Themed Mixtape Game

This is precisely why I think you have one of the worst tastes on these boards.

... I'm not rating it 1/10 because of the music. It's because people like you deliberately repost the same bands 25 times to piss people off. Or you just don't bother with creativity at all. We get it dude, you like Saint vitus move on to a new topic.

It's like those stoners that all they can talk about is weed.
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Mixed genres + doom metal is still usually on my radar, not to belabor the point, but Dream Death are a favourite of mine.

I wish there were more bands like that to be honest, I am a doom metal purist most of the time, but it's great fun to see it changed up every now and then, especially if the band is able to get passed being a gimmick/genre unicorn and just create awesome, genuine, creative metal.

Dream Death are great. I guess I like doom metal best when it's mixed with other genres
... I'm not rating it 1/10 because of the music. It's because people like you deliberately repost the same bands 25 times to piss people off. Or you just don't bother with creativity at all. We get it dude, you like Saint vitus move on to a new topic.

It's like those stoners that all they can talk about is weed.
Who cares if a band gets submitted multiple times? Downvoting based on anything other than the music and being on-theme, is for Intense Queers.
Lordian Guard - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Love this shit, epic and glorious metal for the crusades. Like the fanatical christian angle.

Burzum - Jesu død
Great song, actually worked better here for some reason than on the actual album, because there it is such a dip from the opnener, which makes the song feel worse than it really is.

Crimson Glory - Azrael
Crimson Glory rules, and this may be the best song on their s/t. Still I prefer their second album by quite the margin.

Destroyer 666 - I am the Wargod
Funny how I've always assumed this was about Odin? Guess not... oh well, good song for sure, but I'm abit burnt out on D666.

Paradox - Pray to the Godz of Wrath
Once had a friends girlfriend raving about this band (and Tokyo Blade), never really checked them out though. Prepared for trashing some boring thrash, but this is much more speed metal than I anticipated. Actually doesn't sound half bad, but not really super interesting either. + For cool lyrics.

Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy
I'm a Symphony X fan, and this is a great song. The instrumentation is good and Russel Allan is a great singer. Would probably minus one point for the length if I liked the song less. x)

Adagio - In Nomine...
Not bad, but a step down from the previous song for sure.

Corrosion of Conformity - Mine Are the Eyes of God
Never listened to this band before because I've assumed that I won't like it at all. And well, I didn't like it at all. Exactly the type of metal that is among the worst. That transistion in the middle (around 2.30) was really awkard too. Sounded like they just stopped and started playing a new song.

Realm - Eminence
Exatly the type of thrash that gets a pass in my book. Great stuff, love the lyrics and that album cover <3.

Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invinctus
I've been a Atlantean Kodex fanboy since their demo days, and this album is no exception. Well crafted music that is cheesy but manage to not cross the line into ridiculousness. How is everyone rating this lower than for example Adagio?

Rudra - Hymns to Thee
Nah, not my thing. Boring and annoying. Usually not a fan of eastern influences in metal either.

Beastcraft - Burnt at His Altar
I have no idea why I'm listening to this instead of Darkthrone? Not BAD per se, but just nothing of anything really. Forgettable to the core.

Portrait - Lily
I have a hard time stomaching this type of throwback metal with occult lyrics trend (actually pretty much every throwback trend), but I didn't hate the beginning. When the metal riffs came in they started going total blandness though.

Macabre Omen - A Call From Gods to God
. Much better than the last couple of tracks, this is how you do pagan infused black metal. They could have toned down the Helheim worship abit though, especially on the vocals.

Good list, but the extreme metal stuff mostly failed. Not sure if it is the picks or me though. Had this been 10 years ago alot of stuff would have gotten higher rating I think.
Who cares if a band gets submitted multiple times? Downvoting based on anything other than the music and being on-theme, is for Intense Queers.

I care, it does get annoying after awhile and these are bands I love, imagine what it must be like for those that are indifferent. It is pretty lame to play the game and pretty much never put any thought or creativity into your submissions, it's just like going "meh fuck it" and then expecting everybody to not get annoyed.

I'll still never downrate for any reasons other than theme accuracy, genre accuracy and personal taste, but I don't really blame people for downrating out of a feeling of irritation anymore.

Plus, I wanna hear new shit. If I wanna blast some Saint Vitus over and over, I'll put their CDs in my CD player.
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I thought everyone would be complaining about the length tbh, I mean it's almost 2 hours long I think!

there are a couple of iconic songs by major GMD bands there and maybe we've had enough macabre omen at this point, but it's fine on the whole IMO

They've only appeared once before. It was a song from the same album, though. I think I'd have preferred this one to be "Gods of War - At War" for a more epic closing to the list. Macabre Omen is the shit though so it's fine.

Destroyer 666 have only appeared once before, and that was my pick and from their first album. I think this song is different enough that it's not an issue. Also, I'd have been disappointed if this song wasn't here.

This is the third time Burzum and Crimson Glory have appeared. This is going from memory, but I'm pretty sure it's correct. I have a knack for remembering pointless shit like this.
I thought everyone would be complaining about the length tbh, I mean it's almost 2 hours long I think!

They've only appeared once before. It was a song from the same album, though. I think I'd have preferred this one to be "Gods of War - At War" for a more epic closing to the list. Macabre Omen is the shit though so it's fine.

Destroyer 666 have only appeared once before, and that was my pick and from their first album. I think this song is different enough that it's not an issue. Also, I'd have been disappointed if this song wasn't here.

This is the third time Burzum and Crimson Glory have appeared. This is going from memory, but I'm pretty sure it's correct. I have a knack for remembering pointless shit like this.

