Themed Mixtape Game

Wtf Pompey I had faith I you and then you go and break my heart with those Lordian Guard and Atlantean Kodex reviews, just to lay your heart before some in-crowd (generally speaking not um-speaking) Mercyful Fate bullshit like Portrait! :cry:
Macabre Omen - A Call from Gods to God
I must listen more to greek BM, so far in this entire game it has consistently been more interesting than all the boring norwegian shit you guys keep submitting.
Except this sound totally like Helheim which happenes to be norwegian. ;)
Sorry, but I just had to offend you with my ratings as retribution for your 8/10 for SX.

As for the Helheim similarity, I've never heard them so I wouldn't know.
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Crimson Glory - Azrael
I don't think I love this song as much as everyone else. I think it would've been forgettable without Midnight's ridiculous vocal performance.

Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy
It boggles my mind how so many of the high-profile prog metal bands are so shit at composition. Isn't that supposed to be their forte? Then how do you explain all the jarring un-transitions and random wank sessions that don't gel with the mood of the song? Can't you display your instrumental virtuosity within a song that has some actual structural fucking integrity?


Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy

It boggles my mind how so many of the high-profile prog metal bands are so shit at composition. Isn't that supposed to be their forte? Then how do you explain all the jarring un-transitions and random wank sessions that don't gel with the mood of the song? Can't you display your instrumental virtuosity within a song that has some actual structural fucking integrity?

Well said, I pretty much agree.

Macabre Omen - A Call from Gods to God
I must listen more to greek BM, so far in this entire game it has consistently been more interesting than all the boring norwegian shit you guys keep submitting.

Then you make me sad with this :(. Both scenes are amazing.
Lording Guard - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God 4/10
At first this caught my attention. The creepy and dark atmosphere was exciting and I actually think it's a good way to start this playlist. Unfortunately the rest of the track did not deliver. It was too long for what it was doing and did not do anything interesting beyond the creepy atmosphere it created in the beginning.

Burzum - Jesu Dod 7/10
Man the comments on this video went from 90 to 100. I obviously like this track a lot. I'm always amazed at how original Burzum's sound is. This isn't my favorite track on this album, but it's good.

Crimson Glory - Azarel 8/10
Crimson Glory is always easy to listen to. I hear so much Whitesnake and pop influences in them. Obviously Midnight's vocals and vocal melodies are killing it too.

Destroyer 666 - I am the Wargod 10/10
This is absolutely my favorite Destroyer 666 track. Shit gets me so pumped. KK Warslut is a crazy mother fucker but this band rules.

Paradox - Pray to the Godz of Wrath 9.5/10
I thought the intro was a little cheesy and almost gave up on it (not even going to lie the title sort of threw me off too). Then those fast riffs kicked in and I lost my shit. Never heard of this band but they are now on my queue. I love when people pick things that aren't OD obvious. Everybody learns. This is awesome! Man these riffs are so groovy and fun.

Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy 7/10
I don't listen to Symphony X, but this was quite good. This could totally be Megaman music. It's awesome. Maybe I should give them a chance eventually. I enjoyed this. Even for it being 20 minutes long.

Adagio - In Nomine.... 7.5/10
Interesting, I didn't think I'd like this either but this was cool too! It's like metal church music. I like the vocal melodies a lot.

Corrosion of Conformity - Mine Are the Eyes of God 6/10
My boyfriend loves this band. He calls it groovy, but it's one of those bands where drunk people suddenly think they can dance and start pelvic circling to a lot. I never listened to them besides going to one show a few years back with him. The vocals are quite terrible but they kinda work for them. I like the guitar tone and the drummer is pretty good. As it went out it on it got a little more interesting. I guess I get the appeal... very American sounding to me.

Realm - Eminence 9/10
That pitch though. :O Holy shit. Whoa! that SOLO. Wtf. I think I'm in love.

Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invictus 7/10
Wasn't this track in a mixtape already? I've listened to this soooo many times when playing this band. I never noticed how lacking that solo was until now... eh. Still a good song maybe just not the best one on that album.

Rudra - Hymns to Thee 5/10
Man the drums don't sound too good. I don't like the sound here especially the drums. Shit sounds like kitchen pots and pans. The groove is alright but they aren't really doing much that's interesting. There's sort of a Middle Eastern kind of sound to this which is saving this track tbh.

Beastcraft - Burnt at His Alter 5/10
I like the main melody underneath and the different harmonies. But this kind of BM doesn't do too much for me as I tend to get too bored with it.

Portrait - Lily 4/10
This is OK to me. I haven't really been paying too much attention to it. Meh... sorta bored by this.

Macabre Omen - A Call from Gods to Gods 8/10
This is awesome.

Phew that was long! But I enjoyed the playlist and got some new stuff to check out.
KK Warslut is such a great pseudonym.

This poor Portrait track has been hated by everyone except Pompey! I thought the Symphony X was sure to come last. It's unsurprisingly my least liked track here.
Lordian Guard - Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God 6.5/10
I don't have this album yet, one thing is for sure, I much prefer the debut. Still, epic and moderate which does a lot for me.

