Voivod - l never had much time for Voivod back when this came out. It wasn't fast enough or brutal enough or engaging in a way that other metal caught me at the time. i've never bothered to get any of their albums or really pay any attention in the years since and, maybe, in this song l can hear how l should now, finally give them some respect. This is cool, kind of a poor man's Coroner. Dunno if i'll invest in the album tho but i'll certainly spin it on youtube. 7/10
Cephalic Carnage - Love the production on this and Merryman's drum's fucking kick all arse. Killer, quick, brutal. 9/10
Immortal - Never seen the appeal in this band. Drums are good, Geetar is wishy-washy nonsense, too much saturation and ill defined crap riffs. 3/10
Bal-Sagoth - Comedy BM, Is this supposed to be serious? There's definitely potential in the music somewhere and some of the vocals are ok. Way too much keyboard tho, This has some almost brutal riffage and then pompous elements, Reminds me of Dethklok in places (or vice-versa) 5/10
Lust - Basic no frills HM with way too loudly produced vocals and not enough geetar (especially lead) in the mix. Cool enough tho 6/10
Fueled By Fire - Too many bands just like this exist in thrash but they do have a particular knack at combining some of the better traits of good thrash songwriting. Nothing special or especially original. l do dig the vocals a lot. He does a good young man angst pitch. Killer geetars too. 8/10
Megadeth - haha years ago l used to troll the Andy Sneap board and tell them how much Megadeth sucks. They hated me. hahahahah l have this album and at the time l creamed my pants at Friedmans leads. And that was it. The only thing, minus a few decent riffs on this album is Friedman. Mustaine sounds about 11 and the drums and bass sound sooo pissweak thin it's a joke. (10/10 for the leads) 6/10 for the tune
Division Speed - Sounds like genuine European thrash at it's ferocious best. This rules. Love the china, and riffs are potent as hell. l think l will have to seek out more 9/10
Manilla Road - Starts ok..very good drum sound...more defined riffs/lead tone would please me more but this is pretty cool. That riff and drum beat at 2:50 slays. Yeah ok...l quite like this. lve dissed this band's earlier stuff before but l can totally dig this. Although that country bass riff goes on for far too long..and then......acoustic..marching drums...waves(???)... the song should have ended at 6:10. 7/10
Midnight - Filthy, loud mouthed HM from the gutter. Motorhead on more speed than Motorhead. Quite the sound. 7/10
Altered State - HM/PowerMetal done good. These guys have great potential. Get a good producer behind them and they'd rule 7/10
Demolition Hammer - l remember not giving this band a chance when Tortured Existence came out. It was after soo many killer Dm releases, a thrashy album like this didn't stand a chance. And it was touted more as thrash but l reckon there's a good dose of DM in this release. Wish l have this on vinyl but l have to put up with a shitty cd. 8/10
Einherjer - This sounds stiff and a bit forced. Not cold and dank as i'm sure they were aiming for.. dunno..a bit too tame 4/10
cool list folks, enjoyed this as always