Themed Mixtape Game

Just got back from a hike, here we go.

Messiah Force - White Night
I wanted to like this more than I did. They singer just doesnt gel with the music at all. Even with a shitty male singer this would have been better.

Dissection - In the Cold Winds of Nowhere
Never really been a Dissection guy. Decent enough so I wont downrate it much.

Rage - Don't Fear the Winter

Pestilence - Suspended Animation

Obliveon - Frosted Avowals

Thin Lizzy - Cold Sweat

Antidote - 3rd Time in Greenland

Sorcier des Glaces - North
Freezing fucking cold.

Voïvod - Fall
Interesting but not super great.

Messiah - Extreme Cold Weather
Knew this would be here.

Judas Priest - Winter/Deep Freeze/Winter Retreat/Cheater
Why is this together like this? Cheater doesnt have anything to do with the other songs does it?

Immortal - Frozen by Icewinds
8.5/10. Wont do as well as it should.

What did he change?
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@Krow The entire Judas Priest thing medleys together and is also all one track on the authorized CDs of Rocka Rolla even though the botched Gull reissues all have it separated.
Messiah Force - White Night

The Derek Riggs-esque cover art made me interested in this album when I first learned of it, as did promise of Maiden-y songs, but they never stuck with me. This is better than I remember, liking the loud bass and tense melodies, fits the theme reasonably well, but still just decent overall. 6/10.

Dissection - In the Cold Winds of Nowhere

Decent. The first half sounds like a meloxtreem version of Exodus which is cool, maybe gets a little too sappy in the second half. 5/10.

Rage - Don't Fear the Winter

Amazing song, speed metal at its most passionate and evocative, but this more anti-cold than anything. I can just imagine snuggling up into Peavy’s arms in a wool sweater in front of a fireplace during the holidays when that chorus comes in. 5/10.

Pestilence - Suspended Animation

Clinical, dispassionate, hopeless, and full of fucking awesome riffs. The bridge section was the first time Pestilence ever gave me chills. 10/10.

Oblivion - Frosted Avowals


Thin Lizzy - Cold Sweat

Has ‘cold’ in the title but doesn’t really feel thematic to me, would have been great for a nervousness mixtape. Not really a favorite song or album for me anyways. 3/10.

Antidote - 3rd Time in Greenland

Album I wish I could love but it doesn’t do it. Tight but for a tech-thrash band they play a lot of chuggy basic riffs in between the more showy ones, and a kind of goofy Stone-esque tempo without the ability to write the latter’s hooks. Lyrics don’t seem available, but the leads are pretty cold I suppose. 5/10.

Sorcier des Glaces – North

Intro had its moments, once the vocalist came in it became a sapfest. 3/10.

Voïvod – Fall

I considered submitting Forgotten in Space to this playlist for a less literal pick. First time hearing this song, really good and surprisingly different for them, but doesn’t feel cold to me. The first couple minutes barely even sound like Voivod to me, more like some kind of post-hardcore, the chords are actually fairly warm and the personal theme is different. Sounds more like the Voivod I know after that, but not quite cold, just increasingly dissociated, which is pretty cool actually, especially those leads 5 minutes in, like a gradual descent into giving up on life. Really need to hear this EP, between this and the other song no wainds or whoever asked me about a few months ago, seems like they’re at a new creative peak. In an introspection or depression theme I’d give this a 10/10, but for this one just a 6/10.

Messiah - Extreme Cold Weather

Quintessential frostbitten first-wave black metal. That guitar tone is amazing. 9/10.

Judas Priest - Winter/Deep Freeze/Winter Retreat/Cheater

From another band I might not like it as much, but still a neat bit of Priest history with one of their meanest songs, Cheater. 7/10.

Immortal - Frozen by Icewinds

Boring. 4/10.
After all my moaning and lamenting the death of this game, I ran out of time to submit for the resurgence round.

I missed the opportunity as well. I was vacillating between a few songs, and I figured I had time since I was accustomed to a long wait for the submissions to come in.
Messiah Force - Decent geeter and bass tones with typical 80's riffs and 80's drums. Vocals are a mixed bag for me..a bit too Scorpions et al.
This is fairly decent metal done competently. Nice acoustic passage and a sweet lead. 6/10

Dissection - Yeah this is nice! Not heard this before...killer drum sound , cool riffs obvious BM/DM butting heads. Not too heavy on the barrage of BM so it works imo. This is cool, well produced, sounds fairly early, would be keen to hear again 7/10

Rage - Rage is one of those bands that l don't own a single thing by but everytime l hear them l tell myself l will start investing...probably the finest reason l have heard to eat my own words...this is right up my street kind of heavy/serious chops/humorous/metal...7/10

Pestilence - Never loved the vokills of Drunen but the rest of this vicious album is bliss. Everything turned to ten and is killer. The choir/keyboard just adds to the chill 10/10

Obliveon - Sounds thin coming from Pestilence but, l can hear the growing might of Obliveon churning to get under the skin, these guys have the chops and songwriting skills to compete with the best. some great thrash riffs here and obviously awesome geetar playing. Good shit 8/10

Thin Lizzy - ah see, i've played this tune in cover bands before over the years and ld do it again straight away if the dudes l play with now weren't so fucking idiotic. Great great live tune. Sykes is a monster. Not exactly on theme but when a tune sound this sweet..8/10

