Themed Mixtape Game

Okay so this playlist is longer than I thought. You might want to rate it over 2 sessions. I would have closed it earlier had I realised how long some of the songs are, so apologies for that.

Anyway, here it is:

Lordian Guard - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Burzum - Jesu død
Crimson Glory - Azrael
Destroyer 666 - I am the Wargod
Paradox - Pray to the Godz of Wrath
Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy
Adagio - In Nomine...
Corrosion of Conformity - Mine Are the Eyes of God
Realm - Eminence
Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invinctus
Rudra - Hymns to Thee
Beastcraft - Burnt at His Altar
Portrait - Lily
Macabre Omen - A Call From Gods to God
  1. Lordian Guard – Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: Some genuinely beautiful melodies, but not enough speed or bottom end, and clumsy transitions. Also ten minutes? Fuck you. 4/10

  2. Burzum – Jesu Dod: Obviously a supremely cool track, but not the most original pick. 8.5/10

  3. Crimson Glory – Azrael: Extremely well composed, if a little cheesy and gallop-heavy. 8/10

  4. Destroyer 666 – Fucking killer, and a more original take on the theme than selecting an existing deity. 10/10

  5. Paradox – Pray to the Godz of Wrath: Cool pick and great riffs, but -1 for the annoying use of the letter z. 9/10

  6. Symphony X – The Divine Wings of Tragedy: Love Symphony X, but the intro to this sucks, and 20 minutes? This is an EP, not a song. 2/10

  7. Adagio – Great stuff. 8/10

  8. Corrosion of Conformity – This track isn't entirely without merit, and I like the doomy parts. But the groove/hardcore influenced stuff just doesn't mix with the Sabbathy parts. 5/10

  9. Realm – Endless War: Flawless vocals, gorgeous leads, and hilarious lyrics. 10/10

  10. Atlantean Kodex – Sol Invictus: Good at times, faggy at others, and at all points bloated beyond reason: 6/10

  11. Rudra – Hymns to Thee – Pretty awesome eastern influenced blackened thrash, if a little derivative of Melechesh. 9/10

  12. Beastcraft – Burnt at His Altar: Glad to see some straight up black metal here. This gets full marks as much because of the incredible video as because of the music. 10/10

  13. Portrait – Lily: The first two and a half minutes of this are boring as fuck, but it gets better from there. -5 for the length, - 3 for matching the theme only very loosely, +1 for the King Diamond influence. 3/10
  14. Macabre Omen – A Call from Gods to God: Kvlt, great atmosphere, and bonus points for getting the word God twice into the title. 9/10
1. Lordian Guard - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: I really liked the melodies here but the atmosphere wasn't really supported by much of a bottom end, as ID stated. Also, it was a bit plodding. 5/10

2. Burzum - Jesu Dod: Really good song choice here. However, it isn't really my favorite track on the album. 8/10

3. Crimson Glory - Azrael: One of my favorite tracks of their self-titled. Midnight's vocals were in top form here and the composition is fantastic. 9/10

4. Destroyer 666 - I Am the Wargod A really inventive track with a lot of badass riffs. No complaint about how it was written either. 9/10

5. Paradox - Pray to the Godz of Wrath: Excellent choice in terms of theme and a really enjoyable one too. Always thought that title was a bit cringy though. 9/10

6. Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy: The theme fits perfectly, the composition and instrumentation is awesome and Russell Allen's vocals are pretty excellent. As a prog fan, the length doesn't really bother me all the at much. 10/10

7. Adagio - In Nomine...: Fits the theme and sounds great. 8.5/10

8. Corrosion of Conformity - Mine Are the Eyes of God: The groove parts seem really out of place in what would probably have been a really good doom track. A lot of wasted potential here, methinks. 5.5/10

9. Realm - Endless War: This was wonderful. 9.5/10

10. Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invictus: Had some really good parts but I feel it meanders quite a bit. 6.5/10

11. Rudra - Hymns to Thee: Awesome, interesting and legitimately surprising. 9.5/10

12. Beastcraft - Burnt at His Altar: Didn't really like this one in comparison to a lot of other black metal. Felt pretty average to be honest. 5/10

13. Portrait - Lily: Rather dull at the start. It improves but then it runs into the problem of not fitting the theme as well as other tracks on this list. 4/10

14. Macabre Omen - A Call from Gods to God: Conversely, this is some good black metal. Pretty much has everything I want from this genre and does quite well 9/10
Disappointed in the ratings for the opening track so far tbh. I thought it was a cool pick and an excellent intro to the list, with its narration and all.

I was also almost sure someone would submit Primordial's Gods to the Godless.
Disappointed in the ratings for the opening track so far tbh. I thought it was a cool pick and an excellent intro to the list, with its narration and all.

I was also almost sure someone would submit Primordial's Gods to the Godless.

Yeah, I was surprised no one picked that either. It's good.
That song is all about the atmosphere, man. Also 02:09 on the video sent a shiver down my spine and made me laugh both at the same time, which is what the best black metal videos should strive to achieve.

It didn't have anything to do with the video, honestly. I mean, you're speaking to someone who likes Candlemass' Bewitched video :tickled:. I just thought the song wasn't as good as a lot of other black metal.
I think I was getting a little fed up with listening to progressive/trad/doom stuff by that point, so that might have been a factor in my vote. If anyone had submitted an OSMB song I'd have given it a 10 for sure from pure relief. I also have a fondness for BM bands that use picked out chord progressions rather than riffs. Have you listened to any Mutiilation?
I did try to order the tracks in a way that avoided repeating the same genre back to back, and to be fair there is plenty of black metal here. Satanstoenail is going to hate this playlist.