Themed Mixtape Game

Doomentor - The Tomb 7/10
Old school metal, raw and ugly with some great riffing.

Manilla Road - Necropolis 6/10

Thematically flimsy and such a shoehorn attempt.

Sepultura - To The Wall 7/10

Were people's choices within their music collection really this stretched thin? This song is about execution by firing squad, there's a wall... I guess it's more thematic than the last song at least. Savage fucking album, anyway.

The Lamp Of Thoth - The House 7.5/10

I need to actually buy some stuff by this band, this was cool, really creepy and Pagan Altar-esque. The fast parts were also cool and intense and the lyrics were thematic.

King Diamond - A Mansion In Darkness 8/10

It's been some time since I've listened to Them, I usually play Fatal Portrait. This is so awesome and classic sounding, bit of a monolithically obvious choice but it was a cool reminder to blast this again soon. Perfectly on theme to boot.

"Yeah, the shadows at the gate... Alive!"


Dimmu Borgir - Mourning Palace 6.5/10

This is Demon Burger in that grey area between 'still listenable' and 'really crummy,' I can enjoy one or two tracks here and there, so it's fine. Lyrics aren't quite on the money. I can't help but just adore the keys though. This reminds me to give In The Nightside Eclipse another chance since I pretty much love key work these days, which is what put me off that album for so many years.

Falcon - Castle Peak 7/10

I only ever owned and listened to Die Wontcha so this is a cool thing, God damn it's so bluesy and loaded with boogie. I like it a lot. Using buildings as a metaphor for life's journey was a cool touch.

Angra - Temple Of Hate 5.5/10

Feels somewhat like a lazy choice but eh, whatever. It's not terrible. Vocalist kept my attention.

Morbid Angel - Chapel Of Ghouls 7/10

My biggest issue with this album was always it's absolutely pissweak sounding drums, the clicky-clicky crap, totally drained the songs of an intensity they had the potential of possessing. Obviously this album is still a masterpiece and the blasting parts sound great, but that gripe is eternal for me. So much menace exudes from it's atmosphere.

Little too predictable a choice and thematically flimsy also.

Enochian Crescent - Black Church 5.5/10

Musically this didn't do much of anything for me, but the lyrics were interesting to read along to the music.

Psychotic Waltz - Spiral Tower 9/10

This was absolutely amazing, awesome lyrics too. NEED.

Vinterland - A Castle So Crystal Clear 7.5/10

Thoroughly enjoyed this, I'd never heard of the band before but I definitely need to do some follow-up. Great atmosphere, very cold sounding.

End Amen - Prisons Of Posterity 6.5/10

Woah another great, totally unknown to me progressive metal band. Another to the list!
Thematically seemingly off the mark though. Still, great tune.

Wolfnacht - A Demonic Winter Conceals The Shadow Tower 5.5/10

Drum production almost gave me an earache. Especially around the 1:35 mark. Overall a pretty irritating song, the key work was hilarious and cheesy and kinda charming though, like a 60's science documentary score. Once they came into play, the song got a lot better.

Heir Apparent - Tear Down The Walls 9/10

Obviously a metal masterpiece, I never noticed how cringeworthy these lyrics were in the past though. Fucking commies. :unsure: No but seriously, this just works on so many levels with me, I adore this album.

This was an epic playlist!

Some other songs I had in mind for submitting were:

They really nailed the theme.
Doomentor - The Tomb 7/10

Black Occult Imperial Doom Metal from Hell? Ok then. This doesn’t sound very occult to me. I have no idea if the lyrics describe the tomb since they aren’t available on MA. I’ll assume that they do and also say that one of the riffs is catchy as fuck.

Manilla Road – Necropolis 5.5/10

The first Manilla Road song I ever heard and obviously it’s awesome. This isn’t on theme though so I’m deducting points.

Sepultura - To the Wall 7.5/10

Furious and whiplash inducing thrash riffing from these Brazilian legends. I love Morbid Visions and this album. It doesn’t describe this wall in much detail but at least it’s mentioned in the lyrics. Would be an 8.5 if it were more thematically on point.

The Lamp of Thoth - The House 7.5/10

Guessing Yoda or CIG’s choice. The most thematically on point pick yet, with lyrics that perfectly describe this macabre house of doom. The distorted parts are quite maniacal, but maybe too theatrical for me. That British accent narration, though.

King Diamond - Mansion in Darkness 8/10

Just not on the same level as Mercyful Fate but still one of the best picks here for this theme. Musically it’s completely over the top, but what else do you expect from the King. Good pick.

