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I have lived in England all my life and have never once heard anyone us the word cookie to describe a biscuit. What a crock of shit.
What's sad is when we have to call a muffin an English muffin in England because the American form is so prevalent we'd otherwise assume this:


Fuck am I hungry.
And what about the rest? Which either don't make sense, or don't "simplify" the language as Lovecraft said you have done.

Gotten is not longer acceptable in British English for obvious reasons (other than your example of "ill-gotten", which is rarely used anyway.) You continue to use it.

-I'd say most Americans just say "disembark." I don't even think I've ever heard someone say "deplane."
-If Americans said "transport" and British said "transportation", you'd just cite it as an example of the laziness of American speakers.
-(already covered)
-I would just say I'm waiting for a train, so this is really just a regional thing that doesn't encompass all Americans.
-"I could care less" does sound stupid to me.

Now, explain to me how it makes sense to append "innit" to the ends of sentences as a general purpose tag question, regardless of person, number, or verb, such as "You sure like listening to The Chasm, innit?"

You listed the use of "gotten" as one of the so-called "alterations" found in American English. Now you're basically arguing that change is acceptable when it involves British English, but not American English. That's moving the goalposts.
-If Americans said "transport" and British said "transportation", you'd just cite it as an example of the laziness of American speakers.
Actually I wouldn't, because it just sounds completely redundant. There's no need for it.

There are some things we've adopted from American English that make sense, such as "season". It always used to confuse me when someone said "series finale" because that meant to me it was the end of the entire series, not just a series within a series. So yeah season is good. Unfortunately the other good things you've added are few and far between.

Your laziness when pronouncing numbers in full is probably part of the reason why some of my students can't count. Also I think an American billion is different to what it is here. This leads to further confusion.

Now, explain to me how it makes sense to append "innit" to the ends of sentences as a general purpose tag question, regardless of person, number, or verb, such as "You sure like listening to The Chasm, innit?"

These were already covered in an earlier post where I talked about people who don't know the difference between your/you're, its/it's, their/there/they're and try to use apostrophes to pluralise words. They're stupid and don't count. It's also obviously not proper English anyway.

You listed the use of "gotten" as one of the so-called "alterations" found in American English. Now you're basically arguing that change is acceptable when it involves British English, but not American English. That's moving the goalposts.

I admit that this was my error for including it in that list, I should have put it separately. It's just such a pet peeve of mine and sounds totally stupid that I couldn't resist including it again.
These were already covered in a early post where I talked about people who don't know the difference between your/you're, its/it's, their/there/they're and try to use apostrophes to pluralise words. They're stupid and don't count. It's also obviously not proper English anyway.

Well, I can't be sure you speak "proper English", since we all know that the old-fashioned upper-crust RP accent is the only proper way to speak. I'm going to wager that you don't sound like that.
Mainly to point out that you worded your post pretty terribly. I totally care about the cookie argument as well though.

I worded it fine. Not my fault if you're a dense cunt that thinks I said cookie is a term only Americans use.

Also, if you don't care, why are you commenting? Surely you have better shit to do, like listen to severely subpar music etc.
What the fuck.

Were arguing about differing terms for fucking baked goods? Christ guys what is it next, what flowers you're gonna plant in front of the school?
fuck, its like elementary school moms all over again.
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He He , when you look in the name list theres only one poster who put name in capital letters. And then arrogantly calling other posters names and look at the actual name, what a
wtf did I wake up to.

English is the most aesthetically pleasing language in the world and French is second, so it makes sense we would adopt some things to make the master language. American English is vulgar, as evidenced by "gotten" being acceptable.

All versions of english are ugly as shit. You fucks turn every other vowel into a diphthong for no reason.
I am become interchangeability of slang words, destroyer of English

You guys do know that you have posted enough shitty fucking posts to equal about 5 pages in less than 5 hours? Christ, people.

Would moving it to the In Crowd thread make it better?

lso I met another teacher the other day and she had a e^ipi + 1 = 0 tattoo on her wrist! Got my nerd senses tingling.

No shit: I wrote this equation on a whiteboard here at work yesterday and people were like 'What's that?'
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