Tokyo Blade - Second rate riffs, vocals mixed too loud, kinda what l expected. Has a couple of pluses but the ordinary far outweighs any mystique for this tune. 5/10
Geisha Goner - Poor man's..uh groove...tired..generic 'not' Heavy...feeble...did l say tired?...
This blows. Even the solo sucks major clitorus . This reminds me of Monstrosity....crappy tone DM done badly 2/10
Martyr - Nice to hear the bass and some riffs that could pass muster, vocal is dire tho and where does this tune's got it's points but the vocal and structure kill this 6/10
Flotsam and Jetsam - l was never a fan and still aint. They could/can play but there's never been anything there to make this band my own. Kind of an industry standard without my support. It's not bad or badly done they just haven't ever hit that spot 6/10
Metalucifer - Reminds me of Loudness but rawer and not necessarily as clever. This is good, feel good warm comforting metal. l Couldn't listen to this for too long tho 7/10
Sabbat - l dig some of the riffs in this, they're just all over the place. This band is organised chaos. Actually the riffs bore me 4/10
Cacophony - By far the best tune on this yet. That's skills and tune Heavy and tight. Friedman and Becker delivered tune after tune 9/10
Nightstryke - Up the 'Maidens 4/10
Enforcer - Old school bliss. this is sweet, reminiscence of old riffs and future sounds 6/10
Hellhound - Sounds like a Mike Vescera fronted everyday Japanese glam metal band. 4/10