Dimmu Borgir - Mourning Palace 5/10

Eugh, this band finally made it into the game then? I’m not a fan. If that Lamp of Thoth song was maybe too theatrical, this is definitely far too theatrical. Boring guitars, unfitting production and the synths aren’t great. Not completely unlistenable, but not my kind of black metal either. Vocals are the best part and it seems to be on theme.

Falcon - Castle Peak 6.5/10

This is pretty good but leans too heavily towards hard rock for me. It’s also quite derivative, but apparently that’s fine in most metal communities, with only black metal regularly being chastised for being too derivative. Still some cool riffs throughout and it’s thematically fitting.

Angra - Temple of Hate 3.5/10

I instantly hated this from the first note. Definitely got my Arg senses tingling. Unbearably sugary. Can anyone tell me why this has a 93% average rating from 21 reviews on Metal-Archives? Am I missing something?

Morbid Angel - Chapel of Ghouls 9.5/10

Having submitted a track from this album in the past, I can’t in good nature downrate this for obviousness, even though it was one of the first tracks I thought of. I think it’s thematically fine. This song has it all, atmosphere, great riffs, some of my favourite blast beats ever and memorable vocal lines. The breakdown at around 3.25 is my favourite part. GOOOOOOOODDDDDD! HEAR MY DEATH CALL!

Enochian Crescent - Black Church 6/10

This would be a lot better if it actually achieved the creepy and esoteric atmosphere it seems to be attempting. Also what the actual fuck is this video? Lyrically this is a good fit for the theme, but musically it doesn’t compare to the other 2 black metal songs on this list. I’m going to listen to this album to see it ever realises its ambition.

Psychotic Waltz - Spiral Tower 8.5/10

By far the best progressive metal pick on this list. Everything about this is killer. These vocals are fantastic as well and it’s a lyrically interesting pick for this theme. If only this whole genre sounded like this and not like that Angra and Symphony X shit.

Vinterland - A Castle so Crystal Clear 9/10

Instant chills. The most melancholic and sorrowful of all the well-known melodic black metal bands. Obviously this is my kind of thing. Sublime melodic interplay and impassioned vocals. Really nails the wintery aesthetic.

End Amen - Prisons of Posterity 5/10

Pretty cheesy intro aside, this had some pretty good riffing. I’m not a fan of the riff starting at like 50 seconds and the whole thing seems to be lacking in subtlety. After reading the lyrics I don’t think this fits thematically.

Wolfnacht - A Demonic Winter Conceals the Shadow Tower 9.5/10

Glad that Old Wainds made me revisit this as it really grew on me and the initially off-putting production became a non-issue. This is just otherworldly, atmospheric and beautiful black metal. The first few minutes are my favourite part, but I do love the synth work as well. The whole thing is completely hypnotic and mesmerising. Unfortunately this probably won’t do well here because half of you philistines don’t appreciate genius songwriting. Bumping it up an extra 0.5 for this reason.

Heir Apparent - Tear Down the Walls 8.5/10

Cult USPM that everyone should love. This is just glorious. I would have preferred the Wolfnacht to be the outro to the list but I understand why you’ve put this one here instead.
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Leaving for vacation in the morning so I'm going to rate now. Probably little to no commentary, although I'm going to be a cunt and check lyrics for on theme~edness

Decided to fuck up off topic songs since most of you are just faggots and don't downrate them.

Doomentor - The Tomb

Manilla Road - Necropolis
2/10. Off topic.

Sepultura - To the Wall
2/10. Off topic.

The Lamp of Thoth - The House

King Diamond - Mansion in Darkness

Dimmu Borgir - Mourning Palace

Falcon - Castle Peak

Angra - Temple of Hate
3/10. Moar liek Temple of I Hate This.

Morbid Angel - Chapel of Ghouls
4/10. Pretty fucking lame if Morbid Angel won a round when people downrate well known shit all the time.

Enochian Crescent - Black Church
2/10. Ha, this was actualy worse than the Angra song. Absolutely horrible whisper black metal bowel movement.

Psychotic Waltz - Spiral Tower

Vinterland - A Castle so Crystal Clear

End Amen - Prisons of Posterity
1/10. Pretty sure this is off topic and not about an actual prison. Fucking awful anyway though.

Wolfnacht - A Demonic Winter Conceals the Shadow Tower
8.5/10. I google translated the lyrics on this one...

Surrounded by eternal winter is the Shadow Tower,
hidden somewhere among the colorless mountain forests ...
Werewolves guarding the gate to the tower,
Severe weather and ice storms awaken the shadows.
To the eternal darkness and tyranny return sake.
Creatures of the night lurk behind the ancient ruins
forgotten villages that were looted during the
Arrival of the war hordes from the far north ...

