Themed Mixtape Game

I think we should ban a couple people from rating these games. And any 0/10 rating should require a detailed explanation of why the song is on par with NSYNC's worst material.

I'm not for banning anyone but a few people on here rate in a way that makes the game a lot less fun for everyone else.
Not sure why everyone is so against dropping a low and a high score to get an actual average score. It's the only thing that can stop people from manipulating the game because you dont know if they're doing it to be a cunt or not.

Feeling pretty lukewarm about this playlist. 3 of the 4 songs I voted the highest are thrash... how non in crowd of me.

- Tornado

Cephalic Carnage - The Isle of California
3/10. This band is just awful. On topic though I suppose.

Immortal - Unsilent Storms in the North Abyss
8/10. So old, so cold.

- Atlantis Ascendant
5/10. Feels vaguely on topic... since a continent sinking into the sea isnt really a natural disaster ever to actually happens, is it? Bal Sagoth is good occasionally. Wasnt feeling this one.

- Smoke on the Hills
6/10. a great conflagration? ok... this is kinda bad though. Disappointed.

Fueled by Fire
- Catastrophe
3.5/10. Retrothrash dogshit. On Topic.

- Tornado of Souls
0/10. Off topic.

Division Speed
- Freezing Cold
7.5/10. I didnt really expect to like this, surprised here. Might have to look into grabbing this album.

Manilla Road
- The Deluge
7/10. Not my favorite MR, not poor though.

- Destroy Tsunami's Power
7.5/10. Standard Midnight song.

Altered State
- Winter Warlock
0/10. Im voting off topic on this one. A wizard causing something is not a natural disaster.

Demolition Hammer
- Cataclysm
8/10. I was thinking about downrating this because it was in the game before but I decided not to because that discourages new players. Who the fuck wants to read this whole thread? I dont. Great song, great album.

- Fimbul Winter
6/10. Inoffensive. Uninteresting.
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Bal-Sagoth - Atlantis Ascendant
5/10. Feels vaguely on topic... since a continent sinking into the sea isnt really a natural disaster ever to actually happens, is it? Bal Sagoth is good occasionally. Wasnt feeling this one.

This is actually happening to some islands, but not with so much dramatic flair.

Altered State
- Winter Warlock
0/10. Im voting off topic on this one. A wizard causing something is not a natural disaster.

It references Mother Nature as well, and Winter Warlock is a character from that old Christmas stop-motion and an obvious metaphor for winter itself. It's clearly not literally supposed to be about a warlock strolling in to freeze some shit up.

(That being said, winter is part of an ordinary weather cycle, not a natural disaster, so...)
The theme was listed as being about both natural disasters and major weather events. I think that a big storm qualifies as the latter, personally.
"Winter Warlock" is blatantly a metaphor for winter.

What are you on about? It's a fucking game, dude. You are crying harder than a Hillary supporter after the election over something super minuscule.

I know it's a game, do you? Because you seem to be treating rating like partisan politics you bollock.
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I can give them a 0/10 because the rules say I can. Being on theme is irrelevant to me. If the song is shit, it's shit.
You are like a big baby, it literally says in the OT that you should consider how well the song fits the theme when you rate. I guess you also cheat when you play things like board games and then when confronted throw up your hands angerly and say "I play how I want to nanananana!"

BTW: The Bal-sagoth song > the Manilla Road one.
I'm so giving every song a 0 except my 4 favorite songs on this playlist when I rate. Unless I am feeling generous. Ozzman is gonna play like that then I'm gonna do the fucking same.
Voivod - Tornado
Absolutely had to be here, one of Voivod's best songs and as on-theme as it gets. Probably obvious but whatever.

Cephalic Carnage - The Isle of California

This isn't my thing at all but I can appreciate how nicely the music complements the lyrics and vice versa. It's also brief but effective, much like an earthquake.

Immortal - Unsilent Storms in the North Abyss

Great song obviously, so-so on theme.

Bal-Sagoth - Atlantis Ascendant

I don't know why you'd ever think to combine all the elements that Bal-Sagoth do but I love this stupid band and their bizarre fucking sound. This song especially is just one long sequence of magical, brain-tickling guitar leads. Maybe a bit fantastical for the theme but whatever.

Lust - Smoke on the Hills

Fueled by Fire - Catastrophe

Megadeth - Tornado of Souls

Love this song (and album) but this isn't remotely on theme. Could've been a good pick if it'd gone further with the woman-as-natural-disaster metaphor but it's really only the one line in the chorus.

Division Speed - Freezing Cold

OK song. Tryhard harsh vocals get on my nerves a bit.

Manilla Road - The Deluge

Shit guitar tone just kills the whole album for me.

Midnight - Destroy Tsunami's Power

Altered State - Winter Warlock

Subzero temperatures, how horrible! You fucking weaklings.

Demolition Hammer - Cataclysm

I'm not going to downrate this for being included a second time, this game has gone on too long for everyone to remember its full history and this wasn't exactly an obvious pick in the first place. Great song actually, kinda glad to revisit it.

Einherjer - Fimbul Winter
I've been wondering why you still come here at all anymore tbh. You mope around the forum like you hate everything and everyone.

I do hate most people irl but I hide it well to other people. I don't post every day anymore because this forum is nothing but a traditional/doom metal circle jerk now. No one likes thrash (except Baroque and Dak) or death metal anymore.

Dak is the only person here who actually has a taste remotely similar to mine (that's read 'superior to anyone else here'). We agree on about 85% of shit we ask each other about regarding recs.

When no one took me seriously as a mod, it took it out of me. You all are jerks.
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