You underestimate the pure, unadulterated badassery of the people on these forums.
Is there anything on this list you hadn't heard yet? Surprised you hadn't heard Seventh Angel last time btw. That was a joke pick to me since he sounds ridiculous on that song, and it somehow got favorable reviews. But overall a good band, have two of their albums.

I thought it was funny when you submitted it and said it was a joke pick, because I love that song and would have given it at least a 9/10 if I were rating that playlist. Ridiculousness is a good thing imo.
Lordian Guard - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God – 7/10

One of those cases where the camp factor is so high that to get past it you almost have to enjoy the song by definition. Not a fan of the intro but there’s a lot of stuff that still sets the mood, just like storytelling during the good old days at Bible camp.

Burzum - Jesu død – 8/10

As much as I hate what this led to, the song itself is still great.

Crimson Glory – Azrael – 7/10

One of the stronger songs on the album, great sappy melodies everywhere.

Destroyer 666 - I am the Wargod – 5/10

Good compared to most of their other stuff, had a nice enough intro and although the chorus was shit, the bridge immediately following was nice. Still too repetitive though.

Paradox - Pray to the Godz of Wrath – 7/10

I hardly ever listen to this first Paradox album, but wow this song sounds exactly like Running Wild. A pretty darn good Running Wild song too.

Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy – 2/10

Shit intro. A lot of limp-wristed parts. By the time it grows balls they’re playing the most generic riffs imaginable. Keys are lame. Even the more angular Watchtower-y leads 14 minutes in which I would normally like felt derivative. It wasn’t until 17.5 minutes in that I actually enjoyed a portion of this song. Fuck this band.

Adagio - In Nomine... – 7/10

And now Symphony X’s heavier little brother. Actually maybe not, this is more power metal and bombastic, more like Angra meets a Playstation-era Castlevania soundtrack. Cool stuff. I’ll need to check out this particular album.

Corrosion of Conformity - Mine Are the Eyes of God – 10/10

My favorite Corrosion of Conformity song. Masterful groove and chop all the way through, fags hating on the disjointed factor should go back to their unitempo atmoshit black metal.

Realm – Eminence – 10/10

I love this song. One of the most cinematic experiences in metal of the 80s, let alone thrash metal, I can just totally imagine exploring the dystopian battle remnants depicted on the album cover through the many passages in the song, and I can really feel the journey of the song’s character. The way they utilize the dual guitars for one (or sometimes both when the bass drives things) of them to play these spacy, really chilling leads sounds pretty much like nothing else in metal I’m familiar with. Plus, for an overt Christian metal song the message is pretty bleak and even somewhat ambiguous; if it’s simply about personal struggle and “You need Jesus m8” then it’s the most effort I’ve heard put into one. In another way, especially given the song title and “Nobody cared” closing line, I almost think it’s a criticism of the more upbeat evangelical message, more like “Hey, do you think I’m just going to rapture ya’ll just because of the pain you’ve inflicted on yourself?”. In any case it’s probably my favorite take on a pro-Christian metal song (with the possible exception of Candlemass’ Samarithan).

Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invinctus – 2/10

No riffs and this production is painful.

Rudra - Hymns to Thee – 5/10

Nothing special but decent.

Beastcraft - Burnt at His Altar – 3/10

Literally gave out a nice yawn by the end.

Portrait – Lily – 6/10

Good song, a little overlong but it makes me kind of miss this style of retro metal, which I never really appreciated at the time.

Macabre Omen - A Call From Gods to God – 4/10

More boring shit.
It's weird because some "in-crowd" stuff I'm not completely familiar with, but this list looks pretty cool on the whole. Ill probably listen to it on my 2hour and 30 minute commute today.
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Lordian Guard - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
This is epic and all but I really don't like this sound. I can forgive drum machines and cheesy synths and lame guitar tones but this has too much of all of those things. And for a two-person project, it sure sounds like one. A number of passages feel awkwardly devoid of accompaniment. Overall this just sounds too much like a basement project, in a bad way.

Burzum - Jesu død

Good song. Minus point for unoriginality.

Crimson Glory - Azrael
I don't think I love this song as much as everyone else. I think it would've been forgettable without Midnight's ridiculous vocal performance.

Deströyer 666 - I am the Wargod
Obviously amazing. Maybe my 2nd favorite D666 song after Shadow.

Paradox - Pray to the Godz of Wrath

Guys, they're spelling it with a 'z' because it's not about deities of wrath, it's about 60s psych rock bands of wrath. Duh.

Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy

It boggles my mind how so many of the high-profile prog metal bands are so shit at composition. Isn't that supposed to be their forte? Then how do you explain all the jarring un-transitions and random wank sessions that don't gel with the mood of the song? Can't you display your instrumental virtuosity within a song that has some actual structural fucking integrity?

Adagio - In nomine...

Way more fun than the SX.

Corrosion of Conformity - Mine Are the Eyes of God

I guess this is Ozz's pick since he's mentioned this band in his signature for years. It's my first time hearing them and I actually like this.

Realm - Eminence

Guess I better start thinking of what to submit for the "reinforcement" theme.

Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invictus

Obviously my kinda thing but not super exciting.

Rudra - Hymns to Thee

Had that one cool riff but didn't really go anywhere.

Beastcraft - Burnt at His Altar

Portrait - Lily
Epic stuff. Surprised at the hate for this.

Macabre Omen - A Call from Gods to God

I must listen more to greek BM, so far in this entire game it has consistently been more interesting than all the boring norwegian shit you guys keep submitting.