On theme, I dare say. I actually really liked this one. Surprised. I'm instantly fucking annoyed this is blocked on discogs though, I instantly wanted this.

Heir Apparent - Tear Down the Walls
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Enochian Crescent - Black Church
2/10. Ha, this was actualy worse than the Angra song. Absolutely horrible whisper black metal bowel movement.

Hahaha, it wasn't great but at least it was appropriately themed. The video on its own deserved points.

Wolfnacht - A Demonic Winter Conceals the Shadow Tower
8.5/10. I google translated the lyrics on this one...

On theme, I dare say. I actually really liked this one. Surprised. I'm instantly fucking annoyed this is blocked on discogs though, I instantly wanted this.

Do they block things that are NS? Or is this for some other reason? They sell Nokturnal Mortum CDs on there.
Pretty sure they block things that are complained about. Having Nazi imagery in some of their stuff probably axed them.

Nokturnal Mortum came out a while back and tried to save themselves from the racism metalbro blacklist so they may be safe.

But fuck it, found it anyway. Thanks whoever posted that song.
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It’s also quite derivative, but apparently that’s fine in most metal communities, with only black metal regularly being chastised for being too derivative.


Good reviews. You were a bit more merciful with songs that were a bit off-topic.

I pretty much only ever deduct a single point for something being off theme. Unless it feels like someone just lazily blatantly shoehorned in a popular band, then I go two points.
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Haha, it's just something I've noticed over the years. Doom and trad especially seem to get away with not being very original and derivative of their influences but any black metal that rips off Burzum or Darkthrone gets shit on. I was going to remove that line because it does come off as sounding salty when it's not meant to, it's just an observation.

I took off 3/3.5 points from that Manilla Road song because it did honestly feel like someone was trying to shoehorn a classic in. I couldn't do the same for Morbid Angel as I said because I've submitted a track from Altars of Madness before.
I rip on derivative metal of all kinds, not my fault that black metal has the lowest barrier-to-entry of any metal sub-genre.
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An example of what I mean is if you look at the bottom review on MA for Innsmouth's Consumed by Elder Sign where he gives it a low score for being too derivative. I see a lot more of these types of reviews for newer black and death metal releases than I do for new trad or doom releases.

But yeah the biggest hate does tend to come from the black metalheads themselves who shit on things for being too derivative but also shit on things that try to be different (just look at the backlash DSO got starting from SMRC and onwards).
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Yeah that's a good point I hadn't really considered.

I mean obviously I'm not generally impressed if I hear a black metal album that's just a direct rip off of some classic, but if it's well executed then I'm not going to rip on it since it naturally will contain elements that I like. There are definitely examples where it's just a poor man's clone of its influences, though.
I think the Falcon song is a cool throwback, but it isn't really aping any band in particular. One of the guys in the band has also been part of the heavy rock/metal community since 1972 and you probably know him from Cirith Ungol.
Another factor could be that doom metal has never really had a history of pushing boundaries, it's a genre based almost solely on the worship of Black Sabbath. Low expectations, etc.

I wouldn't say that's true unless you only look at traditional doom in the vein of Saint Vitus. Even if you limit your scope to "pure" examples, you'd still have Candlemass, Warning, and Reverend Bizarre. And besides, if you're going to say that all the non-traditional subgenres of doom don't count, you'd also have to exclude all the different post-second-wave black metal subgenres to make a fair comparison.
I wouldn't say that's true unless you only look at traditional doom in the vein of Saint Vitus. Even if you limit your scope to "pure" examples, you'd still have Candlemass, Warning, and Reverend Bizarre. And besides, if you're going to say that all the non-traditional subgenres of doom don't count, you'd also have to exclude all the different post-second-wave black metal subgenres to make a fair comparison.

Regardless of slightly different takes on the blueprint, the blueprint is objectively based around Black Sabbath. Most people do not go into doom metal with the expectation that they're going to be hearing boundary-pushing music. This can also include bands like Electric Wizard who obviously have a distinct style compared to most bands before them.

Doom metal is one of the more rigidly defined metal subgenres.
How the fuck is that Manilla Road song not on theme? It's about getting fucking lost inside a Necropolis. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

It's about getting lost in a city called Necropolis and it never mentions the buildings there even once in the entire song. The description of the theme makes it clear that this is not the type of song that the theme is about.

Since my previous theme was a bit abstract and gave many players difficulty, this one's more "concrete". The new theme is BUILDINGS. You know, walls, temples, castles, monuments, etc. Songs about cities or towns probably don't fit unless there is an especial emphasis on the buildings themselves.

Cool song, bad choice for this round.