Themed Mixtape Game

Lordian Guard - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

it kinda sounds like one person recording a load of instruments independently and splicing them afterward, there’s not enough layers or subtlety to it, and the drums are pretty horrible. it’s too amateurish even for me really, even moreso than warlord who i’ve always quite liked but never loved – it’s the kind of thing a typical metalhead would absolutely crap on and i’d feel dumb trying to defend it lol. but with all that said, this thing does have some of that ineffable magic and weirdness that attracts me to trad – feels like it was made on a different planet or in a different age. 6.5/10

Burzum - Jesu død

one of his most iconic songs for good reason, what an atmosphere. 9/10

Crimson Glory - Azrael

one of the most expressive of all trad bands at their stratospheric best. there’s something unhinged about their whole tone to me even when the songwriting itself is fairly conventional, the guitarwork is just as heightened as midnight's vox in its own way. i seem to love them more and more as the years pass, at least when they're killing it like this. 10/10

Destroyer 666 - I am the Wargod

again, this is their most popular song for a reason. i’ve never been massively fond of the first couple of minutes, the sound is glossy in a way that reminds me strongly of mid-period dark tranquillity, it’s kind of a turn off. once the song proper kicks in it owns though, i really love their combination of wild unstable leads (ESPECIALLY/MAINLY THIS) and waspish riffing and eye-of-the-storm basslines and barked vocals, it's a fucking rollercoaster. also it almost turns into an immolation song for a bit in the middle, in a good way. and hey ‘shadow’ was my favourite d666 song long before i knew any of you cunts liked it! 8/10

Paradox - Pray to the Godz of Wrath

i'm not sure it quite lives up to that amazing intro once the vocals come in, but it's still fantastic. strange and melancholy and rapturous, with soloing that nearly matches the previous song. 9/10

Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy

frequently just a series of random transitions between unrelated parts with little thought for overall composition. no idea why people who like classical are into stuff like this rather than, say, the chasm or something - just sounds like a child's idea of 'complex' to me. also the individual passages are mostly either wanky instrumentation+brainless chugging or generic saccharine power metal anyway. 20 minutes of this was a lot of fun so thanks a lot, this has gone from being an amazing playlist to me wanting to die. i distrust single listens and there's no way in hell i'm listening to this again, so maybe this score is slightly mean, but fuck it that's your fault too. tbf i appreciated the occasional passage that sounded like fun video game music. 2/10

Adagio - In Nomine...

one of the best things i've heard in this genre, and i’m gonna overrate it a bit just because of how difficult it is to find flower metal i actually like. it still pales really obviously in comparison to prime dark moor/fairyland though like this style always seems to. more and more i appreciate what a one off those guys were (i repeat: if anyone can recommend anything of similar quality please do!). 7.5/10

Corrosion of Conformity - Mine Are the Eyes of God

what the fuck is this lol, this sounds nothing like the CoC i know and yet i kinda love it, and that’s despite it utilising the kind of grooves i generally dislike. it's the kind of thing that'd suck played straight, but it's off-kilter enough to work. definitely checking this album out! 7.5/10

Realm - Eminence

lol i thought paradox was hbb, then i thought oh no CoC will be hbb, and now i KNOW what’s hbb. 8/10

Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invictus

a song that succeeds through sheer heart and sincerity rather than any particular standout element to the sound or songwriting. i suspect this would grow on a lot of people after a few loud listens, it has a kind of cumulative effect, just feels huge and important somehow. they SELL it. vintage manowar would nod and fondle their chest hairs in approval. 9/10

Rudra - Hymns to Thee

lol i remember the hype for this band among anus types ‘cause of their vedic leanings, but i always found that schtick a bit superficial. underneath the occasional lame exoticised melody or w/e they’re pretty generic, and this has a terrible st. anger drum sound - do they think they’re brutal DM or something (the only context where that works) 4/10

Beastcraft - Burnt at His Altar

a dime a dozen. 4.5/10

Portrait - Lily

while they originated as mercyful fate clones, it's clear that by their third album they've branched out significantly, and i'm not sure the 'fate wrote many songs this atmospheric and searing anyway. that mindblowing climax just past the 8 minute mark is built toward step by step with total control over tone and direction - it’s a beautifully constructed song with a deeply expressive use of melody. generally speaking their songwriting is as messy as that of their primary inspiration, but they’re far from being ghost-esque falses (don’t you guys like helvetets port, either?), and this is their finest tune to date, not to mention possibly my personal favourite epic of this decade. not sure what people are talking about re: it not being on theme either; it's a hymn? 10/10

Macabre Omen - A Call From Gods to God

i realise i was wrong about them being picked so often, not sure where i got that idea. i’m the opposite of phylactery and have a really terrible memory so put it down to that. i like this band a lot anyways, probably more than the three greek godfathers tbh. just very evocative music with great production. 8/10

lol i swear i wrote most of this before pompey posted his, despite some similarities
Lordian Guard - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God - 4
cheesy dialogue is fine if it leads to something epic, the folky parts remind me of Eluveitie, but this is like a 10 minute intro.

Burzum - Jesu død - 7
thought i would hate this but found myself bobbing my head to that very badass galloping bm riffage

Crimson Glory - Azrael - 8
fist-pumping fun. those vocals

Destroyer 666 - I am the Wargod - 10
holy shit. their new album is cool but this blows it out of the water

Paradox - Pray to the Godz of Wrath - 7
this playlist keeps delivering so far

Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy - 8
i usually downrate long ass songs but this held my attention. probably cuz it's not doom and highly headbangable parts are generously thrown in

Adagio - In Nomine... - 8
god damn this list is just nonstop ballsy progpower metal

Corrosion of Conformity - Mine Are the Eyes of God - 6
pretty enjoyable but contains an element of trailer park-ishness

Realm - Eminence - 5
not terrible but too much drawn out parts and yelling

Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invinctus - 9
and again! godly.

Rudra - Hymns to Thee - 7
this death metal has a bit of a weird tribal vibe while still kicking ass

Beastcraft - Burnt at His Altar - 3

Portrait - Lily - 7
took awhile to get going but i was quite pleased when it did

Macabre Omen - A Call From Gods to God - 4
some of the riffs were ok but overall bleh
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Lordian Guard - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God - 2/10
Got 4 minutes through before I got bored

Burzum - Jesu død - 8/10

Dat riff tho

Crimson Glory - Azrael - 7/10

My first exposure to this band

Destroyer 666 - I am the Wargod - 7/10

Paradox - Pray to the Godz of Wrath - 6/10

Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy - 8/10

Despite the length this is fucking badass. Hadn't checked these guys out in a minute

Adagio - In Nomine... - 7/10

Corrosion of Conformity - Mine Are the Eyes of God - 6/10

This is the only Pepper era COC disc I don't really like

Realm - Eminence - 5/10

This is HBB's pick

Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invinctus - 8/10

Yeah this is the fucking shit fam

Rudra - Hymns to Thee - 8/10

Was this you, aug? Dat BDM/slam snare tone.

Beastcraft - Burnt at His Altar - 6/10

Generic black metal

Portrait - Lily - 6/10

Boring but not terrible

Macabre Omen - A Call From Gods to God - 2/10

This type of vocal style in black metal can fuck off