Burzum - Jesu Død 7/10

Godly artist. Not much more to say, everybody knows him and has heard this stuff a billion times by now.

Crimson Glory - Azrael 6.5/10

This is pretty good.

Destroyer 666 - I Am The Wargod 7.5/10

I almost want to give a 10 just for the artwork alone. War metal fury.

Paradox - Pray To The Godz Of Wrath 8/10

This is great! Definitely need to pick it up ASAP.

Symphony X - The Divine Wings Of Tragedy 9/10

This actually in many ways reminded me of Queen. I found myself really enjoying this song, I think Baroque recommended them to me awhile ago, I should act on that recommendation I think.

Adagio - In Nomine... 8/10

I loved the intro. I liked the rest too, I've never heard of this band, it's something I would have hated years ago but now it's exactly what I like. Something I'd put on while I marathon video games maybe. The keys are phenomenal.

Corrosion Of Conformity - Mine Are The Eyes Of God 5/10

Just not my thing at all. Sounds awkward. It's not terrible though, but just such a huge step down from their first two albums which absolutely rule.

Realm - Eminence 6.5/10

I love that cover art. The actual song is quite out there, I could get into it upon further listening for sure.

Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invinctus 10/10

Instant cold shiver. I love this band and I love this album. Just perfect metal for someone like me.

Rudra - Hymns To Thee 4.5/10

Those drums were really annoying, which is a shame, the rest wasn't so bad.

Beastcraft - Burnt At His Altar 6/10

They nailed atmosphere on this track, atmosphere can save very average bands every so often.

Portrait - Lily 8/10

This is a great album, I stare at the art every time I listen to it. All those little background details. In my opinion this is where they proved that they're more than just Mercyful Fate/King Diamond clones. This is also the best song on the album. Great fucking heavy metal magic!

Macabre Omen - A Call From Gods To God 8/10

This song gives me chills man.
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Lordian Guard - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
This is absolutely the worst fucking thing I've heard ever and I wanted to kill myself several times before it ended. 0/10

Burzum - Jesu død

It's Burzum. 3/10

Crimson Glory - Azrael

B-grade cheesy trad shit that the in-crowders will circle jerk them selves into orbit over. 3/10

Destroyer 666 - I am the Wargod
Actual decent musicianship and production. Thank fuck. It's not great and there are some lame riffs but it's got some awesome epic metals in it. 6.5/10

Paradox - Pray to the Godz of Wrath

Oh God the intro is not filling me with any sort of hope. ..aand here we go. After all that awkwardness we get into the meat and potatoes and it's actually not bad. 6/10

Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy

20 minute cheesewank 3/10

Adagio - In Nomine...

More cheesewank fucking hell 3/10

Corrosion of Conformity - Mine Are the Eyes of God

Also my favourite Corrosion of Conformity song. Eleventy million times better than anything on this list so far. 9/10

Realm - Eminence

Undeniably impressive. The vocals aren't my thing but the composition and musicianship are great. 8.5/10

Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invinctus

Gay as fuck and way too long. 4/10

Rudra - Hymns to Thee

Bin lid snare and way-too-up-in-the-mix clicky kick isn't helping matters but I don't mind it too much for some reason. Possibly because my brain has been pummeled into submission by the amount of horrible on display. 6/10

Beastcraft - Burnt at His Altar

No. 3/10

Portrait - Lily

I dunno, more oiled up men rollerblading hand in hand 3/10

Macabre Omen - A Call From Gods to God

Boring and shit 4/10

This was another one of those mixes that made me wonder if even like metal. Thanks cunts.
Haha, I knew you'd absolutely hate this playlist and I'm surprised you stuck with it for the whole thing! I guessed which songs you'd give above a rating of 5 for and I was correct on all of them except Rudra - thought you'd hate that too.
Lordian Guard - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God


This was cool, but it has its flaws. I should listen to more songs by this band.

Burzum - Jesu død


I don't think that this is quite in my wheelhouse but it has a cool sound.

Crimson Glory - Azrael


Midnight is one of my hero vocalists and this song is incredible.

Destroyer 666 - I am the Wargod


Great atmosphere and build-up. I really like the lyrics.

Paradox - Pray to the Godz of Wrath


I was expecting this to be stupid because of the title. It's not stupid.

Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy


This is too long for a game like this. There are some cool parts and I like the vocalist but it isn't consistently enjoyable.

Adagio - In Nomime...


I don't think that this is great but it isn't twenty minutes long and boring like the previous track.

Corrosion of Conformity - Mine Are the Eyes of God


It has some salvageable qualities but it isn't my type of metal at all.

Realm - Eminence


I need to buy this album. It's pretty interesting.

Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invinctus


Very good. I need to hear more of these guys.

Rudra - Hymns to Thee


This unsuccessfully walked a tightrope between annoyance and mediocrity, lost its balance and landed with one foot on each side.

Beastcraft - Burnt at His Altar


I'm not feeling this one.

Portrait - Lily


It's not bad. I don't understand the hype that I've seen for this band in the past.

Macabre Omen - A Call From Gods to God


The atmosphere was cool but it isn't quite my thing.

I edited this to reflect second listens of the songs that I liked enough to revisit.
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