Themed Mixtape Game

Doomentor - The Tomb 6/10
Manilla Road - Necropolis 10/10

Still the fucking best thing ever and this is totally about a fucking building. Fuck you all.

Sepultura - To the Wall 6/10
The Lamp of Thoth - The House 5/10

I'll be the first one here to extol the virtues of The Lamp of Thoth (I love the lamp), but part of the reason why I never listen to this is because it's too fucking long with boring doom dirges like this one. If everything on the album was as good as Blood on Satan's Claw I'd feel differently.

King Diamond - Mansion in Darkness 8/10
Dimmu Borgir - Mourning Palace 3/10
Falcon - Castle Peak 9/10

ok, this fucking rules.

Angra - Temple of Hate 0/10

Turned this shit off after 30 seconds. This is video game music.

Morbid Angel - Chapel of Ghouls 8/10

Lol, this is more on topic than Necropolis? What the fuck? This song destroys, but if I was using all ya'lls fucked up logic this shouldn't even receive a 5.

Enochian Crescent - Black Church 410


Psychotic Waltz - Spiral Tower 6/10
Vinterland - A Castle so Crystal Clear 810

Man, I forgot how awesome Vinterland actually were. That opening riff is fucking majestic and I love those stupid synths.

End Amen - Prisons of Posterity 2/10

Can we please fuck off with anything that begins with a 30 second sweep picked intro? God, I'm not fucking 12 years old anymore trying to impress the girs at my middle school with how fast my fingers move. Oh, and is that Hames Hetfield on vocals? Fuck this shit.

Wolfnacht - A Demonic Winter Conceals the Shadow Tower 7/10
Heir Apparent - Tear Down the Walls 8/10

HamburgerBoy's pick. I wish this band sucked more, but I just can't.
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The necropolis.

Also, where did it specify that it needed to be about a specific building? I see Elric's post about the song being about a city called "Necropolis" but I've never interpreted the song like that. I always that of it about a place that housed the dead, not specifically a "city of the dead"
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A city is not a building. The song makes it clear that Necropolis is "the city of the dead" which is already obvious if you look at the word "Necropolis" from an etymological perspective.
When I said the songs shouldn't be about cities I was more referring to the normal living-people kind of cities though, not sprawling tomb complexes.
Unfortunately, we can't know whether or not Necropolis is a sprawling tomb complex as Mark Shelton neglected to tell us anything about its buildings during the song and instead described its inhabitants and their evil ways.

I really like the song but it's clearly not about buildings.
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Doomentor - The Tomb 5/10
This is fine, but just feels utterly generic without anything that stands out.

Manilla Road – Necropolis 6,5/10
I will jump on the bandwaggon and say that this is very much off theme. Learn to read instructions. Still great obviously.

Sepultura - To the Wall 6/10
Nah, not my thing. To thrashy. The overall atmosphere is good but boring execution. Guess it is halfway on theme atleast.

The Lamp of Thoth - The House 6,5/10
I really liked The Lamp of Thoth a couple of years back, but the demo is much better than this album imo. They just gets too over the top and too much tongue in cheek, doom shouldn't be "fun" (no music should ;) ). Way too dragged out too. Lost interest halfway through.

King Diamond - Mansion in Darkness 9/10
Also over the top obviously, but this works on a whole other level. Great album and great track which gets an A on the theme scale.

Dimmu Borgir - Mourning Palace 5/10
I really love symphonic bm when it is done right, this isn't though. In the same vein as later Emperor it is just too much all the time.

Falcon - Castle Peak 3/10
This is off genre, should be in the non-metal subgenre thread. Boring throwback music and really repetitive.

Angra - Temple of Hate 6,5/10
Don't see why people bring their wrath down on this while praising that Adagio song in some earlier round. Not the best thing ever but more interesting than Falcon atleast. And Kai Hansen rules bitches.

Morbid Angel - Chapel of Ghouls 8,5/10
Finally some good music. Obviously a classic and a great song. Would have liked it to be abit more about the actual building but you can't have it all.

Enochian Crescent - Black Church 3/10
This is one of those bands where you just by looking at the album covers, band pics, etc. know they will fucking suck, and well I wasn't wrong. Wtf is this shit? And those lyrics... "Built all for all of their satans!" x(

Psychotic Waltz - Spiral Tower 7/10
This didn't sound like I thought it would, I was prepared for much more psychedelic nonsense. Still not really my thing though.

