Themed Mixtape Game

CRYSTAL LOGIC clearly sags in the middle but not enough to drop it below the others IMO. MYSTIFICATION is definitely my second favourite though. and i've always liked GATES OF FIRE just as much as the other two from their classic period if not moreso.
I think of Crystal Logic as one of those albums where even the weaker songs work so well in the context of the album I wouldn't want to take anything away. Nor add, for that matter. I've always found the common bonus track Flaming Metal Systems greatly detrimental to the flow of the album even though it's a great song.
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Doomentor - The Tomb

If we’re going to be harsh on off-theme picks, I don’t see any reason to be kind to songs with incomprehensible and unavailable lyrics. Musically this was pretty nice, great sound, but the song is overlong. 6-3 = 3/10.

Manilla Road – Necropolis

Catchy song, if this was the only song on the album so simplistic I would probably like the album a lot. 8-3 = 5/10.

Sepultura - To the Wall

Some good riffs, some not so good. The dancy kick-snare-kickkick-snare verses hurt things. 6-3 = 3/10.

The Lamp of Thoth - The House

Another band I hear about all the time but never listened to. The spooky long intro was cool, but once the heavier parts came in at 3 minutes and later it kinda got fucked, maybe YouTube quality is partially to blame but it just sounded like a mess. The spoken part at the end needed more backing behind it. 6/10.

King Diamond - Mansion in Darkness

Great song obvs. 8/10.

Dimmu Borgir - Mourning Palace

Lmao I love those keyboards, sounds like vintage late 90s/early 2000s dance music stuff. Also lmao at all the YouTube commentators on the video, enjoy your edgelord shit black metal peeps. Still this was actually enjoyable, sufficient riff quantity and quality, the sound and mood were nice if cheesy, if I wasn’t a fundamentalist Christian in the early 2000s I might have gotten into extreme metal via this kind of stuff. 7/10.

Falcon - Castle Peak

Oh fuck this is gross, amateur hyper-processed guitars playing awful blues licks. Vocalist annoys me, song is too long even though it goes through several different sections, I just hate this. At least it’s on theme. 2/10.

Angra - Temple of Hate

Never got around to listening to this album. Or maybe I did once a long time ago and forgot. In any case I can see why it’s their most popular based on this song, great evocative power metal. Nice Kai guest appearance. Unfortunately not on theme. 8-3 = 5/10.

Morbid Angel - Chapel of Ghouls

Decent song but definitely not a classic in my book. Too many riffs that sound like crossover thrash, when the death metal does get going it’s rudimentary stuff, and Pestilence did keyboard breaks much better on Consuming Impulse than Mike Browning would ever learn to do. Guitar solo and the final passage are the highlights. Slightly more on theme than other picks, but still low on description. 6 – 2 = 4/10.

Enochian Crescent - Black Church

Lyrics are on theme but lmao this is even edgier and angstier than Dimmu Borgir. The whispered part at the beginning and the unusually loud bass guitar makes this feel like blackened Korn or something. Actually, I’m not convinced that this is a metal song at all. Physically cringed at the end. 2/10.

Psychotic Waltz - Spiral Tower

Not one of my favorites from this album, but I love the album so it’s still a great song. Real cool marching vibe and the guitars feel really oppressive and help to tell this sort of Stargazer-esque story about this world-transcending tower. 8/10.

Vinterland - A Castle so Crystal Clear

Nice lyrics but musically total wallpaper metal. 4/10.

End Amen - Prisons of Posterity

Love this album, vintage prog/thrash as we’ll never see again. The lyrics aren’t totally on theme, but I think they at least attempt to incorporate the concept of a building or lack thereof (hence nomads and deserts) as metaphor, and its features are vaguely mentioned. 8-2 = 6/10.

Wolfnacht - A Demonic Winter Conceals the Shadow Tower

Loving those bloops, it’s like a black metal version of

Super fuckin spooky. Overall this was surprisingly enjoyable. Is all their shit like this? 8/10.