Antidote - Fucking awesome mid-paced thrash with speedier moments of genius, Great leads! Production is tight and in your face Yeah, like this a lot 10/10

Sorcier des Glaces – This is the sort of metal shrouded in BM that l could listen to. Almost. l can appreciate the melodic intro (vocals suck) but there is a musicianship there that is obviously talented. (Metal doesn't have to be played by talented musicians btw) the thing l think l appreciate by bands like this is that they are obviously talented but the path they choose is not one l would adopt but it's their own path so l can only diss it from my stance. and ultimately yes it sucks. 4/10

Voivod - Never been huge on Voivod and probably never will but this tune has made me rethink my stance on them as a 'cold' boring band with experimental riffs. This is ok but there's soo many bands out there doing this sort of thing (ok so not as long) but better imo. l never believed Voivod were the be-all-and-end-all of this kind of dissonant metal 6/10

Messiah - Yeah great album cover - not a great package. Recorded in an igloo, with vocals recorded down the fishing hole. not great riffs or anything else really 4/10

Judas Priest - Shite Priest is Shite. Maybe first Priest is not so good is a better reflection, but that riff man .. l cant..'s a sabbath backhanded riff...ironman? and then after the tape wasting solo, we get them wanting to be Zep with added harmonica! Dire Priest is Dire 5/10

Immortal - i'm trying to give this a go....but christ it's shite. Even when l know it goes into a 'chorus' or something it blow's.
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You missed the Sorcier des Glaces song. Is it unavailable for you? It is for me.

Here's the full album:

The song is from 30:48 to 39:06

Pretty sure you won't like it, but everyone should rate all songs.
Messiah Force - White Night - 6.5/10.

Dissection -
In the Cold Winds of Nowhere - 9.5/10

Rage -
Don't Fear the Winter - 7.5/10

Pestilence -
Suspended Animation - 9.5/10

Obliveon -
Frosted Avowals - 10/10

Thin Lizzy -
Cold Sweat - 7/10

Antidote -
3rd Time in Greenland - 6.5/10

Sorcier des Glaces -
North - 6/10

Voïvod - Fall - 8.5/10

Messiah - Extreme Cold Weather - 7.5/10

Judas Priest - Winter/Deep Freeze/Winter Retreat/Cheater - 6.5/10

Immortal - Frozen by Icewinds - 5/10
Messiah Force - White Night 8/10

Yeah, this fucking rules. Badass fucking female-fronted 80s heavy metal? I'm fucking sold.

Dissection - In the Cold Winds of Nowhere 7/10

I've always found Dissection to be overrated in the black metal community. Yeah, their shit is good shit, but nothing mind blowing. Basically how I feel about this song.

Rage - Don't Fear the Winter 7/10

We've seen this band on here before and yes, perhaps I should actually get into them. This fails to really grab me though.

Pestilence - Suspended Animation 8/10

I forgot how awesome those first 2 Pestilence albums actually are. Van Drunen is THE FUCKING MAN, but I still prefer Asphyx.

Oblivion - Frosted Avowals 7/10

I kinda wanted to dislike this more, but this is pretty damn good actually. Varied, but not retardedly complicated and shit like that.

Thin Lizzy - Cold Sweat 7.5/10

Any other Lizzy song I usually go fucking bonkers for, but I really kinda find Thunder and Lightning to be among their weaker albums. Given the ambiguity of the theme, I guess we'll let this one slide. Regardless, this is still a great song and really shows off the 80s vibe that Lizzy might have pursued if Phil didn't go and die.

Antidote - 3rd Time in Greenland 6/10

Really not feeling this one. Production rarely bothers me, but there is something about the tin-can thin sounding guitars that really bothers me. Still, this is fine.

Sorcier des Glaces - North 9/10

This is fucking ICE COLD ANTI-SOCIAL BLACK METAL right here. With the lack of Paysage d'Hiver and a lot of other great black metal acts, this one really fucking stands out. If this was more populated with the likes, I feel like it would have been more middle of the road. Given that, I love the clean parts and those wickedly fast sections that follow it.

Voïvod - Fall 4/10

Another one of those bands that people tell me to check out and how much I would love them and every time I do I fail to get interested. This sounds exactly like how I thought later Voivod would sound like. Pointless.

Messiah - Extreme Cold Weather 10/10 but seriously 8.5/10

Ok, that really is the greatest album art of all time, and the song fucking rules too. Catchy tunes, stupid fucking lyrics, cheesy synths, this is everything I want in music.

Judas Priest - Winter/Deep Freeze/Winter Retreat/Cheater 8.5/10

As people are saying, I'm not sure why Cheater is included on this list, but I fucking adore those early Priest albums. I really like how these songs flow into each other so perfectly. And Cheater still fucking rules so whatever.

Immortal - Frozen by Icewinds 10/10

Pure Holocaust is one of those "as perfect as can be" albums. Not a second of filler on the album and everything works so perfectly as a cohesive whole. 100% on theme and 100% amazing.
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Fyi, for everyone asking, the person who submitted that Judas Priest song justified to me the inclusion of "Cheater" by interpreting it as emotional coldness.

I thought the preceding parts were justification enough, but that interpretation of Cheater specifically makes its inclusion less sensible to me. At least I now know which song Omni submitted though.