Vinterland - A Castle so Crystal Clear 9/10
Such a great album and song. Not really Dissection level but not that far off. Very emotional and takes you to the castle and it's landscape. This is the type of song that I think fits the theme very well.

End Amen - Prisons of Posterity 5/10
That verse vocal delivery was sure awkward. Off theme too. Still some ok music in there.

Wolfnacht - A Demonic Winter Conceals the Shadow Tower 8/10
The extreme metal picks rules this round. Not better than Vinterland but still, some good old nazi metal is always refreshing. Love the cheesy keyboard interludes. This is 100 times more videogame music than Angra though. Could be a level in Journey to Silius or something.

Heir Apparent - Tear Down the Walls 9/10
Just love this album, sounds like Europe at times but that's fine. This style of USPM is the best.

Must say I'm really disappointed with this playlist. The theme was really promising and I was hoping for something like the ancient history theme playlist, but this was mostly boring stuff and lots of off theme choices too. Get it together and try to make an effort atleast people (Yoda).
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The playlist could definitely have been better with this theme but I still thought it was pretty good. I paid more attention than usual to the theme in my ratings since I really like it and also because it's not very open to interpretation so it's easy to tell which songs are off theme.
Doomentor - Dont think ive heard Doomentor before and l probably wont delve too deep but this is respectable, vaguely atmospheric, cool tone on the geetars and l like the vokills. Naught for originality and the ending is messy, still 6/10

Manilla Road - l guess l hadn't really heard it before but this guys voice is Manilla Road isn't it? This is good times old school. Not sure if they deserve more than that but its slowly growing on me. Just as above tho - not really out there originality but quite sweet. 6.5/10

Sepultura - Oh yeah some thick brutal thrash how it should be done. Their best imo, Only just tho, cause BTR ruled the world for quite some time after. 9/10

The Lamb of the Thoth - My girlfriend says 'It's alright but it's a bit dull, it's better than the last song' Its not better than the last song but it is dull. 3/10

King Diamond - l have never been the hugest KD fan but always admired their stuff - especially the geetarists His voice still just kills it for me for the most part but lm a slave to the riff. And a good LaRocque performance cannot be beaten. 6.5/10

Dimmu Borgir - Where is the one talented member of this band that can lift them out of ennui. This has one good riff in it (2:41) and even then, the drums fuck it up. 2/10

Falcon - yeah! this is pretty cool. Haven't heard Falcon before. 2004? this sounds like a very good old school take for a 00's band. love it My dodgy cover band could cover this with glee 7/10

Angra - l own Holy Land because l like geetar and had heard of the geetarist before, and in that regard this does not disappoint. 6.5/10

Morbid Angel - No more to add (also one of the scariest albums ever) Trey was on fire during this period. 9/10

Enochian Crescent - It sounds like worms talking underground and then rats come along my girlfriend says. l don't mind the bass 4/10

Psychotic Waltz - Christ l was not expecting this... this is fantastic...such bombastic ...overemphasised ....everything...great fucking tune
l get the feeling all their stuff is like this .....not sure l could handle that much...7/10

Vinterland - It sounds kinda like a slow (insert band name here) and that really is not a good idea. Bored. Already 5/10

End Amen - oh Dear 3/10

Wolfnacht - Is this someone's band or personnel upload? it sounds like that homemade production. l bet this is one of you sounds completely ameteurist but structured at the same time...not terrible but it needs a lot of work. 6//10

Heir Apparent - uh hang on haven't we already heard Manilla Road tonight? These old school failures tend to blend into one after a time
Saying that l would like this in my vinyl. 6/10

Another top fun (while i'm drunk and stoned) playlist...l'll never win one of these but l ain't gonna stop criticing some of the crap 'metal' on here.
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Mystification is also better than Crystal Logic ;)

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I always hated the production on The Deluge and its kept me from getting into that album at all. Friction in Mass is pretty cool I suppose.

On an unrelated note, I must've listened to "Tales of the White Wolf" like 20 times since that playlist was revealed. Can't get that chorus out of my head.