Heir Apparent - Tear Down the Walls

This album mostly refuses to stick with me, but this is definitely the catchiest song from it and an exception, although still not a favorite either. The riffs are basic but decorated but with all those cheesy harmonics and brief lead fills and stuff, song doesn’t really go anywhere even though the lyrics tell a nice enough story, polish on air. 6/10.
Doomentor - The Tomb
I like thunder. Vocals are siickk. Love the description: "black occult imperial doom metal from hell" haha. 8/10.

Manilla Road - Necropolis
I'm digging this. I'm gonna go on record and say this is the first Manilla Road song I've ever heard. Hence I shan't hold off-topicness against it. 7/10.

Sepultura - To the Wall
I was just listening to Beneath the Remains. Awesome schtuff. 8/10.

The Lamp of Thoth - The House
Well there are some awful lyrics to be found here. But I won't deny the occult atmosphere. The change-ups are cool. Then it plods along. 5/10.

King Diamond - Mansion in Darkness
Badass tune, folks. 8/10.

Dimmu Borgir - Mourning Palace
I think I have this album somewhere but I don't listen to it much. Huge fan of their first two tho. This track ain't bad. Vox and arrangements are to my liking. I'll dig this album out. 8/10.

Falcon - Castle Peak
Groves galore but it bored me. Is this even metal? 5/10.

Angra - Temple of Hate
Not really the style I reach for. Can't say I got too excited over it. I liked the synthy synth part. 5/10.

Morbid Angel - Chapel of Ghouls
Pretty primal song. 6/10.

Enochian Crescent - Black Church
Uhhh... I love the bass and tribal drums. The atmosphere man. Whatevs. 8/10.

Psychotic Waltz - Spiral Tower
Holy grating vocals! And the guitars just irritate me further. 4/10.

Vinterland - A Castle so Crystal Clear
Of course, a phenomenal album. 8/10.

End Amen - Prisons of Posterity
Why is this so blah? 4/10.

Wolfnacht - A Demonic Winter Conceals the Shadow Tower
Intro dragged and the keys were somewhat annoying but the song had its merits. 6/10.

Heir Apparent - Tear Down the Walls
I don't like this. Some prissy shit right here. 4/10.
Doomentor - The Tomb - 4
not sure what to make of this

Manilla Road - Necropolis - 5
ok guitars but vocalist needs a kick in the nuts

Sepultura - To the Wall - 8
wow this band was once good

The Lamp of Thoth - The House - 2

King Diamond - Mansion in Darkness - 6
ass kicking riffage ruined by shitty falsetto

Dimmu Borgir - Mourning Palace - 10
sexy keys, captivating melodies, Shaggy's vocals... epic

Falcon - Castle Peak - 4
the fuck...funk-metal?

Angra - Temple of Hate - 7
i kinda dig cheeseball shit like this

Morbid Angel - Chapel of Ghouls - 10
legendary song

Enochian Crescent - Black Church - 1

Psychotic Waltz - Spiral Tower - 2

Vinterland - A Castle so Crystal Clear - 3

End Amen - Prisons of Posterity - 6
couldve used more balls but ok

Wolfnacht - A Demonic Winter Conceals the Shadow Tower - 2
the fuck are they trying to do here

Heir Apparent - Tear Down the Walls - 5
not a bad song... but look at lyrics and read left-wing bullshit (-1). BUILD. THE. WALL.
lol i like men to sound like men and little girls to sound like little girls

i don't like women that sound like men i prefer them feminine but if they have a good growl they're not trying to sound like a man but rather a beast which is fine
lol i like men to sound like men and little girls to sound like little girls

i don't like women that sound like men i prefer them feminine but if they have a good growl they're not trying to sound like a man but rather a beast which is fine

Why would you want to hear little girls in any kind of music, let alone metal, you paedophile?