, Madness

you are not wrong about that ending pompey. i freely admit i don't quite get this still, but i also sense that it could grow on me if i try to force it, so maybe i will. 6/10

Cannibal Corpse - Addicted to Vaginal Skin

disgusting music for degenerates like arg. 6/10

Dødheimsgard - The Snuff Dreams Are Made Of

people have been trying to get me to listen to this ever since it got released so yeah i should probably do that this fucking rules. oppressive and otherworldly and eccentric. 8/10

Impaled Nazarene - The Horny and the Horned

underrated album but not really getting how it's thematic. willing to be persuaded. 6/10

Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger

there was this uber-posh left wing vegetarian in my school who randomly loved this album and used to play this song on piano in music class and growl along to it, and my music teacher, an old-fashioned classical aficionado who hated vivaldi for being too "simplistic", absolutely hated him for it. 8/10

Johnny Touch - Black Company

was about to give up on finding a working vid of this 'til i noticed it's on bandcamp. that sparse yet complex NWOBHM riff is immediately worth the effort, absolutely fucking beautiful, and that riff develops into an equally lovely mid-song climax. the acoustic parts stand out less but remain nice and atmospheric, and then it thrashes out in that mid-paced mercyful fate style for a bit in the second half to cool effect. as always, i love the unexpectedly chilling anti-climactic fadeout as well. re: hbb's criticism of theme, i think it's implied that this is an ongoing ritual. 9/10

Grave - Obsessed

grave are reliably solid. not particularly impressed with these kinds of songs for this theme but eh. 6/10

Loudness - Clockwork Toy

the surprisingly emotive conclusion to the opening riff is all that stops the verses being a bit dull, and the willingness to maintain the tension for longer than usual is all that stops the chorus being a bit dull. i enjoy these kinds of subtle touches. then the mid-section of the song (+final minute) is cool in a less subtle way and the soloing is really lovely. not really on theme again though. 6/10

Kreator - Mental Slavery

this might be the most famous thrash album i haven't heard. actually a bit less watered down and polished than i was expecting and has a cool riff or two, but it's lacking in economy or urgency. 6/10

Acid Bath - Tranquilized

don't get the appeal of like 95% of this genre sry. 4/10

Saint Vitus - Dependence

ok so it's vitus again and the song title is the same as the round title, so thx for your submission captain obvious, BUT this is their least heard album and the ratings have been pretty harsh so w/e. i could do without the section of feedback but the verses are as gorgeously suffocating as they are simple, and they continue their tradition of being one of the best produced bands ever. 8/10
They love us so much, that's why they want to blow us up and why the Quran dictates that you must violently subjugate even "the people of the book". Seems legit. They also feel that everyone is born a Muhmmadian, so if you're of another faith, you've simply strayed from your Muslim origins. And you know what the punishment for apostasy is in Islam? Oh, that's right, death.
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Warning - WTF is this shit? it's like someone yawning on his guitar strings. The label for the intro should read "Warning - this crap is fucking lame". Then a doped up cat with mange shows up and starts mewling into the microphone. Someone put it out of its misery. 1/10

Fueled by Fire - 10/10 this is clearly the best ever because I submitted it

Rigor Mortis - For a song called speed whore this is pretty fucking slow to start. Even when it picks up it's not very impressive. They were like "let's write a fast song and call it speed whore!" then they realized they had zero musical training so they just threw together some mediocre power chord riffs and played them as fast as the drummer could keep up with. 3/10 for naive effort

Dark Angel - Nowhere near DA's best. This is so far from Darkness Descends. 5/10

Cannibal Corpse - Would be much better with a different vocalist. 6/10

DHG - This is some bullshit mix of nu metal industrial like Static X and -core. and then there's the gay nonsensical off key 'chanting' 1/10

Impaled Nazerene - This is why (uninformed) people say metal players have no talent. Shit like this. strum strum strum strum on one chord, drum drum drum drum on the same beat. +1 because the vocalist is mercifully non-monotone for this style. 3/10

Darkthrone - Oh god who listens to this 'melody'? The lead guitar is like something a tone deaf toddler would play and expect praise from their parents. I'm sorry but this is garbage. "The bad production is not a bug, it's a feature!" "We're such anarchists we don't even learn scales or modes!" 1/10

Black Company - These guys clearly have some sense of harmony and songwriting at least. It sounds very canned though. "We're trained musicians, let's play that style that is popular right now and act all melodramatic!" It's not bad though tbh, I was expecting worse. 7/10

Grave - Ok I've been on a big early 90's death metal kick lately so I really have nothing bad to say about this. I didn't know Grave went this far back. This is kickass. 9/10

Loudness - This is hard rock you fucking toolbags. Watch this, then watch an early Van Halen video, same exact shit. The stuff some people claim is metal. It's even written with a lame radio friendly pop rock structure. Like 5 years ago I recommended them to a friend who only listens to van halen exclusively and he liked them, that says something. These dudes were clearly trying to be trendy and capitalize on the easy money and chicks, basically copying Van Halen and Motley Crue as closely as possible. The guitar solo was not bad. 4/10

Kreator - Damnit stop posting stuff I like lol. 9/10

Acid Bath - I've seen this cover on every "worst metal covers" thread and list ever. Never listened to it. Not as bad as it looks. This is borderline metal with the subdued vocals and pentatonic licks though. Could easily be a Soundgarden song or Alice in Chains, or even like STP. 6/10

Saint Vitus - Enough, enough. I'm not even going to finish listening to this. 0/10 does not deserve to win, incredibly uncreative choice, intended to annoy.
The stuff you wrote about Darkthrone is rubbish and you know it. Soulside Journey proves that they're all more than technically proficient with their instruments. Transilvanian Hunger isn't about showing that off, though. That song has 3 riffs and 1 drum beat stretched over 6 minutes and still manages to be far more interesting and evocative than anything Dream Theater and their ilk ever wrote.

Also, I've always found the "rawness" of that record's production to be vastly overstated. It sounds less raw and abrasive to me than the previous 2.